Transformers, in the endless universe,

A very strange spacecraft, the antimatter engine is running at full speed, heading towards the nearest direction of the three-star system.

Said this spaceship was strange,

It's because Nuo Da's spaceship has a hideous and terrifying appearance, and many places are hollow.

A hollow spaceship, a spaceship without a pressurized cabin,

This is simply a mudslide in the entire spaceship world!

Such a design can only explain one thing,

The owner of this spacecraft does not need any kind of "gas" at all, and can directly expose his body in space!

They can adapt to the surface environment of most planets,

He is a born space warrior!

At the intersection of the constantly rotating main beams of the spacecraft, in the cab, the Neutral Transformer was sitting on the bridge taking orders.

Surrounded by a star map projected by a faint blue holographic projection, and in the center is a blue planet, gorgeous and beautiful.

"I have received the order to go to Earth and recover the Creator's creation, Optimus Prime..."

Intermittent communication bands circulated in the spacecraft,

Confinement still closes the eyes,

But the sharp index finger of his robotic hand has been slightly raised, and the direction pointed by the fingertip is exactly where the earth is in the holographic projection!

"I've had enough of the Decepticons and Autobots fighting like children. The Creator created them to be used by Him, not to make Cybertron look like this."

He clenched his fists,

The confinement slowly reached out and pushed the lever to the top.

in space,

The giant steel spaceship, as ferocious as a Decepticon, suddenly left only a shadow on the spot, turned into a green light, and headed towards the destination at full speed!

on the spaceship,

Many neutral Hunter Transformers faced the high-speed movement of the spacecraft without any discomfort and were still doing the work at hand.

One by one, the "corpses" of Autobots and Decepticons were dragged to the decomposition furnace. The sharp jawless saw teeth of the amoeba were constantly rotating, and all the broken limbs and arms that were sent in were removed without rejection. Crush them into pieces and then push them into the incinerator.

The fire will burn everything!

They were born from the Creator and will eventually return to the Creator!

en route,

The Autobots struggled desperately, but to no avail.

These hunter Transformers, with cold eyes, just watched quietly as the amoeba tore their "kind" into pieces, sorted them, took out the core, and then threw the remaining waste into the incinerator.

They were just executioners, showing no sympathy or pity for killing their own kind, and there was even a trace of disgust in their eyes.

These useless Autobots,

Except for the core which has some uses, everything else is just waste!

Complete trash!

This universe, Mars, Yongri City.

Today, there are hundreds of super cities like Yongri City on Mars.

After a long period of population migration on Mars, the permanent population has finally exceeded the level of 400 million.

The number of newborns in the entire Eastern country alone has exceeded 50 million. It can be said that the entire Eastern country in this universe is thriving in all aspects.

However, the manpower is still somewhat insufficient!

Just like on Mars, the huge interstellar industry that uses Mars as radiation is simply not enough for 400 million people!

That's right,

Even if robots replace most of the labor industry,

However, the number of occupations created by the development of Mars is too large. It is no wonder that the population of some interstellar civilizations is often in the trillions.

There is no population of this magnitude,

It’s really difficult!

But now it's better. Mr. Zhu has separated about 400 million people from the great eastern country of the developed world. After these people have received systematic training in space work in Kyushu, they will be sent to this universe one after another.

"Will the massive influx of people from parallel worlds into Mars expose the contents of Project 237?"

This is Zhao Guangyao’s worry,

Project 237 has always been separated from other systems of the great Eastern country in this universe. If it is exposed and known within the system, there may be some trouble.

"Don't worry, as long as the official doesn't admit it directly and deal with it vaguely, it'll be fine."

Mr. Zhu chuckled and joked:

"Besides, people are no longer suspicious now?"

The great eastern country in this universe has entered Mars in one year, transformed Mars in five years, and now it is about to leave the solar system.

This speed,

You said you were fine, is that possible?

Everyone was already suspicious. Even if a large number of people were released at this time, it would only make the matter more complicated. In order not to expose the 237 plan, the officials were vague and did not clarify it directly.

Isn’t this done?

It just made the original suspicion more solid.

"Yes, Mr. Zhu, how are the first batch of trainees doing?"

Zhao Guangyao thought about it, yes!

"It should be almost done. The batch of one million people that Lao Zhou promised to train is almost there."

Speaking of this, Mr. Zhu was extremely angry and felt like he was blowing his nose and staring.

That guy Lao Zhou,

He actually stole people from him directly!

It is said that the world of Kyushu is too spacious and more people are needed.


The next development goal of this universe is to directly develop the Alpha Centauri star system. Can it require fewer people?

If he hadn't argued, it's estimated that there would be no 400 million people!

Old Zhou, this old fox!

"One million people, that's great. Mars is short of people now, and there is a shortage of people in all walks of life."

Zhao Guangyao clapped his hands in surprise and said happily:

"These can be explained to the administration."

"I'll arrange it now!"


Old Zhu nodded indifferently.

Xiao Zhao was going to prepare to guide the population problem, and he waited for him to leave, then slowly walked towards the space gate and went to the Kyushu world.


will be preparing for war!

The space bridge makes distance no longer an obstacle.

And among the many worlds that this universe is heading to, there is only one world of the Eastern power that they have not yet contacted.

Alien world!

This world was once the world with the strongest human technological development in multiple universes.

Now, their strength has accumulated enough for Old Zhu to have the confidence to contact.

He is now confident that

after contact, even if there is a conflict, they will completely subdue the other party with the power of thunder.

"The other party has superluminal spacecraft technology. We must prepare for the worst before contact. Our spacecraft is not safe enough. Notify them to drag out the fallen Kong, prepare the extractor, and find the spacecraft scientists."

Old Zhu's eyes suddenly became deep, and he whispered:

"It's time to get a few star-class battleships and get all the systems ready."

"The construction location of the spacecraft is in the alien world!"

"First... let's get ten!"

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