Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 33 Flying to the Moon

November 13, 7 o'clock in the morning.

The three astronauts have entered the cabin and have completed all the inspections.

Now the cabin has been closed, and the rocket has entered the final launch step.

"Brother Zhai, are you nervous?"

Chen Dong held the aerospace operation manual in his hand, and his tone was a little nervous.

"Nervous, who is not nervous, this is the moon landing!"

Zhai Gang laughed, raised the manual in his hand, and said firmly:

"Follow the manual, I guarantee that we will have a good tour on the moon!"

"Old Nie, what are you thinking about?"

Zhai Gang noticed that Nie Zheng was a little distracted and asked immediately.

"Oh, I'm thinking about what posture I should use to go down, and what I should say when I go down."

Nie Zheng is not nervous.

He is also experienced, and it is impossible for him to be nervous.


Hearing what Nie Zheng thought, Zhai Gang and Chen Dong both smiled slightly.

"This is a good question. When we are on the way to the moon, we will ask Wenchang."

"Attention, all units, there is one minute left before the launch time!"

Just as the three were chatting, a clear and crisp command sounded in their ears.

After receiving the command, the three of them immediately focused.

The three astronauts did not need to do anything during the takeoff phase.

The flight of the spacecraft is all automatically controlled.

Only when there is a problem will it be used manually.

Outside, at this time, the South China Sea beach was crowded with people.

People from all over the country, from all corners of the country, and even companies came here for team building, filling the entire beach.

This is an exciting moment.

China's moon landing.

It is destined to be recorded in history. They have no reason not to come.

Even on the beach, someone set up a large screen for free.

The content of the live broadcast room was played on the large screen.

"One minute countdown!"

"Everyone pay attention, everyone pay attention, there is still one minute!"

The originally noisy beach was completely quiet at this moment.

Everyone looked expectantly at the tall rocket standing quietly on the artificial island across the beach.

"Countdown 30 seconds!"

The voice of the young man who issued the command was firm and powerful.

It gave people a sense of calmness for some reason.

Hearing his voice, the people on the beach and in the live broadcast room, who were originally nervous, calmed down a little.

"Countdown 10 seconds!"

"Ten, nine, eight..."

At this moment, it is estimated that there are more than 10,000 people on the entire beach, following the commander to count down together.





Outside the entire beach, there was silence in an instant.

Everyone looked at the launch pad across the beach.

A little flame came out from the igniter, and the engine that was rapidly spraying fuel was instantly ignited.

The rocket engine started!

Fierce flames spewed out from the nozzle.

After a slight shake, the rocket began to climb steadily.

Under the gaze of the people across the country, the rocket slowly rose and continued to accelerate.


The huge roar of the engine resounded throughout the world.

The rocket flew into the air, and the huge tail flame could only be seen as a ball of fire.

In the sky over the South China Sea, two suns appeared at the same time!

The rocket continued to fly steadily.

And it had already sunk into the clouds, blurry to the naked eye.

So, everyone on the beach focused their attention on the live broadcast room.

In the command center, the camera installed on the rocket fuselage began to give pictures.

The picture showed that the rocket was still working normally.

"Takeoff time, November 13 7:25:03 milliseconds, all units pay attention to observe the rocket attitude."

"Wenchang, optical radar tracking is normal."

"Yuanwang, remote sensing signal tracking is normal."


"Shuguang, the astronauts are in good physical condition!"

Every time the "normal" sounded, the people on the beach cheered.

Everyone's heart was deeply immersed in the rocket.

"200 seconds, the first and second stages separated successfully!"

"The second stage engine started normally!"

"Boom!" The command hall suddenly rang with excited cheers.

On the beach, people also fell into a carnival.

The second stage engine was successfully ignited, and the launch was successful!

The launch was successful!

"In 400 seconds, the spacecraft successfully entered the Earth-Moon transfer orbit and is expected to reach the moon in three days."

After the cheers in the command hall, they immediately started busy work.

Takeoff is just the beginning of the moon landing plan.

The next highlight is that the spacecraft landed safely in the designated landing area on the moon.

So, they have something to do.

But for the people on the beach, the beach has become a paradise for celebration at this time.

Whether they know each other or not, they hugged and cried, shouted loudly, and sang loudly.

Success, the rocket launch was successful!

Next, just wait for three days, and land on the moon!

"We are here, wait for three days!"

The middle-aged man holding the national flag and standing in front of the tent shouted loudly to the reporter's camera.

Land on the moon in three days.

If they don't wait here for three days, how can you let them sleep?

Since they can't sleep because of excitement, they might as well not sleep!

Fight until dawn!

Then, until nine o'clock, the reporter on site was surprised to find out.

There were originally ten thousand people on the beach, but now, there are still five thousand people there!

Half of the people chose to stay on the beach and set up tents to spend these three difficult days.

At the same time, news that China's manned moon landing rocket was successfully launched spread wildly throughout the world.

Because the timing is such a coincidence.

The United States experienced a major launch failure on the 12th, and only one day later, China, as a competitor, succeeded.

This is big news.

The United States, which has been dominating the list for decades and has always been the strongest country in aviation, has experienced an unprecedented defeat in aerospace.

Isn’t this news eye-catching enough?

At the same time, a "big earthquake" broke out across Europe and the United States. In the past, the United States was arrogant and had always been invincible in their hearts.

He was actually defeated with one blow from the front.

The myth of the United States, which was once overwhelmingly promoted by the media as the world's invincible and pioneer of civilization, was completely shattered in their hearts.

Myth, disillusioned.

The people sleeping in the information cocoon carefully woven by the media suddenly discovered that the spiritual kingdom they praised and yearned for turned out to be defeated.

It turns out that the United States is actually nothing great.

That's it.

As for a large Eastern country, the last "filter" of the United States was completely shattered.

There is no harm without comparison.

The two countries launched almost at the same time, one succeeded and the other failed.

They are still the successful ones.


Let’s see who dares to brag about the other party!

If you still brag about the other party, then you are just a pure clown.

It’s either money or two hundred and fifty.

Why two hundred and five?

Because he is not worth half a million!

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