Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 354 If control fails, implant

on the grassland,

Not far from the huge explosion crater, dozens of Decepticons fell straight to the ground. Their eyes were no longer shining, and even their cores only provided the lowest level of energy.

They were forced into hibernation!

And this transparent net that sticks to them is the culprit of all this!

Using a network of some kind of mixture of optical fibers and Pandora plant rhizomes, combined with the super analytical capabilities of the assistant's artificial intelligence,

Super fiber network has become an indestructible weapon.

For intelligent mechanical beings like Transformers, this net is simply the kind with magical special attacks!

The Decepticons who usually only use physical resistance never thought of this.

There is still a day when they will be hacked along the Internet.

This is simply the multiverse version of fishing net-wrapped submarine tactics!


Lying on the ground, covering the wound on his face, feeling the billions of data impacts per millisecond bursting out from the transparent superfiber network attached to his body, the Fallen King Kong let out a painful cry.

"Stop, stop, stop!"

This kind of pain has never been experienced by Fallen King Kong, and it is unforgettable!

He is more tormenting than all physical injuries combined.

The assistant is so smart that if he fails to hack, he will be disgusted by the corrupted King Kong. He will forcefully destroy the opponent's strange data brain barrier and stuff all kinds of junk information into it.

This kind of junk information entered the core program of his collective body, instantly crowding out the original program of Fallen King Kong, causing some... problems in the operation of his body!

For example, on the way the commando team was rushing over, Fallen King Kong suddenly stood up suddenly as if he was having a convulsion. He opened his hands, stood up on tiptoes, and actually started jumping on the spot. Taking up ballet?

What a scene this is,

An extremely old Transformer danced with an indignant look on his face.

"What's going on?"

On the gravitational wave spacecraft, Fang Jing pointed at the screen and looked at the eye-catching video of robots dancing ballet, with a confused look on his face.

"Damn it, this old man still has this hobby?"

Next to him, Zhou Yuan was also shocked. If you weren't a fallen King Kong, even if you were about to be caught, you wouldn't give up treatment completely and prepare to die in society, right?

"This should not be a subjective act of Fallen King Kong."

Optimus Prime didn't even notice.

The Autobots' former greatest enemy, the Decepticon leader Fallen King Kong, is actually doing this kind of thing right now!

"The assistant cannot destroy or control the balance of the Fallen King Kong's data brain, so he can only forcefully enter and insert a large amount of discarded information. According to the search, this ballet is an old video deleted from the computer of an army soldier."

The assistant will give timely reminders.

On the spaceship, the two of them suddenly realized that they were Transformers.

Oh oh oh, so that’s what happened!

But then again, the dance of this Fallen King Kong is really ugly!

Still on the grassland,

By the time the commandos wearing first-in-arms armor rushed to the Fallen King Kong, the only resister of the superfiber network attack, he had already looked at half of the ballet.

When the gun was pressed against the head of the fallen King Kong,

All he was left with was the despair and anger of having his dignity trampled on.

"You despicable humans, how dare you insult me ​​like this? Just wait!"

The fallen King Kong, who was pressed to the ground and tied with restraints, immediately began to speak harsh words.

However, the commando soldiers pretended not to hear.


Who wouldn't say harsh words?

Lock you into a parallel universe, what can you do?

Let your old Decepticons travel across the universe to save you? Save it, I didn’t even take you with me when I escaped just now, why do you still expect this?

"The leadership module information recording has been completed. The original Transformers have the highest energy level. The information is consistent. It is determined to be the Fallen King Kong. There are structures of unknown reasons in the target body that can resist the hacking of the assistant's artificial intelligence. It has been marked as an experimental subject and is being physically sealed. "

The commandos bound the fallen King Kong and used new detectors to finally determine his identity.

Then he pushed it into the huge freezer.

After the machine was put into the cabinet, the Fallen King Kong didn't even have time to struggle, and was instantly frozen.

Ice covered the mechanical body, and the frost spread wantonly on his body. With his ambition, he would never be able to succeed again.

"The Fallen King Kong has been imprisoned, the recovery of other Decepticons is in progress, and the plan is completed."

The ambush battle on the grassland ended like this.

Ordinary Decepticons were sent directly to prisons in Kyushu after their weapons were dismantled. As for the Fallen King Kong, they were sent directly to the research laboratory after their weapons were dismantled based on the advice of their assistants.

This ancient Transformer, one of the Thirteen King Kongs, has quite a secret.

Able to resist hacking by assistants,

This secret must be quite big!

"I hope this universe will not directly dissect these Decepticons. After all, they are also Cybertronian intelligent mechanical life forms and are my kind."

On the spaceship, seeing the victory, Optimus Prime looked to the side and made his own suggestions from the bottom of his heart.

Of course, he didn't prohibit the other party from dissecting, so he just added a qualifier, that's all.

These Decepticons were captured alive.

"Of course, we have the most basic respect for intelligent life and will not harm any intelligent life form for the purpose of anatomical research."

Fang Jing agreed without hesitation.

He had this confidence because this universe has always been doing this.

Just like engineers, they have never killed an engineer for dissection. Generally, the dissections are of engineers who died accidentally in the crash on LV233.

Horus also knew these things.

He had no objection to this. When he was studying anatomy, he dissected many corpses of the same kind.

"I am glad again that we have the same principles. I joined you."

Hearing Fang Jing's assurance, Optimus Prime did not express it on his face, but he was very happy in his heart.

He and the Decepticons have different ideas.

The Decepticons want to revive the planet Cybertron at the cost of destroying humans; but Optimus Prime believes that reviving Cybertron cannot be at the cost of destroying other civilizations.

From the perspective of this universe, it is difficult to say who is right and who is wrong between the Decepticons and the Autobots, but there is no doubt that compared to the Decepticons who are full of war, the Autobots are more worthy of their cooperation.

"This is also our honor. Welcome to join us."

Fang Jing smiled back.

He also knew about Optimus Prime's purpose of reviving Cybertron.

But at the same time, he was not too worried.

Isn't it just reviving Cybertron?

As long as they join this universe, things like this are easy. Engineers now have enough technology to revive civilization!

Traveling through the multiverse will bring many benefits in the future!

Optimus Prime will once again feel how correct his current choice is!

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