Avatar world, Eastern power.

The soldiers in the observation post are now confused.

Today, Stutro came to provoke as usual. They have been confronting each other for several years and are no longer surprised.

However, the strange thing is that in addition to Stutro's fleet, another fleet appeared in the sky.

The key is that

this fleet is neither from Stutro's side nor from their side!

The soldiers in the outpost were wondering,

Stutro also asked us whose fleet this is?

If it's not yours, then it's ours?

With this fleet, we can still be trapped by you!

They were complaining, and then they saw a shocking scene.

The mysterious fleet in the sky just launched something that looked like a missile.

That thing flew towards the place where Stutro stepped on every day,

and then, the colleague holding the optical telescope exclaimed.

Because the missile-like thing launched by the other side actually killed all of Stutro's fleet directly!

Not only that, the fleet fired another round,

which went towards the sky.

Then, they saw a satellite rain that they would never forget.

What surprised them even more was that after doing all this, the fleet that only made them feel afraid actually sent them a letter!

"The information is confidential, I will copy it to the headquarters now!"

The soldiers at the outpost reacted quickly and sent the information to the headquarters urgently.

They were not stupid.

Since the other party did not attack them but attacked Stutro,

it means that the other party, at least so far, has no ill will towards them.

In this case,

the information must be sent as soon as possible.

Of course, while sending the information, they also truthfully added the course of events to the attachment.

In the distance, outside the underground base in the inland of the Eastern Continent.

Old Chen and a group of people looked at the satellite rain that was still falling from the sky and remained silent for a long time.

"Mr. Chen, the Space Force has confirmed that these are Western planetary defense satellites and space facilities."

Beside Mr. Chen, an old man smiled and said:

"There are also the other party's fleet and spaceport. I don't know who they have provoked to provoke such retaliation."

"Still laughing!"

Mr. Chen frowned and looked at the sky. He glanced at the old man, but his tone was different from his.

He said seriously:

"This time it's bad. The other party is aiming to clear the armed forces in the earth's sky."

"Could it be that those idiots have attracted aliens?"

"Anyway, we are also human beings. If aliens attack us, will the other party spend the effort to distinguish the various forces of human beings?"


He snorted coldly, and he continued with some worry:

"Maybe they will destroy us at the same time!"


The old man beside him fell into deep thought.

"Send a letter to the United States immediately and ask them what they are doing!"

Mr. Chen's tone was more serious than ever before.

What he said was true.

If it was really the Western colonial fleet that had provoked some advanced alien civilization,

the other party had already rushed to Earth, who would care whether you were the United States or the Eastern powers?

As long as they were confirmed to be human, they would be killed and that was it!

"Ah, it was the other party that had caused it!"

The old man also figured it out, and he was so angry that his teeth itched, and he rushed out in small steps.

"Ah, what is going on, at this critical moment..."

Old Chen sighed heavily after he left.

The satellite rain in the sky was still falling, and the more it rained, the more frightened he was.


The hurried footsteps approached, and the old man who had just rushed out suddenly rushed back at a faster speed!

"Old Chen, urgent report, it's an urgent report from the coastal observation station!"

"Let me see!"

When he heard that it was an urgent report from the coastal area, Old Chen took it directly and looked through it.

Just after reading what happened, his pupils shrank sharply.

It turned out that the source of the satellite rain that disarmed the entire earth was actually here!

Moreover, the other party actually sent them a message.

What exactly are their origins!

After taking a deep breath, Old Chen finally opened the confidential letter sent by the other party and began to browse the contents above.


just after seeing the first sentence,

Old Chen, who is over 70 years old, almost burst out with a word of "Fuck".

Because the beginning of the letter, the information is a bombshell!

The greeting at the beginning of the letter actually reads:

To the Eastern Power of the Earth in the parallel universe!

Parallel universe,

Eastern Power?

Old Chen raised his head suddenly, his eyes full of disbelief.

Is this a big brother coming to help them?

Was it the other party who made the noise just now? ? ?



After carefully reading the contents of the letter in his hand, Old Chen's shock could not be calmed for a long time.

He could never have imagined that it would be like this.

That fleet actually claimed to be the Eastern Power of the parallel universe.

This time,

they came to help them and to take them away.

The other party came straight to the point,

explaining their origins and bluntly stating that they were entering the interstellar age and lacked population.

And disarming the armed forces on Earth was also because this was their mission.

They came here to conquer!

However, this was only one side of the story in the letter. Mr. Chen was still confused and did not believe it rashly.

However, since the other party has shown good intentions and does not hit the smiling person,

Old General Chen put away the urgent report and immediately ordered:

"I will dictate immediately, please report to the observation station immediately and ask them to send a letter to each other!"

After saying that, he hurried to the communication room.

This thing is too big.

As for whether it is true or not,

Mr. Chen only has one question.

Although it was doubtful, if it wasn't true, why would the other party lie to them?

To deceive them?

Shoot down tens of thousands of satellites and fleets in the sky and set them off as fireworks just to deceive them?

How is this possible!

Didn't Mr. Chen say that the way they are now is worthy of being deceived by the other party?

If something really happens to the other party,

Putting a knife directly on your neck and threatening you are not the same!

The more he thought about it, the more excited Mr. Chen became.

This... is probably true!

As he walked, he silently took out a document from his pocket at the door of the communication room, where everyone else stayed away.

This is the information the young man sent back from the United States.

The information was sent back at a huge cost with his life!


He didn't say anything, just tightened the document and sighed heavily.


Sacrifice before dawn.

Today’s satellite rain, I wonder if you have seen it?

After waiting quietly for a few seconds,

Mr. Chen put away the documents and returned to his usual demeanor.

The situation is urgent, there is no time to be sad!

He has long been accustomed to suppressing these emotions in his heart.

There was just a flash of fierceness in his eyes, and then his expression returned to expressionless, and he stretched out his hand to open the door of the communication room.

open this door,

Maybe a new world and a new life are waiting for them!

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