Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 300: Live a hundred years? Why are you cursing?

Find Fang Jing and Zhou Yuan to come to Xi Ruier's biological laboratory.

Of course Mr. Zhu is not here to express his emotions.

The purpose?

Of course, Xi Ruier's research on the ancestor virus has already achieved breakthrough results.

The first phase of animal experiments and the second phase of in vivo experiments on macaque monkeys have begun to bear fruit.

For important scientific research breakthroughs in Project 237, Fang Jing, as a heavyweight, would definitely be invited to the event.

However, because this project is relatively secretive, only a few people were present.

"We deliberately found thousands of old macaques in several areas around the world to conduct experiments."

Cyril's eyes glowed.

"The results are now available. The improved ancestor virus will repair telomeres and break the limit of cell division!"

Coming to Project 237, it was so right to follow it in the first place.

When researching here, he only needs to say a word to get whatever materials he wants.

Originally, the progress of in vivo experiments on rhesus macaques was slowed down due to the length of time they had been cultured.

As a result, after finding out Xi Ruier, he felt that he was bound by the thinking of the laboratory.

Where is he now?

If you want an old and dying rhesus macaque, can you just write an application?

Mr. Zhu read the document and waved his hand.

After searching in three worlds, it was originally difficult to find one, but now a thousand of them have been found!

"Thousands of macaques that were going to die within a year have all survived."

Cyril pulled up the experiment records.

Fang Jing and the others looked at the closed old Ganges macaques that filled the screen and the data next to them, and nodded heavily.

Very interesting!

Extend your life!

"Now that the problem of cell division restriction has been solved, how can we solve problems such as organ activity and brain activity?"

If you want to extend lifespan, it is impossible to repair telomeres alone. Fang Jing is a qualified advocate and immediately raised questions.

"Haha, this problem is originally very difficult to solve!"

Xi Ruier was very happy because Fang Jing asked about the key point, and it was also the scientific research result that he was proud of this time!


Zhou Yuan let out a light sigh.

This old comrade wants people to praise him and make him feel satisfied.

Zhou Yuan took action decisively, protecting Mr. Zhu behind him, and let me do it!

"Hahaha, that's why I invited you here!"

Xi Ruier glanced at Fang Jing and Zhou Yuan with great satisfaction.

These two young men are very discerning!

As he spoke, he flicked his hand and released the projection he had prepared long ago.

In the picture, he is using a multi-dimensional 3D printing device.

Among the devices, what is being printed is a bionic organ liver!

"Bionic organs?"

Fang Jing raised his eyebrows.

This could solve the problem of organ activity, but he didn't believe that this was Cyril's ultimate answer.

"Yes, bionic organs, this is a route suitable for large-scale deployment."

Xi Ruier smiled faintly and explained to Mr. Zhu:

"The advantage is that once rolled out, the production cost is very low, and it can give humans extra power."

How to put it, bionic organs are a different kind of mechanical ascension.

For example, if bionic lungs are actually used on the human body, human beings' ability to adapt to the atmosphere will be somewhat different.

Bionic lungs can directly filter harmful gases.

Of course, this function is useless now, because it is the task of biological outer armor.

Xirel naturally knew it, so he just clicked and then introduced:

"In addition, it is a perfect solution for the human body."

"Regenerative stem cells!"

"Regenerative stem cells, I've heard of them, store umbilical cord blood."

Fang Jing has heard the name of stem cells. There was a time when storing baby umbilical cord blood became very popular.

Umbilical cord blood contains hematopoietic stem cells, which can be used to treat blood diseases and immune system diseases, such as leukemia, lymphoma, etc.

There are also differences between regenerative stem cells and hematopoietic stem cells.

This is a study conducted by Xireer in conjunction with engineers and the biotechnology of the Pioneer family, focusing on the repair function of the ancestor virus.

Regenerate failing organs through re-cultivation of individual stem cells!

And it’s not just organs, regeneration of severed limbs, but also...

"What's this?"

Fang Jing flicked the holographic projection in front of him, looking at the picture in one of the experimental cabins with a chill behind him.

The experimental cabin is filled with culture fluid, and a monkey head is placed in it.

That's right, there is only one monkey head.

The monkey's eyes were closed, but the tubes and detectors that filled it told Fang Jing that it was still alive.

However, the strange thing is that there are dense granulations growing under the monkey's head.

Fang Jing flipped through the experiment records.

He discovered a fact that shocked him.

That is, originally there was only one Hericium head in the culture solution, but now, the Hericium head has grown a neck and is continuing to sprout granules.

"This is regenerative stem cells. Even if only the brain is left, as long as it is alive, it can reshape everything."

Xirel shrugged, pointed at the screen, and said calmly:

"This is the experimental process, but it is growing a bit slowly now."


Fang Jing swallowed secretly.

The scene in front of me, how should I put it, could be straight out of a horror movie and scare the ghost away.

Nowadays, when doing biological research, you really need to have some mental endurance to be able to play well!

This scene is really weird.

However, no matter how weird it looks, the value behind this experiment is immeasurable.

The scientific version of "regeneration by dripping blood".

Although it is not so exaggerated, you can be saved with only a head left.

This is already strong enough!

"What is the repair rate of organs by regenerative stem cells?"

Mr. Zhu was behind him, observing quietly for a few seconds, and finally spoke.

"89%, the organs can return to the state when you just became an adult, it can't be better!"

Shirley knew that his results were recognized by Mr. Zhu, so he felt particularly comfortable.

"Very good, how far is it from practical use now?"

"Animal experiments are underway. After a year of animal experiments, we will recruit volunteers for human experiments."

Shirley answered truthfully.


Mr. Zhu paused and nodded.

"What is the current expectation for the increase in life expectancy?"

"With the maintenance of body functions by bionic organs and regenerative stem cells, the expected increase in life expectancy is 100 years."

Speaking of this, Shirley shook his head helplessly.

"One hundred years is the limit of detection. Although cells can still divide, other functions of the body may collapse."

"The data is unknown, and it is impossible to speculate after that."

"One hundred years!"

Fang Jing and Zhou Yuan exclaimed.

Although it is a theoretical increase in lifespan, if added together, human lifespan will be increased to at least 180 years.

This has exceeded the limit of human theoretical lifespan!

"Brother Zhou!"

Fang Jing remembered something and touched Zhou Yuan with his elbow.

"What's the matter?"

Zhou Yuan was puzzled.

Fang Jing suddenly smiled and said:

"From now on, longevity is a curse!"


Zhou Yuan was caught off guard and choked by himself.

He gave Fang Jing a thumbs up:

"This is really right, longevity will be the most vicious curse in the future!"

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