Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 323 Packing, Packing

this universe,

In the past few years when the expeditionary force conquered the world of Avatar, Earth.

The Eastern powers use Mars as a springboard, and their advance bases have spread throughout the solar system.

"Advance Base" is the temporary code name given by Mr. Zhu.

Although most of the bases only have a thousand people, they are scattered all over the solar system, silently announcing that their scope of activities has spread all over the solar system.

There is even a heavily armed scientific research fleet that has already headed towards Centaur.


Until now, faster-than-light travel in this universe is only in its preliminary stages.

The imitation hyperlight engine can only reach twice the speed of light at its current peak speed.

Therefore, it is still somewhat difficult to directly incorporate Centaur into the territory.

Two years of travel and communication delays,

Is there any territory in the world that takes two years to reach?

It's too far, beyond the distance for rapid troop projection.

Even if they colonize on a large scale, there is no guarantee that they will rebel the day after tomorrow.

Impossible to rebel?

Mr. Zhu does not intend to test human nature, because experience tells him that those who dare to test will not end well in the end.

Human nature cannot stand the test!

The methods of opening the two new worlds currently take time.

So it is better to wait for the population of the Avatar world to slow down and strengthen the construction in the solar system.

Infrastructure construction is also very important.


There is another important thing,

The low-level extension of wormhole technology, "jumping" technology, has been able to complete delivery exceeding the meter level.

What a joy, a joy!

From microns to meters, this progress surprises everyone.

As this technology continues to develop, it is expected to become a key link for the fleet to break the shackles of several times the speed of light!

“The future is promising, the future is promising.”

Mr. Zhu was sitting in his office, looking at the scientific research reports from all parties, with a smile on his face that almost never stopped.

Now, the technologies of various researchers are showing signs.

Scientists trained by Kyushu United University are now able to make good use of scientific research results from several worlds.

Even Xireer’s life extension technology,

There have been several phases of human experiments and the results have been produced.

Experiments on bionic organs have also been carried out for a long time.

The subjects who participated in the experiment were replaced with bionic livers and are now incredibly strong.

That's it,

He can selectively absorb alcohol and various harmful substances.

In other words, it’s okay for this person to drink wine as water!

And because of the reconstructed immune function of the bionic liver, all biological viruses on the earth have been recorded by it, so he is almost invulnerable to all viruses.

For example, Ebola and plague viruses cannot even last five minutes while the immune function is being restructured.

Bionic organs really prove a sentence,

The flesh and blood are bitter and weak!

This is just a bionic liver. If other organs are also replaced with bionics, it will be a complete set.

That’s okay!

Directly the northwest wind survived!

This is just the tip of the iceberg in the explosion of science and technology in this universe, which is why Mr. Zhu is so happy.

Maybe, it won't be long before he can change back to his own body!

He, Zhu Chengcheng, is back again!

A developed world on earth.

On Beimi Road, huge shipyards were built outside the originally bustling city.

A large amount of raw materials were sent to the factory, and components of the spacecraft were continuously produced.

In the sky, the four spaceships had disappeared.

But below, people who started working like ants densely knew that the spacecraft had not disappeared, but had entered low-Earth orbit, and were still staring at them quietly.

They can only continue to pour into the factory and start production.

No one dares to resist,

Because standing next to him is a robot patrol.

If you dare to cause trouble, the robot will really hit you!

"The keels have been laid and the first batch of spacecraft have set off."

On the flagship of the expedition fleet, the deputy captain looked at the green dot that had flown out of the solar system on the holographic projection star map, his face full of excitement.

"We only annihilated the fleet near the Earth, but retained the main fleet in the solar system."

"Now that we have captured the main star, after collecting the opponent's fleet, we will make a few modifications and immediately turn it into a transport ship!"

"Haha, the first fleet has nearly a hundred spaceships, and two million people have been packed into it. This progress is enough."

Pang Hai also nodded with satisfaction.

It's a good deal to take the opponent's warship and give it to your own people.

As for how one hundred spaceships could fit two million people into it.

This is a long story.

After getting the opponent's ship, all the useless things were dismantled and then crazily stuffed into the dormant cabin.

On a frigate, the sleeping cabins are crowded with sleeping cabins, and one sleeping cabin sleeps two people. The corridors and cabins are all densely packed.

After stuffing and stuffing, so many people were stuffed in.

"We can just continue to output here. By the way, how is the situation on Dinosaur Island?"

Pang Hai realizes that his mission has entered the final stage, and everything is easy now.

"It's solved. The entire Oceania has been captured, and the people have been driven to North America. Now the entire island has become a dinosaur island. When the task is completed, they will all be thrown away."

The off-hand is also easy.

In this way, when we leave, we will bring the earth back to its primitive age.

If you take a step back, it will be perfect.

"As long as it's taken care of, just wait patiently."

Pang Hai stretched lightly.

Next, just think of it as a vacation, wait for these spaceships to be slowly built, and then they will make one last attack and it will be over.

If a person is not ruthless, he will not be able to stand firmly!

If I say I’ll take you back to prehistoric times, I’ll take you back to prehistoric times!

In this regard, they have already discussed a plan.

The holographic projection in front of Pang Hai densely displayed the distribution maps of factories and cities around the world.

At this time, these distribution maps are densely packed with red dots.

Where are these red dots located?

It is the key to human civilization and the key part of technology!

If someone who is familiar with ships sees these red dots, they will know that these are the locking points for the ship to attack!

That is to say,

Now, the weapons of the expeditionary fleet are already locked on these targets.

As long as the time comes,

The attack can be triggered immediately.

The Earth in the Avatar world, at least the North American continent, will return to prehistory in an instant!

"By the way, remember to take away the valuable superconducting ores on Earth, as well as various scientific and technological information."

Of course, humans in the Avatar world are very weak in Pang Hai's opinion.

But this near-light-speed spacecraft that takes a different approach is worth learning from.


There are always technologies that they can match.

Pang Hai didn't understand, so he directly moved the database here to the spacecraft.

More than that,

Precious minerals, materials, and talents!

Not only will I eat your food, I will also take it away!

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