The world of Avatar, beyond the planet Pandora.

The fleet set off.

Under the almost horrified eyes of the colonial armed fleet captives, they advanced at full speed in the direction of the solar system.

Originally, the colonial armed fleet looked at the other party's plan with some disdain.

The captured captain Hodder looked at the fleet preparing for the expedition and said contemptuously to his subordinates:

"Fighting with half-hearted people like us, we will become swollen when we win, and we actually want to attack the solar system with this small ship!"

"The people in the solar system are regular troops!"

"That's what the boss said!"

Beside him, the younger brother avoided the prisoner's fierce gaze and quickly whispered yes.

This is the true thought of all the captives.

They were evenly matched against us, but in the end we relied on information technology to win by surprise.

With such strength, you still want to attack the human base camp?

What a wishful thinking!

However, when he saw the fleet in the picture, a faint silver halo suddenly lit up around him.

Then the halo disappeared, and the fleet suddenly disappeared in place.

Suddenly, cold sweat broke out from Huo Hua's back.

What the hell,

Definitely not light speed spacecraft technology,

Then he saw the schematic diagram of the fleet's position.

After calculating with his fingers, he suddenly raised his head and opened his eyes wide.

The other party is leaping and sailing at super-light speed!

This fleet, they can fly faster than the speed of light.

This kind of strength is actually comparable to what they fought just now?


Who believes it!

Earth, Earth is in danger!

Hod's eyes widened and he looked in the direction of the solar system in horror.

The enemy has been hiding his strength!

It’s over!

It's really over now!


Suddenly, the door to the holding room opened,

Under the dazzling light, Hod opened his eyes with difficulty and looked at the door. Several people walked in.


His expression condensed, and the look of confusion on his face became even heavier.

According to his speculation, the enemy this time should be an alien intelligent creature?

Why is it a human being walking in?

"Someone, bring these prisoners out."

The person who came was an Asian face rarely seen in space in the Avatar world. He was a middle-aged man. He glanced at Holden indifferently, then waved his hand and said coldly:

"It just so happens that the Pandora Mine needs a controller."

"These guys can fly spaceships, so they can definitely take on this mission."

"We don't raise prisoners of war here, we let them go to labor camps!"

The person who came in was actually Zhao Guangyao.

He looked at Huo Hua and other high-quality labor force with a burst of joy in his eyes.

Finally, the manpower problem here in Pandora Mining Area has been solved!

"You, who are you?"

As for Huo Hua, looking at the other party's eyes, he felt flustered.

The slightly smiling eyes were really terrifying, as if they wanted to eat people.

Could this be a monster in human form?

"You will soon know who I am!"

Zhao Guangyao curled his lips and threw an iron manuscript with a wooden handle into the hands of the black man Huo Hua in a funny way. In a tone that made the black man tremble, he said lightly in English:

"Just stay in the mining area for me for the rest of your life!"

Huo Hua, who took the pickaxe blankly, seemed to remember some kind of fear engraved in his memory.

My hands trembled, and I could hold the pickaxe more steadily!

His mouth trembled slightly.


Will I have to dig with this pickaxe in a dark mine for the rest of my life?

And, fucked up,

Why, why do they have to use iron pickaxes to dig mines even though they have already reached the interstellar age?

There was another big question mark in Huo Hua's mind, holding the pickaxe, extremely confused.

Until the familiar electronic shackles were placed on my feet.

He followed the group of prisoners of war to a square, and his mouth opened wide.

Because, on the high walls surrounding the open space, there are actually "humanoid" fully armed guards!

Why is it said to be humanoid?

Because beside these species that look similar to humans, there is also a "person" with strange black hard bones on his body and a smooth head, similar to humans, but much taller.

It’s impossible, this guy is a human, right?

He looks like a human, but his body is as tall as a Na'vi. He's definitely an alien!

They were really captured by aliens,

These aliens want them to do hard work and mine! ! !

Huo Hua's eyes turned white and he almost fainted!

"What, you Na'vi people want to learn some of our techniques?"

At the transfer center, Fang Jing raised his eyebrows and looked at Sutai and Neytiri with a strange expression.

These Na'vi people don't want to be one with nature, so why do they suddenly want to learn human technology?

Glancing at Su Tai's trembling hands holding the bow and arrow, Fang Jing nodded slowly and smiled secretly.

Good guy,

This was the war before the visit. Are you so scared that your hands are shaking?

"What can you give?"

However, Fang Jing did not agree directly and asked them instead.

Or the Na'vi tribe, what price can they pay?

"I know you are short of manpower, we can help you mine!"

Su Tai exhaled heavily.

The image shown to him by the ship's artificial intelligence earlier showed that human corpses filled the entire ancient spirit tree area, with the piles more than a hundred meters high, blood flowing into rivers, and bones everywhere. That scene lingered in his mind for a long time.

Every time he thought about it, he trembled with fear.

Later, with the help of Jack Sally, he learned the history of mankind.

It was by learning that history that

he understood that,

the Na'vi were the elves favored by the goddess Aihua in the Pandora Forest; humans were the masters who fought out of thousands of creatures on the earth!

The gift of the goddess Aihua can make every Na'vi understand their own birth, life and death.

But humans, who are just one of the countless creatures on the earth, rely on their own strength to explore their own birth, life and death.


are not a charitable species!

They, the Na'vi, must step out of the circle of adaptation, otherwise, they will not even be able to protect themselves!

"Help us open a mine?"

Fang Jingxin was really surprised.

The Na'vi, who had been preventing the sky people from opening a mine, actually took the initiative to offer to help them open a mine this time.

This world is really magical.

Su Tai's eyes were firm,

this was the decision in his heart.

After witnessing the space war between humans, he had a great enlightenment.

The planet Pandora where they were born is a huge piece of fat meat.

If they are born on fat meat and still believe in the old ways, they will not be able to survive in the future.

"No, we can help you with some technology, but you don't have to mine."

Zhao Guangyao appeared beside Fang Jing at this time. He looked at Su Tai, then looked at the sky in the distance and smiled slightly.

"We won't dig out the ore of Pandora,"

"This place is a good place for vacation and tourism."

"In the future, you can learn Chinese and be a tour guide here."

Zhao Guangyao's eyes were smiling. The floating mountain in the distance, that scene, can scare many people.

How many people are there in the Na'vi tribe,

and they are stupid and can't use mining equipment.

It's better to be a mascot. Some people come here for vacation, and when they see it, hey, it's an authentic local species to receive them. That feels novel and cool!

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