avatar world,

Above Pandora's sky, the blue light in the core area of ​​hundreds of energy rods finally went out.

Nearly hundreds of transmissions,

The most advanced technology of the Autobots was completely exhausted!

This is a device that can directly teleport planets. It is designed to teleport the planet Cybertron to the earth!

The intensity of energy contained in it can be imagined.

at the same time,

Mr. Zhu and others also like this space bridge technology more and more.

It’s so convenient!

The migration operation, which was originally planned to take seven or eight years to complete, unexpectedly took less than half that time!

"Urge the Skyfire, raid over there, and let them cooperate with the natural enemies. We must master this space bridge technology as soon as possible!"

Mr. Zhu’s eyes lit up.

space bridge,

A simple cross-space transmission technology,

With this technology, even if the distance of transmission is currently limited, there will no longer be a problem in the future between star systems, at least between Alpha Centauri and the solar system!

This is the last piece of the technological puzzle that will bring the Alpha Centauri star system into human territory!

space bridge technology,

It will help this universe to complete the first step into the real sea of ​​stars.

The solar system is the offshore of this universe, and the Alpha Centauri galaxy is just the trench of the offshore. These are certainly not worth mentioning in the vast universe, but taking this step has extraordinary significance for mankind!

"With the two seniors Tianhuo and Suidu here, and our strong foundation in space technology, their progress is very fast!"

Zhao Guangyao nodded,

He just briefly talked about the current research status of sky bridge technology. He had no objection to Mr. Zhu's suggestion and even agreed with it.

"Well, very good. I believe that with the addition of natural enemies, their progress will be faster."

Mr. Zhu nodded slowly,

This universe has a curvature engine and has a strong foundation in space technology.

At least the scientists sent there learned quickly, and the progress of the equipment is high enough. They have not encountered any bottlenecks yet. I believe that soon, this universe will be able to have its own space bridge!

"The energy in the energy column has been exhausted. Do we need to recharge it?"

Zhao Guangyao stood beside Mr. Zhu and nodded gently.

"Go to Pacific Rim World and recharge in the star field of the Pioneers."

Mr. Zhu thought for a moment and thought of this place.

"That's fine, that place has now become a mining area, so it's perfect."

This time not only the energy column is charged, but the fire source is also charged!

One full charge.

"Have you chosen a star?"

"Besides the Pioneer Star, there is a three-star system 5 light-years away. This time the three stars were absorbed together. Kyushu scientists want to try and create our own fire source!"

Zhao Guangyao lowered his voice.

"Let them go for it and don't be afraid of failure. Success will be of huge benefit to us in fully grasping the source of fire."

Mr. Zhu nodded.

The machine in Fang Jing's consciousness absorbed the energy from the fire source,

This alone is enough for them to knock out the source of fire!

There must be a big secret in this!

If you can't deal with that mysterious machine, can't you deal with your source of fire? !


Zhao Guangyao accepted the order and quietly retreated to make arrangements.

Transformers, Earth.

At this time, the situation on earth has completely changed.

Since Lao Mi was convicted of "crimes against humanity", no matter which country it is, they have chosen to quickly draw a clear line with each other.

Even Lao Mi’s two loyal dogs,

Liben and Nanbang also quickly turned against each other, denying all kinds of relationships with Lao Mi. They were threatened by Lao Mi by killing them!


In more than 190 countries around the world, those who have people provide people, and those who have money provide money.

Unprecedented scenes appeared on the east and west coastlines of North America!

global combined fleet,

There are aircraft carriers and cruisers on the top, and various frigates on the bottom. If there are no battleships, there are oil tankers. If there are no civilian ocean-going ships, there are sailboats.

Densely packed, large and small ships docked at the east and west coasts of Laomi.

that scene,

It was so spectacular that even Lao Mi, who was always fearless, was too frightened to say anything.

Because this time,

Lao Mi is really facing the human joint fleet!

Even if there are a lot of them that are just made up,

But it is true that the ships they sent were just a make-up, but the people behind them are real!

If you dare to send ships, you have made a clear statement.

Other countries around the world unite to isolate Laomi,

The key is that with the pressure from the great Eastern countries, he still doesn't dare to make a mistake, so there is no solution for him!

On the day when the human joint fleet blocked both sides of the North American continent, the rice stock market fell directly to the bottom. After the defeat, it plummeted and fell off a cliff again. Nuo's huge financial empire exploded within an hour.

The extreme prosperity of the past could not hide the weakness and filth behind it.


That night,

The busiest people are not the police who deal with gang crimes, but the cleaners who clean up the blood on the streets.

The moment the financial empire collapsed,

The person who had been immersed in it suddenly woke up,

In desperation, they had no choice but to line up and go to the rooftop.

Blood stained the whole street red,

It is said that on that day, corpses were piled up on the streets of Laomi, and there was no place for pedestrians to even stay.

Even in Los Angeles,

The piles of corpses were denser than the feces that could be seen everywhere.

one day,

The entire cremation system in North America was overwhelmed, and it was like a hell on earth.

No hope in sight.

And the only remaining industrial capacity and the only remaining technological industry were ruthlessly dragged away by the bandits docked on the coast.

The big Eastern countries don’t want these industries of Lao Mi, they just want him to die! ! !

This cola is ruining third world countries,

Large boats and small boats rushed directly to the shore, and even towed and dragged all the industrial equipment away.

"This is the processing equipment of the gemstone machine tool, and there are supporting patent documents. Mr. Chen, are you sure you don't want it?"

A certain camel dragged a truckload of equipment to Representative Chen of the Eastern Power who was supervising, and he poked his hand to confirm again.

all around,

The eyes of the people in Laomi who heard his words were filled with blood.

But there is no other way. This confiscation is compulsory. It is taken away together with patent property rights and skilled workers, and it is unconditionally taken in by the defeated!

Resistance, I am waiting for you to resist!

"You can take it."

Representative Chen waved his hand without caring in his eyes.

This was what Representative Camel was waiting for. After Representative Chen said it, he immediately greeted the truck and shouted:

"Quick, quick, take away the industrial workers. We want to build high-tech industries in the desert oasis and completely get rid of our dependence on oil!"

The camel represents the visible excitement, which puts Representative Chen in a good mood.

To be honest, Lao Mi's family background is still very rich, and all kinds of good things come out in an endless stream.

But now,

Representative Chen didn’t like it either.

Because, the parallel universe gives better things!

The world's most sophisticated gemstone processing machine tools are all rubbish.

With a glance at a processing machine tool of this level, Representative Chen is now considered a loser!

The first batch of industrial upgraded machine tools delivered in this universe, the processing precision has been directly stabilized to the picometer level.

That is to say,

That machine tool can be used directly to carve picometer-level wafers!

There are machine tools of this level.

Touching the nano-level gemstone machine tool?

Representative Chen secretly smiled. It was indeed useful for camels, but it was useless to them now.

Something like that,

This feeling is so cool!

Representative Chen just felt so happy in his heart. Standing on this land with a victor's attitude, the smile on his face could not stop no matter what.

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