Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 315 Floating City?

In the world of Avatar, on the North American continent, there is the Space Force command center.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the conference room was terrifyingly solemn.

On the holographic projection in the center is the fleet and base signal link for the entire Earth Fire Orbit.

Just half an hour ago,

They were still having a routine meeting, and then, the disconnection of the Second Fleet's Stutro signal made them pay close attention.

Just paying attention is useless.

The next half hour almost gave these people heart attacks.

"All seven bases in Siberia have been disconnected."

"All four bases in Liben have been disconnected."

"All six bases of Bangzi have been disconnected."

"All five bases in Stan have been disconnected."


"The spaceport and fleet also...all lost contact."

The CIA, standing in front of the generals in the office, turned green.

This series of disconnections!

Just thinking about the possible reasons behind it made his legs twitch.


The leading general slammed the table and shouted angrily at him:

"They are all disconnected. Let me ask you, what is the reason for the disconnection!"

While roaring, he pointed at the base and fleet that were all displayed in red on the holographic projection, and he couldn't help but feel deep fear in his heart.

"Destroyed, all were destroyed by..."

The CIA intelligence officer swallowed his saliva, stammered and explained with some fear:

"It's a fleet that suddenly appeared in the sky above the great eastern country. The source we can trace is there!"

"The fleet suddenly appeared? They were all destroyed in just half an hour!"

The general was also horrified.

He simply couldn't imagine where this fleet came from.

This strength is really terrifying.

"What do we do?"

"In just half an hour, all the space forces near the earth were wiped out. Are they aliens?"

"What should we do!"

"Damn it, we're just watching each other be so arrogant!"

"Yes, we have to fight back, fight back!"


During the discussion in the conference room, there was an atmosphere of fear. Because of the words of the last two people, the atmosphere instantly became weird.

Fight back?

Can't let the other party be so arrogant?

How could a normal person with a brain say this in this situation!

The generals turned their gazes over and looked at each other when they saw the two people speaking.

Oh, it's them, that's okay, they are the ones who can say this.

These two people, ahem, did not enter the Space Force through formal channels, but were crammed in through "just the right time" and "skin color" and "hundreds of ambiguous genders".

No common sense at all,

The kind who only sings the opposite to gain attention.

"Ahem, generals, there is nothing to be afraid of. We should rectify the fleet in the solar system and destroy these arrogant people!"

Seeing everyone's silence, one of the two people raised his head and spoke in a high-pitched and arrogant voice.

Its voice, how should I put it, is similar to the father-in-law in the costume TV series.

Well, not only the sound, but the body is also very different. No, it still needs a few more components.


The big-headed general didn't want to pay attention to it.

Integrate fleets within the solar system?


Are you waiting in line to die?

Moreover, according to intelligence, the fleet and headquarters in Mars orbit had been destroyed 45 minutes ago!


The general felt deeply powerless.

However, sometimes there is no way to avoid being powerless.


Just when the conference room fell silent again,

There was a sound of the ceiling breaking, and the sky in the conference room lit up with dazzling sunlight.

The ceiling was penetrated?

That's not the second thing. What's more important is that there is a dark, slender projectile that just stopped in mid-air.

"This, what is this?"

"The other party launched an attack on us?"

"Run, run!"

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

Many members in the conference room scrambled to squeeze out of the door.

This is a normal person's thinking. No matter what he is, run away first.

Of course, there are also abnormal ones, such as those two "correct" people.

"Why are you running? It's a dud! It's a dud!"

"What the hell is this thing?"

In an instant, everyone in the conference room was basically gone.

The two people were left hiding at the door, looking proudly at the "missile" above their heads.

Why would the other party put themselves in danger?

In fact, it was not a dangerous place. The two of them only stayed in place for less than a second and stood proudly.

There are considerable benefits in doing this.

In future elections, hey, they ran away and I ran last. Doesn’t that make me look better than them?

If you don’t choose, I want them!

Of course, this idea is correct.

But the inspector who controlled the concussion bomb rolled his eyes when he saw the two people in the office who looked really inhuman, and pressed the impact button decisively.

It's just less than a second.

Concussive rounds restart.

In the frightened eyes of the two people, they directly collided with each other.

Only a piece of twisted flesh and blood was left in place, and the world was instantly clean.


Most of the important member states of the Northern Alliance gather here.

In the interstellar era, there is even a huge floating city in the sky above Europe!

The reason why this floating city can float is that it uses superconducting ore mined from the Afda world. It uses it as the foundation and covers the ground with a huge electromagnetic area. The endless power source of controlled nuclear fusion will make this city a city that will never land.

Therefore, this city is also called the city that will never fall.

The floating city is inhabited by people who are well-known in society and the world.

The floating city is now the pride of Europe's prosperity.

All member states of the Northern Alliance, even beggars sleeping on the streets and freezing in the cold wind, will proudly raise their chests when mentioning this floating city.

This is a symbol of their extreme prosperity, pride, and glory!

Since its construction, it has been floating quietly in the air for more than ten years, enjoying people's worship and admiration.

Everyone is proud to be able to go to this floating island.

It is said that the wealth of the people living on this island accounts for 70% of the entire Northern Alliance!

Even, it occupies 70% of the world's wealth!

It is not an exaggeration to say so,

because even some Americans have chosen to live there all year round.

It seems that whether or not to go to the island has become a symbol of status.

And it is precisely because a large number of important people live on the island that the security around the island is also the best in the world.

Not only is there a fleet, but several orbital airborne divisions are also stationed nearby.

Even on the ground, there are hundreds of shore-based anti-ship weapons.

These shore-based anti-ship weapons, referred to as high-energy cannons, are heavy weapons that can shoot down warships in orbit within the planet.

There are hundreds of such weapons around the island!

Such firepower configuration is evident!

The five-star general of the orbital airborne division once said: Even the villains of the Northern Space Force can't break through the defense system of the floating bomb!

Look, this five-star general is making coffee,

and suddenly a meteor floats in the sky.

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