Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 342 You, with your thick eyebrows and big eyes, also want to absorb energy!

The source of fire is a metal cube.

It is engraved with various Cybertronian characters, intertwined with each other, creating a simple and mysterious feeling.

This pattern makes the metal cube look less like a product of technology and more like some kind of witchcraft!

If it were discovered by a wizard from a wild tribe, the other party would definitely think that it was a divine weapon sent from heaven, and they would bow down and worship it as a god.

Lying on his side on the ground, the moment the shell of the fire source was opened,

Fang Jing felt a coldness that went straight down his arm into his brain. Then, in an instant, his eyes went dark and he fainted on the spot.

What comes into view is the familiar pitch-black space.

Only this time, the difference is that the dark space is no longer just eternal black.

In the dark space, wisps of faint light like silk threads floated forward in the air.

This filament came from all directions, and finally converged at the place of pure white light in the center of the entire space!

Fang Jing saw it clearly and was shocked.

The machine in pure white that allows him to travel through parallel universes has changed for the first time.

Previously, in addition to showing white dots and red dots, it also gave some prompts. But now, the end point of these filaments of light is the machine.

In other words, this machine is absorbing... energy from the fire source!


Fang Jing was shocked for a moment, and suddenly realized that this machine was not just a background, it was real!

Otherwise, why would it absorb the energy of the fire source?

What is going on with this machine?

He couldn't help but ask questions in his mind.

However, no one in the consciousness space, or in this world, would answer his question.

The machine was still absorbing the threads gathered from all around. It wasn't until a certain moment when the pure white light around the machine shone so brightly that Fang Jing felt dazzled that the absorbing process ended.

As for the machine, except for the background light becoming brighter, there was no change at all.

This made Fang Jing very depressed.

Are you absorbing this energy just to make the background light brighter so that it can shine in my eyes? ?

That's certainly not the case!

There must be a reason behind this!

It's just Fang Jing who may not be qualified to know the inside story yet.

The next moment, Fang Jing suddenly woke up from his coma. His subconscious told him that the Transformers' space door could be opened.

And when he opened his eyes, what caught his eyes was Wu Xi's concerned eyes.

"Heartbeat, breathing, and blood pressure are all normal. King Sun, what do you think?"

"Agree, but I suggest closing the fire source immediately and checking it on professional equipment."

A hygienist and a full-time doctor checked the results and immediately gave suggestions.

Captain Zhou Yuan, without hesitation, asked when Fang Jing had just woken up and was still a little confused:

"Fang Jing, is it solved?"


Fang Jing rubbed his head and answered in a daze.

"Well, let's start closing the fire source to avoid accidents."

Zhou Yuan nodded quickly, took the fire source from Fang Jing's hand, carefully stuffed it into the shell given by Optimus Prime, and then put it into the closed box beside him.

This box is entirely a mechanical structure and can even be used directly to store dirty bombs, and the radiation from the fire source cannot penetrate it at all.

With multiple protections, there is absolutely no problem.

"Click! Click! Click!"

Three consecutive crisp and bright lock sounds sounded, and Zhou Yuan let out a long breath.

At this time, Fang Jing also shook his head and stood up, regaining consciousness.

"The fire source has been sealed, prepare to open the space door!"

Transformers world,

In a secret military base in the middle of the great eastern country, Optimus Prime and other Autobots, as well as Li Tingyue and others, were staring at each other.

The chief scientist beside Li Tingyue had already gone to study the Decepticons and their corpses captured alive by Fang Jing.

Here, they were the only two left.

"In other words, now that the source of fire is with us, the Decepticons will definitely target us in the future?"

Li Tingyue frowned.

The destructive power of the Decepticons is somewhat powerful, and if they start a war in the city, it is extremely easy to cause damage.

"That's for sure. The Decepticons are all military mechanical life forms on Cybertron. Most of them are violent and warlike. War and conquest are what they admire. For this reason, Megatron excludes dissidents and slaughters his own kind, and even kills his own kind. Cybertron was dragged into oblivion."

Optimus Prime's tone was sad, and his eyes had turned into holographic projection instruments.

On the ground, footage of the Cybertron War was played.

On the mechanical tree in the center, Megatron stood with his head raised, holding a mechanical spear in his hand. He held the spear with one hand, like the emperor of the world, throwing the spear at will to harvest the lives of opponents.

The spear pierced the energy source in the chest of the opponent's mechanical body. The Decepticons received the order and began to take action to strangle their kind on the ground.

But Megatron was still standing high up, watching everything coldly with scarlet eyes, arrogant.

"The war between our Autobots and the Decepticons caused the Source of Fire to fly to the earth. The Decepticons came after the Source of Fire, and so did we. They will go completely crazy for the Source of Fire!"

Li Tingyue frowned when he heard Optimus Prime's words.

It seemed that they had accepted a troublesome job, but when he thought of the parallel universe, his brows raised slightly.

If we can get help from the parallel universe.

Maybe the direction of things will be very different.

It was at this time that the door to the closed conference room opened, and he walked out wearing the First Ascension Armor and carrying a closed box.


Li Tingyue was looking forward to it.

"Okay, just take Mr. Li to choose a location. Optimus Prime, this is the source of fire!"

Fang Jing handed the closed box to Optimus Prime and invited him by the way:

"You Autobots can come and take a look too!"

"Being respectful is worse than obeying orders."

Optimus Prime learned Chinese from the World Wide Web and was very good at using it. At this time, he actually used idioms!

"Hahaha, okay, let's go!"

Li Tingyue was overjoyed and immediately led the team to Fang Jing.

According to the requirements of the scene, it is best to choose a space door in a concealed and large space.

Just as it happened, the nearby mountain in this secret base was hollowed out, and there was a huge space prepared for a nuclear reactor, but the reactor had not yet been built.

Modify and modify it, just use it as a space to place the space door!

Arriving at the huge space inside the mountain, Fang Jing waved his hand, and a dark space door immediately appeared at the designated location.

The space gate is a sphere, and there are stars shining in the pitch black, which is exceptionally gorgeous.

The moment this space door appears,

Even the well-informed Autobots couldn't help but marvel.

This space gate is like a wormhole, but the energy level in it is unimaginable by even the Autobots.

Even the space bridge created by the Decepticons,

In Optimus Prime's view, compared to this space gate, they are all weak.

The moment he saw the space door, he had already made some determination in his heart.

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