It was still Egypt, a temple in the desert.

Fang Jing looked up at the dense and incomprehensible carvings and cuneiform characters on it, and felt very strange.

The temple was built outside the wall where the three Vajra sealed the leadership module.

He could already imagine the situation of the ancient Egyptians at that time.

While digging, he suddenly saw the remains of a tall steel giant!

How shocked and incomprehensible a group of humans wearing linen and still in the barbaric years of mankind must be in their hearts.

This can explain why the door of this temple is so big and the threshold is so high.

"Is the leadership module here?"

Optimus Prime looked at these artistic treasures created by ancient humans with admiration, and asked softly.

"It's behind the mural!"

Fang Jing pointed to the mural.

Iron Sheet did not hesitate and rushed over directly, and a meteor hammer hit the mural.


With a muffled sound, the mural was shattered, and the hideous mechanical structure behind it had been silent for thousands of years and finally appeared again.

Faintly, Optimus Prime seemed to have heard some voice, calling him and inviting him.

Fang Jing stood quietly in place, looking at Optimus Prime, and recalled the details in the original work in his mind.

The leadership module cannot be taken away, but can only be recognized.

If you are recognized as having the qualities of a leader, you will be recognized, so that the leadership module can reappear.

This is what the three King Kong who sealed the leadership module with their bodies said, but Fang Jing and this universe are skeptical about this.

Because in the original work, the leadership module awakened the "dead" Optimus Prime, but the fallen King Kong also took away the leadership module quickly!

So, there must be some mechanism that can use it directly!

But now Fang Jing doesn't need to think about these, because Optimus Prime is here, and he is on their side.

He is a natural leader!

"I feel the call of the leader!"

Optimus Prime carefully moved the remains of the ancient King Kong away, and reached out to hold the double crescent-shaped leadership module steadily.


A brilliant blue light burst out from the center of the leadership module.

A nebula seemed to appear around Optimus Prime, rotating around him.

In the nebula, the stars were shining, and the core of the leadership module was the center of the entire nebula. The shining light fell on Optimus Prime, giving him a hint of holiness and a hint of nameless majesty.

This was the leadership module, which recognized Optimus Prime, his character, and truly recognized him!

Optimus Prime, with his eyes closed, saw the three ancient King Kongs coming out of the shadows, and understood their history of choosing to sacrifice themselves and seal the leadership module in order to fight against the fallen King Kong.


He also knew the leader's promise.

The extractor can never absorb stars with planets with life!

The nebula shining from the leadership module slowly retracted and shrank into the core of the leadership module.

Holding this pinnacle of Cybertron technology, Optimus Prime slowly opened his eyes, his eyes full of complexity.

He was recognized by the leader, and at the same time shouldered important responsibilities.

He who wears the crown must bear its weight!

On the planet Cybertron, the fallen King Kong sitting on the treatment device suddenly opened his eyes, looked towards the direction of the earth, and laughed heavily:

"Leader, a new leader is born, and the leadership module is out."

"The instrument can be used again!"

Thinking of the leadership module that was taken away and hidden, the fallen King Kong smiled coldly.

This thing will eventually return to his hands.

"I will rise!"

Unplugging the supply pipe connected to his body, the fallen King Kong slowly stood up. His old body still had great strength. He raised the scepter and roared:

"Decepticons, go, take back our equipment, suck the sun dry, and let that planet never see the sun!"

The Decepticons waiting on the planet Cybertron immediately began to prepare after hearing the order.

The huge sky bridge was slowly charging.

Here, the leadership module and the machine were in hand.

On the continent of the United States, a certain team sneaked in again while the old United States' communication had not been restored.

This time, their mission is to pack up and take away the ancient Transformers sleeping in the United States.

Although these Transformers all belong to the Decepticons, they are old enough and their knowledge is not at the same level as the current elite Decepticons and illiterate Autobots.

Being able to keep them in Project 237,

it can be said that they have mastered the key to cracking Cybertron technology!

What's even more amazing is that Skyfire can use the space bridge alone for one-way space transmission!

This is the goal set by the planning team and must be achieved no matter what!

Single-unit opening of the space bridge, one-way space transmission, such an amazing person, simply!

Late at night,

in an aircraft museum in the United States, the commandos commanded everyone to open the warehouse door of the museum and slowly pushed out one of the Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft.

At the gate, there was a fat security guard who was stunned by the stun gun and had fallen into a peaceful sleep.

"It's really worth it. Not only did I beat Lao Mi, I also stole things from Lao Mi's house. My experience is really rich."

In the night, the huge hand-rubbed transport plane quietly parked in the aircraft graveyard. On the plane, the pilot had a complicated expression.

Many parallel universes,

He has driven a spaceship, beaten Lao Mi, fought monsters, and even fought aliens.

This is the first time to steal something from Lao Mi's house.

Don't mention it, this is quite exciting!

It's a thrill I've never experienced before!

Underground, the plane has been pushed out and stuffed into the huge cabin. After checking the number of people, the commandos boarded the plane and tapped the signal.

"The target has boarded the plane and is ready to take off. Pay attention to avoid the monitoring of the Decepticons."

"Don't worry, the global signal has been suppressed by us, let's go!"

The transport plane took off in a swagger and disappeared into the sky under the cover of night.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for countries around the world.

When people around the world woke up the next morning, they turned on the TV and immediately saw an outrageous scene.

"The US Air Force History Museum was robbed and the black-faced plane was stolen."

"The pyramids were bombed, and the police suspected that it was related to the terrorists who detonated the tanker truck."

"Old cars in many European countries were stolen, and the traces were consistent with those in various countries!"


On this earth,

there is actually a strange force that specializes in stealing old planes and cars, even excavators and tanks!

The police forces of all countries in the world were extremely confused.


What's the point of stealing these?

Secondly, the Blackbird is so big, how did the other party steal it!

The confused police encountered an extremely chaotic scene,

coupled with all the broken surveillance and security measures,

this matter is a disaster for investigation!

This case is worth solving!

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