Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 3 Taking the opportunity to lay eggs, the vision of China in the multiverse


The sound of the helicopter's propellers continued to grow louder, and a helicopter painted in military green slowly approached the Armed Forces Training Ground on the outskirts of Henan Province.

After the plane lands.


The sliding door of the helicopter was immediately opened, and a somewhat stooped and old figure hurriedly got off the plane.

Chen Limin, who had been waiting on the playground for a long time, immediately stepped forward to help the old man.

"Mr. Zhu, why did you come here in person?"

"I have to come and see for myself. Some things have to be seen with my own eyes."

Zhu Chengcheng raised his voice and looked around amidst the noise of the propellers.

"Limin, where are the people? Where are they?"

"In the office, Mr. Zhu, I will show you the way!"

Seeing that Mr. Zhu was anxious, Chen Limin immediately supported him and walked towards the Armed Forces Ministry building without delay.

"Li Min, how about Fang Jingren?"

On the way there, Zhu Chengcheng, an old man with a high position, felt nervous as never before.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhu, Fang Jing is a conscious young man. As long as you show one ten thousandth of your charm, you will definitely be able to make him obey."

Chen Limin felt that he was very accurate in judging people and immediately gave Mr. Zhu a guarantee.


Zhu Chengcheng took a breath and calmed down the excitement in his heart.

The two of them had arrived at the gate of the Armed Forces Office.

Inside the house, Fang Jing was writing something on paper when he suddenly heard footsteps outside the door and quickly looked up.

This sight gave him a jump, and he quickly stood up. He looked at the old man who followed Chen Limin in with confusion and respect, and asked:

"You are...Zhu Chengcheng, Mr. Zhu!"

Fang Jing was shocked.

He had thought that after receiving the news, the military would definitely send big bosses over.

But I never expected that such an ancient god would be sent.

Zhu Chengcheng, 88 years old, is a veteran of three major battles, the Korean War, and Zhenbao Island. He is an undoubted hero of the Republic and one of the founders of this country.

Unexpectedly, the old man came in person!

"Yes, I am Zhu Chengcheng, hahaha, I didn't expect that there are still young men who remember me."

Zhu Chengcheng looked Fang Jing up and down, nodded inaudibly, and laughed heartily when he opened his mouth.

"Mr. Zhu, judging from what you said, who wouldn't know you?"

Facing Zhu Chengcheng, Fang Jing had to admit it.

He got nervous.

After rubbing his hands to calm down his excitement about meeting his idol, Fang Jing quickly followed with a smile:

"I just didn't expect that it was you who came!"

"This incident of yours is not a small matter, and it is enough to write a big note in history. I can't help but pay attention to it."

Zhu Chengcheng probably figured out Fang Jing's character, and his words became easy-going.

He sat next to Fang Jing, patted his shoulder, and asked kindly like an old man from the village:

"We've talked too much about this matter, and the more we talk about it, the more we make mistakes. To avoid misunderstandings, I'll just let you say it!"

"Xiao Fang, tell me, what do you think?"

Zhu Chengcheng did not directly take the initiative in the matter.

He had heard professional analysis on the way here. Fang Jing was a conscious young man.

In this case, whatever he does will be beneficial to China, so we might as well let him talk about it.

"My thoughts..."

Fang Jing closed his eyes slightly, and after a while, he suddenly opened them, looked at Mr. Zhu firmly, and said:

"Mr. Zhu, to be honest, you are my idol."

"Including you, the older generation has carried our current stable life on their shoulders."

"But due to centuries of weakness, we have a lot to make up for. If we want to defeat the United States head-on, it will take at least several decades."

"Are we still going to let the United States bully us for decades?"

Fang Jing's voice was sincere, and his voice was trembling a little as he spoke.

"I was born in 2001. After graduating from elementary school, I became obsessed with military equipment."

"You know, when I learned about the number of U.S. aircraft carriers, military technology and equipment, and the arrogant Gulf War, I felt only suffocation and despair in my heart."

"There was a time when even Liben's Eighth-Eight Fleet was something we couldn't look up to."


I think of the embassy that was hit and "accidentally bombed" by two precision-guided missiles from the United States at the same time; I think of the Galaxy crew who were trapped by American warships and were so hungry that they could only eat belts; I think of the heroic sea and air defenders in the collision.

My heart was filled with anger.

This is a world of the weak and the strong.

The enemy is the vicious and cunning vulture.

It's been staring at you!

Waiting for you to relax and deliver a fatal blow.

Fang Jing felt more determined than ever before, and he almost roared from his throat:

"This is our opportunity."

"As long as we seize this opportunity, the future is ours!"

"Using this machine, I can actively communicate with China in the multiverse to exchange technology and seek development. This is my idea!"

He wants to pin this vulture to the ground completely, so that no one will dare to covet us again!

After Fang Jing finished speaking, Zhu Chengcheng and Chen Limin fell silent.

After a long time, Mr. Zhu looked at Fang Jing with appreciative eyes, nodded slightly, and smiled with his lips pursed:

"After hearing your heartfelt words, I am also deeply moved."

"But exploring the opposite side requires you to act as a forward. Do you know the dangers involved?"

Mr. Zhu just looked at Fang Jing quietly, without rejecting his proposal, but just raised his own questions.

"I know, but I will go there in the end. I can't resist the curiosity in my heart."

Fang Jing, who was a little bit sure of himself, smiled helplessly.

Since he had to go there sooner or later, he might as well go there with the goodwill of China in this universe, so that he would have more security.

And it's better to lean on a big tree to enjoy the shade.

With the military involved in this matter, he didn't have to worry about the logistics.

"Well, I understand what you mean."

Zhu Jincheng nodded slightly.

The office was silent in an instant, and it was so quiet that it was scary.

Fang Jing sat on the sofa, waiting patiently for Mr. Zhu to make up his mind.

After a long while, only Mr. Zhu chuckled.

"Oh, I underestimated the determination of you young people."

"We old people only want to crawl on our backs and wash away the humiliation of our motherland."

"Unconsciously, we are old, and you young people can take over."

Looking up at the sky, he sighed for a few words, then Zhu Jincheng turned his head abruptly and looked at Fang Jing and Chen Liming with a firm tone.

"I agree with Xiaofang's opinion."

"I will compile the opinions into a document and report it to No. 1."

"So, today is July of the 23rd year. Regarding the abnormality of Xiaofang and the plan for the research of the parallel universe world, we keep it secret from the outside world and call it Project 237!"

The older generation does things in a swift and resolute manner.

After making up his mind, Zhu Jincheng gave Chen Liming a few more words.

After saying goodbye to the two, he immediately went to Beijing to prepare for a meeting with No. 1.

So, in the early morning of the next day, in Beijing, a plan with a top-secret confidentiality level and a confidentiality period of "permanent non-activation" was officially launched.

Plan 237 was implemented.

And on the same day, the intelligence systems of the United States, the Five Eyes Alliance and Li Ben in China were collectively disconnected.

The tentacles of the West were completely cut off in this country.

The United States: WTF, the rabbit has eaten gunpowder, what's going on?

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