Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 29: The United States: We have to do it even if we have to!

In the White House, the United States.

Fred felt that he was extremely unlucky.

How could China show signs of surpassing them during his term of office?

And this sign was not in one or two aspects, but in many aspects.

Moon landing, trams, exoskeletons.

In his eyes, these were not just three technologies.

This represented aerospace, people's livelihood, and military!

Their three aspects were being surpassed!

"Clyde, you successfully saved yourself."

Looking at the man in front of him with a somewhat pale face, Fred narrowed his eyes.

"My votes have not been reduced for the time being because of the other party's actions."

"But a more dangerous situation has emerged!"

"Mr. President, I know, but this is no longer my problem."

Clyde was silent for a moment and whispered, "I have never been responsible for technological issues."

"Of course I know!"

Fred suddenly got angry and questioned Clyde, roaring, "But, you don't have any news about these technologies?!"

"Are they still created out of thin air?!"


Clyde was silent.

"Congress approves so much money for you every year, and there is no news about these technologies?!"

Fred is very angry now.

At the same time, there was also some helplessness.

It can't be covered up for long.

These news, with the rapid development speed of the other party, can't be concealed for long.

They will soon be exposed in front of the public!

What to do!

This is a very urgent question.

"This can't go on, we must take action, otherwise, I will become a sinner of the United States!"

Fred's eyes were fierce.

This can't go on.

We must make a choice, if we continue to let China develop like this.

They will surpass the United States sooner or later.

This is something that the United States, which is used to being the world hegemon, can never admit.

"Clyde, take over the space agency, we need to have a good talk."

"What do you mean?"

Clyde frowned, not quite understanding what the president meant.


Fred sneered and yelled, "Don't think I don't know how much project funding they have withheld on a daily basis."

"The audit plane I sent to the Middle East was just destroyed by a terrorist missile?"

"Tell them that the US's plan to return to the moon must also be launched immediately!"

"Tell them to get the rocket for me immediately, at least within this year, otherwise, wait for me to trouble him!"


In August, nothing happened.

No, the biggest thing is that the Yao 2 of Storm 9 was successfully launched.

This news excited many people.

Because this success means that Storm 9 will launch an unmanned test ship.

The unmanned test ship is the unmanned model of the manned lunar landing ship.

As a safety verification step.

There will be two launches in total.

One is completely unmanned, and it will circle the moon and return.

The second time is to load animals, circle the moon and return.

Finally, it will be manned.

So, there are still two launches before China's first manned lunar landing.


With the current frequency of rocket launches in China, it may be possible to complete the feat of landing on the moon within this year!

This is also what all Chinese people expect.

Of course, Fang Jing is more looking forward to it.

He is looking forward to what changes will happen to the machine in his mind after successfully establishing a base on the moon.

September also happened without any incident.

The Storm 9 unmanned spacecraft test and the animal spacecraft test were successfully carried out this month.

It can be said that China's manned moon landing has come to the last step!

Even the Times of Great Britain commented: "There is no doubt that China has come to the door of the moon. They only need to kick it and walk in, and they can declare the moon as their territory."

For such a sour tone.

The Chinese people are naturally happy to hear it.

"Hahaha, Great Britain is jealous, right?"

"Don't be so direct, their ancestors were rich, right, the Empire on which the sun never sets?"

"The Empire on which the sun never sets, hahaha, the sun has set, right?"

"This tone is even more sour than South Korea, I can smell the lemon in East Asia!"

"Ho ho ho ha ha ha, John Bull has also come to this day?"


Netizens from all walks of life have started to mock the sour performance of the "Sun Has Set" Empire.

In addition to these things, another big thing is.

China is still digesting and learning the Wandering Earth Class C technology.

Even with the help of scientists from the opposite side, so much advanced knowledge still makes China in this universe a little full.

It is digesting with difficulty.

The process of digestion is to stop all projects first.

After all, China does not want the products of these projects to lag behind after they are made.

Wouldn't it be a waste of money?

If you want to do it, do the best, use new technology directly!

We are going to upgrade our shotguns to cannons!


But the peaceful days are always short-lived.

In October, in the Middle East, on the land of camels, a tragic war to defend their homeland suddenly broke out, attracting the attention of the whole world.

The reason is that the six-pointed star has oppressed them for sixty years, and now they are about to be destroyed, so they rise up in resistance.

It's just that the gap in strength is so huge, and this resistance is so heartbreaking.

After the battlefield scenes and various tragic situations were circulated on the Internet.

This war also made more Chinese people realize that the saying is true: There is no such thing as a peaceful life, but someone is carrying the burden for us!

The 12-year-old child’s answer to the war correspondent’s question was even more heartbreaking.

The war correspondent asked the child: "What do you want to do when you grow up?"

The 12-year-old child being interviewed answered with numb eyes: "Here, we won’t live to grow up."

This sentence is so heartbreaking.

This is the sadness of a small country.

These videos and this information are always reminding everyone.

This world is still the world of the survival of the fittest.

Falling behind will be beaten!

Fang Jing also saw the news in the base, and he felt like a lump in his throat after reading it.

That’s it.

The United States and Western countries continue to suppress China.

They just want to make China like that.

Make us like a hundred years ago, being bullied and suffering.

But fortunately, it is not a hundred years ago.

"My wish is to make everyone in China happy and free from suffering."

"Let China stand tall among the nations of the world, and even among the races of the universe."

Fang Jing's eyes were firm. He looked at the map of the solar system in front of him and at the planet next to the earth - Mars.

This was a dream he had when he was a child.

If Mars could be turned into a habitable planet, how wonderful it would be to move there and live.

This was a dream in the past, but now that he has that mysterious machine and can connect to the Wandering Earth universe, it is no longer a dream.

What does Wandering Earth have?

Re-fusion technology.

If re-fusion technology is used to transform the environment of Mars and make it habitable.

Then, he will move all the people of China to Mars.

To become an interstellar nation, the first step is to completely leave the mother planet.

It's just other countries on Earth.

Sorry, Fang Jing is selfish.

After China accepts the technology of Wandering Earth, it will develop very quickly.

Especially fast!

The integration of ethnic groups and languages ​​will take hundreds or even thousands of years to complete.

China can't wait.

So he plans to develop in two directions.

Let the humans on Earth continue to integrate with Chinese culture.

And they will start first!

As a pioneer, they will go to the universe and into deep space!

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