Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 362: Still able to fight back

This is really a tried-and-true method.

Horos saw the scene in front of him in the background and sighed with emotion.

In this sense of crisis and powerlessness,

It is estimated that only Optimus Prime or other human beings with lofty ideals can be brave and not afraid of death.

And like the Fallen King Kong and himself, no matter how much they once had, they are now unwilling to die.

"The data shows that Fallen King Kong is full of fear, and he has something to say to us, so he probably gave in."

The assistant made a judgment based on simple expression reactions and signal fluctuations.

"First put his consciousness into dormant state without dissecting him. We always have to look at the opponent's anomalies. The assistant who can block all-round upgrades. As an ancient Transformer, this Fallen King Kong must have some secrets in the data brain barrier."

Horos waved his hand and made an immediate decision.

He is now a scientific adviser here and has the authority to make decisions about research.

"Instruction received, freezing..."


With the fear of death, the Fallen King Kong fell into physical dormancy again.

The moment he entered hibernation, after being confirmed by his assistant, the researchers who were dismantling the Decepticon soldiers immediately put down their equipment and ran directly to the fallen King Kong.

Horos also put on protective clothing behind the one-way glass, smiled at Mr. Zhu, and walked in from the small door.

"The data brain barrier is in the area between the Transformer's spinal core and head. Connect the signal to this area and see his reaction."

Horos quickly got into work mode,

For him, nothing compares to the study of various strange life forms!

"Hacking in progress, signal input, contacting the data brain barrier, recording..."

The assistant accepted the order and began to hack into the Fallen King Kong.

The huge data is directly imported from the limbs into the core of the Fallen King Kong through the bound cables.

Occupying the entire transit room, a super quantum computer group filled the entire transit room with upgraded computing units, frantically analyzing the situation at the core of the Fallen King Kong's data brain.

"Hacking, 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, circuit breaker, hacking failed..."

"Switch to the brain barrier model to record the opponent's data!"

Horos frowned. If he couldn't analyze it, he would copy it and read it piece by piece!

"Under construction, model copy, 0%, 50%, 75%, suffered data counterattack from unknown source, has interrupted the copy, cut off the connection with the host, cut off successfully, jump-jump, unable to clear counterattack data intrusion, enabled The physical removal method is inducing enemy data to be invaded and entered into the decoy unit..."

"Induction successful, Unit 3 fuses."


In this laboratory, a suitcase-sized quantum computer set in the distance suddenly made an explosion sound, and sparks flew out for free.

This computer's security fuse blew and self-destructed!

"The physical removal of the encroachment was successful, the enemy attack data has disappeared, and the fire extinguishing procedure has been initiated."


In the laboratory, the self-exploding computer unit was wrapped in sprayed dry powder, and the flames disappeared instantly.

This series of changes were seen by everyone present.

Elder Zhu and Zhao Guangyao's expressions became visibly serious.

"Just now, was it the Fallen King Kong's data brain barrier that counterattacked the assistant?"

Fang Jing was stunned, with some cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

This is the first time this universe has encountered such a difficult problem.

"Yes, the assistant activated the data intrusion security regulations and interrupted the opponent's counterattack by physically destroying the decoy computer group."

Zhao Guangyao took a breath and explained:

"Base 237 has a nine-layer data defense system with internal, external and internal supplies. These three parts are physically separated from each other, ensuring the absolute security of data in this universe."

"Even if the outer three layers are all breached, data intrusion cannot enter the middle three layers because they are not related."

"Just now, the assistant activated the second outer layer of defense and destroyed a computer to block the other party's intrusion."

This shows that,

The counterattack that just emerged from the body of the fallen King Kong,

Even the assistant with incredible computing power couldn't resist it and could only cut off its tail to drive away the enemy.

"The crisis has been resolved. The Fallen King Kong data brain barrier model has been replicated 75%. It is speculated that the remaining 25% is the problem."

The assistant's voice came out suddenly.

"It must be the last 25% of the problem. It may contain the secret of the ancient Transformers!"

Horos's eyes were excited, and he immediately called out the 75% model copied from the fallen King Kong's consciousness and examined it.

Under holographic projection,

The barrier model in Fallen King Kong's mind began to appear.

Dense and complex Cybertronian words gathered in the air. They were combined and connected with each other, emitting light from time to time, running one formula after another, and there was a structure that fascinated Horos.

"These are ancient Cybertronian writings, but due to the war, we can no longer recognize them all."

Behind the one-way mirror, Optimus Prime was also fascinated.

This was their once glorious representative of Cybertron, but after becoming obsessed with it, they became a bit disappointed.

Because these treasures of Cybertron are on the verge of being lost.

"It's old, but why does it feel familiar to me?"

Horos, who was in the middle of the laboratory, admired these beautiful and rich Cybertron texts. This is a kind of computer logic, but it is expressed in this image, which is similar to the use of gene DNA sequences by their engineers to represent biological computing logic.


For some reason, the more Horos looked at it, the more he felt something was wrong.

Although he couldn't understand this Cybertron text, it was translated by the assistant, so why did it look so familiar?

It was as if...

"The life created by our engineers with black water... The first generation had such traces!"

Horos was suddenly shocked and immediately mobilized the assistant's data to query the genetic information of the human beings on Earth in the included alien world.

"We are comparing the data and found similar traces. We are deducing the data. The deduction is successful and suspected artificial traces are found..."

"Artificial traces!"

Horos instantly understood the common point between the two.

Fallen Kong was indeed "created" by a certain existence!

And this method is similar to a certain technology in the glorious period of ancient engineers.

In other words, the former engineers touched this field!

There are three thousand ways to the same destination. No matter what civilization it is, the technology must be common in the end. The former engineer has come into contact with the field where the Transformers' ancestors exist.

Maybe it's just the tip of the iceberg,

but just discovering this point is enough to make Horus excited.


he actually touched something that only engineers in their glorious era could touch, creating life!

Moreover, what he touched might be the perfect form of this technology that their engineers have never had.

Closer to the origin, more advanced technology!

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