Avatar world, Pandora planet, base near the space gate.

During the two years that the expeditionary fleet flew,

The base near the space gate has expanded rapidly, and now it has formed a fortress that can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

This place has become the largest biological research center in the universe.

In the research room, various native creatures of Pandora are floating slowly in the culture chamber.

In the center of the room, there is a complex tree root-like structure, densely intertwined and irregular. A group of biologists are surrounding these tree roots and constantly extracting black ore from them.

"The superconducting ore has been removed. How was the reaction?"

"Yes, there is a reaction. The new structure allows these roots to maintain signal transmission efficiency even if the superconducting ore is extracted."

"Very good, the first phase of the experiment is completed!"

Among the scholars, Pan Wei's eyes were excited.

The tree root system in front of me is not a native creature of Pandora, but a plant originating from the earth.

However, after a series of genetic modifications, these plants on Earth can actually achieve the same effects as Pandora plants!

Sure enough, Goddess Aihua can be reproduced.

Now, this universe has greater confidence to completely control Ai Hua!

The plan is codenamed: "Parasite"!

Through the genetic bleaching and dyeing of Pandora's native plants, it affects Aihua bit by bit, thereby making the other party...

If you really dare to violate the contract, you can be replaced directly!

Previously, the biological method of prevention was to directly kill Ai Hua.

But it would be a real loss to kill Aihua. This is a plant intelligence. How valuable is it for research?

Therefore, after studying for a long time, these biologists finally came up with a big move!

Direct parasitic replacement!

If the other party breaks the contract and takes action,

In an instant, the plant genes of this universe hidden in the Pandora plant will be activated, thus covering and disinfecting Aihua.

To put it simply, you secretly store dual systems in your computer. If the main system causes trouble, it will be deleted directly for you!


Biologists can also study this new one!

"The progress here is very good!"

Mr. Zhu exited the monitoring mode, turned to look at Zhou Zhezhi, and smiled slightly:

"There is news from Pang Hai that they have taken over the earth and are now organizing the construction of spaceships."

"It won't be long before the manpower we need will arrive!"

"I'm looking forward to it."

Zhou Zhezhi smiled lightly, turned over the documents in his hand, raised his brows, and said with a smile:

"But I'm more interested in this 'Prehistoric Era Plan'. I'm going to be very ruthless. After the big construction is completed, I'll go back to the prehistoric era!"

"Haha, it seems that we are going to have a group of ruthless people here."

Mr. Zhu did not object, but sighed happily:

"But that's fine. Comrades who have emerged from hardships often have more determined goals. Our 237 plan is to recruit people with determined goals, decisive actions, and relentless attacks."


Zhou Zhe nodded in agreement.

This principle is actually very simple,

There may be individual differences, but the influence of the environment is much greater.

Just like comparing this universe with the wandering earth, which group in this universe will have a more determined mind?

Is it this universe that has been fighting a crushing war, or is it the wandering earth that has experienced a solar crisis?

There is no need for comparison at all.

That's why Mr. Zhu attaches so much importance to the people in the developed world.

These people can use it directly!

It’s definitely easy to use!

"After you said that, I'm looking forward to it even more."

Zhou Zhe looked up in the direction of the solar system and grinned. After a long time, he suddenly remembered something and asked quickly:

"By the way, what is Xiaofang doing recently? I haven't seen him for a long time."

"I'm traveling around with my family. I haven't seen them for a long time. It's time to take a walk around."

Mr. Zhu chuckled.

It was a rare long vacation for nearly a year. Of course, Fang Jing had to bring his family over to take a good stroll and see the magnificent career he had created because of himself.


This is in line with Fang Jing's carefree character.

The words are divided into two parts. On Pandora, everyone is busy; but on Mars in this universe, Fang Jing is taking his mother, father and father to wander in the forest park!

"Mom, you guys will move to Mars from now on!"

Supporting the old man, he turned sideways and spoke to his father and mother.

"That's good. Your uncle and the others also got a spot in the lottery, and they have some acquaintances who came over."

Fang Jing's father, Fang Qilian, took a deep breath, felt the fresh air, picked it slightly unaccustomedly, and overall nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, this place has good lighting and is suitable for your grandpa to take care of in his old age."

Fang Jing's mother, Huang Qingzhu, couldn't help but hold her son's hand. Seeing his face becoming more determined and no longer as childish as she remembered, she nodded with a smile.


My son was only a freshman when he joined this program, right?

Now, several years have passed in a flash.

Thinking of Fang Jing's beloved mother whom he had not seen for several years, a little mist appeared in his eyes.

"You should be good on weekdays. I haven't seen you in the past few years. I..., well, my eyes are a bit disappointing."

Huang Qingzhu rubbed his eyes, and the more he talked, the more tears became unstoppable in his eyes.

However, due to the reserved nature of Chinese parents, she did not say "I miss you" in the end. She just looked at her son longingly and patted his hand gently.


Fang Qilian couldn't bear to see his wife in such a state, so he shouted in a serious voice that seemed to be both scolding and comforting, and then he gently brushed away some of his lover's tears.

However, he looked at the longing for his son in his eyes, but because of his identity as "father", he did not show it on his expression.

This is the character of Fang Jing's father, a soldier.

The family just cried, laughed, and strolled slowly in the forest park.

In the sky, five suns are emitting warm light.

Ahem, the overall picture is on the warm side, with the five suns as the background, which is a bit magical.

A long time, a long time,

The group of four fell silent and just walked forward quietly.

After walking for a while, the old man who was being supported by Fang Jing suddenly paused, turned his head to look at his grandson, gently touched Fang Jing's cheek with his bark-like hands, and then said with a grin:

"Jing'er, good job, I heard the old squad leader said about you, you are this!"

Smiling, the old man gave Fang Jing a thumbs up, then patted him heavily on the shoulder.

Fang Qilian also walked to his father's side. He hesitated for a long time, and suddenly made up his mind. He looked at his son, his eyes were no longer strict but full of tenderness. Then he nodded heavily and gave an approval that made Fang Jing's heart tremble. Voice:

"Xiao Jing, you didn't disgrace us,"

"You are now the pride of me and your grandfather!"

This last sentence carries a little bit of indescribable relief and approval.

But as soon as these words came out, Fang Jing couldn't stop trembling in his heart.

Either excited or excited.

"You are my pride\

,"This may be what a son most expects to hear from his father.

Because, when similar words come out of the mouth of a "father\

,"This means that you have become an adult.

It was a recognition that a son desperately wanted.

The meaning cannot be expressed in words,

Approval, recognition, the subtle changes in the education of father and son, Fang Jing deeply experienced it at this moment.

He knows,

When his father said these words, his father had already handed over the invisible position of the family's backbone to his hands.

From then on,

He is no longer the carefree child under the protection of his father.

He has been recognized by his father and will shoulder the "responsibility" of his family and himself.

This change is actually very subtle,

But Fang Jing felt it deeply enough that he would never forget it in his lifetime.

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