Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 310 High-speed Invasion

The world of Avatar, Earth, the great eastern country.

Under the mountains in the southwest hinterland,

Mr. Chen walked into the laboratory door with heavy steps.

"Mr. Chen, what are you doing?"

Tang Mo gave a few instructions and quickly came over.

"This is the information that our comrades worked hard to get. It contains high-energy weapons and near-light speed spacecraft. Take a good look."

Mr. Chen's tone was a little heavy,

He didn't say anything more, just handed a stack of documents to Tang Mo heavily.


Tang Mo was excited and took the document with trembling hands. He quickly opened it and browsed it carefully.

His eyes were wide open and he didn't miss every word in the document.

"This, this is crucial!"

Tang Mo raised his head and said excitedly:

"The data above is what we need most."

"With this, we can shorten the distance between us and them for hundreds of years!"


Mr. Chen didn't say much. He didn't want to put too much pressure on the other party.

Although Mr. Chen didn't say anything, Tang Mo also knew it.

The sacrifice behind trying to get this document from the United States.

Tang Mo's fists were clenched tightly, he raised his head and stared into Mr. Chen's eyes, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Mr. Chen, don't worry, we will not let down our comrades' efforts!"

"Okay, go quickly!"

Mr. Chen waved his hand gently.

After bidding farewell to Tang Mo, Mr. Chen slowly walked away.

After taking the underground rail car and leaving the base, he came to the city not far away. Looking at the militiamen training in the wilderness, Mr. Chen sighed heavily.

The borders are sealed,

The crisis of war threatens everyone all the time.

There are deeply dug civil defense projects and radiation protection holes at regular intervals.

Everything seems to be back to those turbulent years in the 20th century.

The ancestors of the past also worked hard.

"Soon, soon, we will be back in more than ten years. By then..."

Mr. Chen slowly closed his eyes, and the muttering in his mouth stopped. After a long time, he sighed and took a look:

"It's a pity that I can't see it at that time, I can't see it anymore!"

"Mr. Chen, I..."

Mr. Chen paused for a long time. In the distance, a tall and thick man walked up to him. With tears in his eyes, he walked up to the old man and said in a rough voice:

"We are sure that Xiao Chen died. In order to cover up the smell and prevent his traces from being discovered by the opponent's latest scent tracer, he... set himself on fire."

"Damn it, I'm going to kill these idiots sooner or later!"

"...Xiao Chen is a good person. How many years has it been since he entered the United States from the north..."

Mr. Chen just had a trace of sadness in his eyes, thinking about the young man he had met before.

"Seven years."

The big and thick man clenched his fists, and there was only anger in his eyes at the moment.

"Seven years, maybe in two more seven years, our chance will come."

Mr. Chen slowly walked up to the man, raised his skinny hand, and patted his shoulder heavily.

When walking past him, Mr. Chen's faint voice came out in the air:

"When the time comes, I won't be here anymore, so you can take revenge for me."

"I will!"

The man didn't say much, pinched his nose, and immediately turned around and said:

"In the past few years, the other party's spaceship in Pandora will return, and our hidden comrades are preparing to get some samples of superconducting ore for research."

"Superconducting ore is very necessary. Let them be careful."

Mr. Chen nodded finally and then left.

He still has a lot of work to do,

All research and development bases require him to coordinate and plan.

Taking a final look at the children who were following their militia parents for target practice on the grass, Mr. Chen had a smile on his face.

He figured it out a long time ago.

Why did our ancestors at the end of the 20th century work so hard? One generation suffered the hardships of three generations.

Perhaps their wish is simple,

They may just hope that their children can live a carefree life in the future.


If the West does not keep pressing, why would they resist so long as it can give them room to survive?

However, the other party did not intend to give them a chance.

He didn't even want to look at them.

Therefore, they are now not only fighting for a breath, but also for everyone!


Where is the hope?

The next fourteen years may be the way out.

The world of Avatar, the edge of the solar system, the Northern Alliance Space Force fleet.

Flagship, Olympus.

The fleet drifts in the empty space,

It is already some distance away from the Kuiper Belt, and the dense asteroid area has disappeared.

As a fleet in the outer reaches of the solar system,

They haven't had a war for a long time. Apart from dealing with some "pirates" who appeared out of nowhere, they usually have nothing to do.

Eat, drink, train, and that's it.

After all, in the past few decades, there has really been no use for them in space.

Therefore, their defense has gradually slackened over the years.

Actually that's right,

The army on the earth can at least bomb the camels' territory without incident, but what about them?

Either blow up a meteorite or blow up a meteorite. Do you need military discipline? Wake up, Western armies only need military prostitutes.

Over the years, many departments in the Space Force have been corrupted by large companies.

It’s just that we are still in the era of great development,

A prosperous economy suppresses all problems.

Among these "invincible" armies in the solar system, there are only a few who have no endogenous corruption and maintain their original aspirations.

Aboard the Olympus,

The captain was lying leisurely on the seat of the command module. In front of him was a real-time dynamic map of the entire Kuiper Belt periphery.

After watching it for a long time, he suddenly turned his head to the deputy and smiled:

"Our Captain Maier is worried about the situation here again!"

"It's reasonable to worry, but I don't think there is a civilization in the nearby star field that can threaten us."

The deputy's voice was cold and his appearance was meticulous. He looked sideways at the captain and added:

"Outer space is not a threat at the moment. The real threat is within the solar system. Myron Corporation bribed the captain of the Gods..."


Hearing this, the captain suddenly stretched out his hand and stopped his deputy who was about to say something else.

"Political donations, courtesy cards, letters of recommendation, no more."

"There's nothing we can do to stop anything. Remember the whistleblower Monka?"

"I remember him blowing the whistle because the Space Force accepted 'donations' and issued too many courtesy cards, causing some ships to be afraid to inspect the company's smuggled materials."

The deputy nodded, knowing the man.

However, the captain's next words made his expression suddenly change.

"He's dead."

The captain's voice was calm and he sneered and said:

"Death by suicide."

After telling the reason, he seemed to be amused by the reason, and said with a mocking look:

"He was found in the forest. He built a platform and hung himself from a tree. The cause of death turned out to be a gunshot wound to the chest. It was just a double-barreled shotgun. In the end, the gun flew 9 meters away."

"The police explained that it was the terrain and wind that caused the shotgun to be blown so far."

"This way of death is so familiar, this is a warning!"


The deputy sighed, speechless.

This suicide is really outrageous.

Those who do this are really fearless.

This unknown person is shouting: I am the one who did it. What can you do to me?

The key is that people who know the truth really don’t dare to do anything. The water behind him is deep, and it already belongs to him.

It would be rude to keep checking!


The captain just looked at the star map not far in front of him quietly.

It is for this reason that he is willing to stay in the Kuiper Belt, a "bitter cold place".

Clean streams in the army like them, the closer they are to the earth, the faster they will die.

"Eh...wait, what is this?"

After staring at the star map for a long time, the captain suddenly discovered that something suddenly jumped in the star map 60 million kilometers away from him.

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief and looked again.

There was indeed something recorded on the detector,

And the scary thing is that the distance has changed from 60 million kilometers to 54 million kilometers.

However, this is only 10 seconds!

This, what is this!

The captain stood up suddenly, his pupils shrank, his face full of shock and horror.

There is something traveling at twice the speed of light, flying towards the solar system, and will enter the Kuiper Belt within ten minutes!

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