Shi Dahai discovered a new radiation source,

His obvious laughter instantly attracted Fang Jing and others.

Horos took the lead and ran directly to the observation room of Unit 3 following the sound.

As soon as I rushed into the observation room,

The very obvious red mark of the found target instantly attracted Horos's attention.

Fang Jing and others arrived late.

Looking at this scene, everyone took a deep breath of cold air.

Good guy!

What a discovery!

"How is this done?"

Zhou Yuan was astonished, this is too amazing, this is not oil, yet the stone sea can be drilled and felt?

"I also want to ask, how did you discover this?"

Fang Jing murmured softly, his eyes shining.

This Shi Dahai is really a strange person!

"How did you do it? I was drilling while walking and found a radiation source in one of the holes. Let me tell you, I used to drill rock formations for the scientific expedition team in the Pacific Ocean. I drilled accurately every time. I am very familiar with it. Zhu If you always arrange for me to come, then you are the right person!”

Seeing Fang Jing's satisfied expression, Shi Dahai also raised his head proudly.

He has obtained the labor skill title of Drilling Expert!

"Okay, okay, keep going and see how much you can find today!"

Fang Jing clapped his hand hard to make sure he was not dreaming, and immediately let Shi Dahai do it.

How many can be found?

It’s up to you!

Shi Dahai also proudly accepted the order and turned around to go to another drilling unit.

Fang Jing and others were left alone, looking at each other in surprise!

They still don't believe it today. Once it was luck, and twice it was luck. They don't believe that Shi Dahai can always have such luck.

If it is true,

This Shi Dahai is also incredible.

"I'll block it for fifty cents. He will definitely not be able to find it this time. No one's luck is so bad."

Zhou Yuan opened the mask of Xianden's armor, chewed gum, looked at Shi Dahai's leaving figure, stretched out five fingers, and blinked.

"If I block it, he should be able to find it again!"

Fang Jing stretched out his hand, exchanged photos with Zhou Yuan, and grinned.


This luck has come and cannot be stopped.

Fang Jing looked at Shi Dahai, who was full of motivation, and grinned. He believed that he was such a person!

Horos next to him was already stunned.

Damn it, it makes people angry to death!


He's not a human, so that's okay.

However, just as a group of people were checking the radiation source,

Within two minutes, Shi Dahai's bright laughter actually came out again.

this time,

Hearing this voice, Zhou Yuan, who had always been cautious, couldn't believe it anymore!

"No need to say, strong!"

Zhou Yuan glanced at Fang Jing with strange eyes, extended his hand to show a thumbs up, and led the team out in a hurry.

Horos and Optimus Prime were also completely convinced.

Where did this god come from? This thing can be used directly as a radar!

Especially Horos,

Envying this luck, his eyes were extremely fiery,

If high-tech researchers are so lucky, why don't they produce results directly from the first experiment?

You know,

Biotechnology, compared to the material science of alchemy, is no better at randomness.

Sometimes we do replication experiments,

Horos must be stupid.

For example, some kind of modified bacteria,

You created a perfect living environment for him, but...

Bacteria: Ah, the wind is so strong, I'm dead.

Instead, it was some bacteria in what he considered an extremely harsh environment: I grew crazily!

Sometimes when doing this kind of experiment, Horos is really helpless. Under the same conditions and environment, the results will be different!

Sure enough, no matter what you do,

The European Emperor is so enviable.

half an hour,

It only took Shi Dahai half an hour to let Fang Jing and others feel what it means to be a drilling expert and what it means to be an European Emperor!

Maybe everyone has their own special features,

The specialness of others just cannot be discovered,

But for Shi Dahai, Fang Jing was certain that his speciality lay in drilling.

In just half an hour, he discovered no fewer than ten radiation sources.

Until these fragments were discovered by him,

Horos suddenly understood,

Oh, it turns out that the fragments of Unicron are not only in the core of the earth, but are also distributed in the mantle!

"It's too strong. It's too strong. There are various interferences from the high temperature, pressure and high radiation of the planet's core. Our ability to explore the planet's crust has always been problematic. The thick bottom layer will block most of the detection waves."

Horos stared at Shi Dahai with hot eyes and murmured excitedly:

"According to Elder Dino, even the ancient engineer civilization cannot clearly detect the specific situation in the planet's core."

"We can easily destroy a planet, but we cannot completely understand a planet!"

But this Shi Dahai is like a gold miner,

Get out whatever you want!

"Let's not talk about this first. We discussed it and chose the fragment drilled by Unit 6."

After Fang Jing asked Shi Dahai to rest, he looked at each other and determined the fragments of the final experiment.

"Very good. Judging from the detection waves, this fragment is part of the brain. It should contain some of the structure of Unicron's brain. The fragment as a whole is small and is extremely easy to ingest."

Optimus Prime's eyes were filled with anticipation.

This is the wreckage of Unicron, the enemy of the ancestor of the ancestor of Cybertron life, one of the supreme beings in the universe.

What can be found from it?

Is there anything that can subvert cognition?

Curiosity is the nature of every life form, and Optimus Prime is no exception.

Horus nodded, controlled the drill bit of the drilling equipment, and carefully opened a strong magnetic field in front of the fragment.

The magnetic field is strong enough to disperse the high-temperature fluid around the fragment, leaving an open area.

At this time, a mechanical claw suddenly popped out of the drill bit, clamped the fragment that was only a few meters long, and slowly brought it to the surface.

Very long,

This distance is very long,

This grabbing took several hours.

When a piece of black metal fragment was exposed on the ground, the chemical defense troops wearing tight protective clothing immediately rushed up, and the isolation area that had been laid out long ago was immediately put into operation.

The wreckage of Unicron, about five meters long and four meters wide, was officially brought out of the ground after twists and turns!

"Here we go!"

After the chemical defense troops had dealt with it, Horos personally led people to the disinfection room.

The big human's hand, through the protective suit, was trembling as he placed it on the dark fragment.

This fragment was dark and cold. Even though it had just been taken out of the scorching core of the earth, it still emitted a bit of cold air, as if it was a piece of black iron born from an icy world.

The dark fragment was not stained with any other substance. The moment it left the soil, it was so smooth, so smooth that it was amazing, as if it was a lotus born from the mud.

"Bring a microscope and check the atomic distribution of the material!"

Looking at the material in front of him, Horos showed an incredible expression in his heart.

This material was carrying intense radiation, and just from the naked eye, the density might reach an extremely terrifying level!

"Here comes the microscope!"

Taking the electron microscope handed over, Horos did not hesitate and directly adjusted the magnification to the maximum.

Seeing the densely distributed atoms,

his pupils shrank suddenly.

Iron? Iron-like elements.

This density is even more terrifying than the density on the surface of a neutron star!

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