The Na'vi warriors never expected that they would see such a scene.

The horses walked across the flat ground of the river valley, following the traces of fire in the sky, searching for the object indicated by the goddess Aihua.

However, the opponent's speed was too fast.

There was no way they could catch up on horseback.

Because they had to pass through an area where winged beasts gathered, and were afraid of intruding into the territory of other winged beasts, they had no choice but to ride horses.

Fortunately, Neytiri, the daughter of the female leader Muya, also followed the warriors.

The fluttering cattails represented by the goddess Aihua are helping them guide the way!

Then, they saw the scene in front of them.

A scene that shocked them!

In the sky, a mecha with a structure similar to that of a skyman was facing away from the winged beast.

Moreover, when the winged beast pounced, he calmly turned sideways, raised his hand casually, and easily knocked the winged beast off the ground.

This power, this reaction.

Neytiri had never seen the opponent's "mecha" before, even in the Skyman School she had been to, and her reaction was not so fast at all.

Who is this local?

New Sky People?


Just when these Na'vi people were surprised,

The snow-white cattails in the sky have already taken the lead and drifted towards Fang Jing's position.

Finally, it circled around Fang Jing's position a few times, and then disappeared without a trace.

Down there, many Na'vi people already know,

The will of Goddess Aihua is this "unknown object".

at the same time,

"Beep! Beep! Beep! Warning, an inexplicable electrical signal is detected approaching, and the intelligent system starts the defense program!"

There was a scene of the paralyzed winged beast in the sky. I sensed the system alarm and was suddenly shocked!

He rotated suddenly and continuously, relying on the mecha's optical system for detection.

Then, he locked on the Na'vi tribe in the distance.

"The electrical signal disappeared, and an unidentified creature riding a horse was detected 432 meters away. It is initially determined to be the Na'vi tribe."

At this time, the intelligent system also eliminated the interference from the electrical signal just now and resumed detection.

"Na'vi tribe!"

Fang Jing could already see the other party visually.

The Na'vi tribe has a blue skin and a whip wrapped with neural connections, riding a tall horse and holding various cold weapons!

Go check it out!

The two sides faced off for several minutes.

Fang Jing felt confident and took the first action. The tail jet slowly increased its power and flew towards the opponent.

When he was about to reach the opponent's head, he slowly landed on the ground.

They boarded the mecha first, and at a height of nearly eight meters, standing opposite a group of Na'vi people on horseback, there was a steel giant. They could only look up!


In the team, Neytiri suddenly opened her mouth and said a few words.

Fang Jing was immediately confused.

Good guy, I don’t understand it at all!

He shifted his consciousness to look at the artificial intelligence speculation.


"Unknown language, insufficient data, cannot translate."

"Do any of you speak English?"

Fang Jing was helpless. He couldn't communicate at all and could only resort to English.

He remembered that some of the Na'vi people had gone to schools run by people on Earth.

The Chinese that Fang Jing spoke was automatically converted into English by artificial intelligence the moment it was spoken.

"Are you a sky person?"

Hearing his question, Neytiri frowned in confusion.

The other Na'vi tribe also nervously held their weapons and became vigilant.

Why they were vigilant instead of attacking directly was because they were not really stupid.

The other party obviously started to speak another language, but the English immediately caught up with him, but it was obviously different and easier to fight!

"That's right. Why are you looking for me?"

Fang Jing nodded slightly.

Sky people are the name given to humans by the Na'vi tribe.

"We found this place according to the will of Goddess Aihua."

After hearing Fang Jing's explanation, Neytiri became even more confused.

Goddess Aihua, why does she react to the sky people?

The sky people have been coming for a long time, and the goddess Aihua has never reacted to them!

This is the first time!

"Goddess Aihua?"

Fang Jing also frowned, feeling confused.

"Our leader, I would like to invite you to our settlement."

Although she didn't understand why the goddess Aihua made such a choice, Neytiri still obeyed the will and invited Fang Jing.


Fang Jing shrugged, just what he wanted!

He has no fear at all. Now on Pandora, apart from the threat to him from humans, the Na'vi family is not a threat.

"My name is Neytiri, what is your name?"

"Fang Jing."

"Your name is so...unique."

Perhaps it was a problem with the language system, but Neytiri felt that Fang Jing's name was very difficult to pronounce.

Although Fang Jing said he was human, Neytiri felt that this was too wrong.

Something was wrong, no human being she had ever come into contact with was so strange!

It didn't take much time to rush to the ancient tree of the Na'vi tribe.

When Fang Jing, wearing a jet-black steel mecha, appeared at the ethnic gathering place,

It instantly attracted everyone's attention.

The two leaders of the tribe have been waiting here for a long time.

Muya, who was wearing a red priest's costume, slowly walked to the front of the team, her eyes fixed on Fang Jing all the time.

All around, the soldiers in the camp were wary of approaching with weapons.

"Everyone spread out and put down your weapons!"

Maya stared at Fang Jing, waved his right hand fiercely, and issued a serious order.

"This is a distinguished guest invited by Goddess Aihua, you must not be presumptuous!"

The surrounding warriors, following the instructions of the spiritual leader Muya, immediately put down their weapons and slowly dispersed.

The few people who led Fang Jing also put down their weapons and merged into the crowd.

Now, a large group of blue-skinned Na'vi people surrounded Fang Jing from a distance, looking at him curiously.

Nei Dili walked slowly to her mother Muya and whispered a few words in her ear.

After listening, Muya nodded slowly, and she looked at Fang Jing with soft eyes:

"Fang Ziyin, my name is Muya!"

"Maya, hello!"

Facing the crowd, Fang Jing was not afraid.

He was just curious at this time, why did Goddess Aihua look for him?


At this moment, the dense branches and leaves of the tall ancient tree suddenly moved without wind, making a rustling sound.

From the gaps in the trees, densely packed cattails floated out, as if they were going to cover the sky and the earth.

A faint and soft light lit up on the cattails.

Then, it floated straight towards Fang Jing.

The cattails had no ability to attack, but just slowly rotated around Fang Jing.

The soft cattail whiskers slowly touched the surface of the mecha from time to time, and the elongated whiskers seemed to invite Fang Jing in the mecha to come out and see.

The densely packed cattails with a faint glow,

rotated around Fang Jing like a tornado. This scene was so beautiful, like a dream.

The surrounding Na'vi people were stunned.

They completely let down their guard.

At this time, they only had doubts in their hearts.

Who is he who can be taken care of by Goddess Aihua so much!

And at this time,

Fang Jing, who was attracted by the beautiful flying cattails around him, suddenly noticed that the intelligent system received a message!

That's right,

these flying cattails are actually conveying information!

And this information was actually transmitted directly to the hands of the intelligent system.

"The information has been checked, no problem, opening it, the content is as follows:"

"Friends from afar, please come out to see you, you are very different from those humans who only know how to mine, I offer you my friendship."

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