Walk on Plan 237, the underground part of Node Island,

Sam and Tenore had just walked into the core part of the laboratory, and everything they saw seemed novel.

There are tall humanoid aliens here,

The scholars and soldiers walking in the corridor are in a hurry,

The sci-fi exoskeletons, mechas, and even various robots and artificial intelligence made the two of them feel like they were in another world.

Is this really still Earth?

Thinking of the tribe he originally lived in, the group of tribesmen who were still in the primitive forest, looking at this place, Sam sighed in his heart,

Unexpectedly, the gap between human groups has reached this level.

Some people are still living a primitive hunting life, while some have left the earth and flown to the vast sea of ​​stars.

The difference between people,

Is it already this big?

As for the current technology of the great Eastern countries, the technology of the earth's aboriginal people, if rounded up, is none. If it is roughly equal to the current technology, it will be at the same level as other species on the earth.

The strength of other countries is now like an infant in swaddling clothes in front of them.

"Okay, the location of your project has arrived."

Major Cheng stopped at a door with a huge metal door, smiled and nodded to the two of them.

Sam actually always had some doubts.

Now that I saw this metal door, my doubts became even greater.

That is,

Why are the corridors and doors here so big? It’s so big that it’s a bit unreasonable.

Like it's for some giants.

Logically speaking, the tall humanoid aliens can just use a four- to five-meter corridor, but this corridor is now at least seven meters high by visual inspection, right?


I haven’t taken the opportunity to ask my question yet,

The metal door made a deflating sound, and then opened lightly.

Major Cheng made a gesture to lead his hand.

Sam and Tenore swallowed their saliva and stepped heavily into the research room with somewhat heavy feet.

They both know,

After entering this door, they will understand the world, no, the most secret information in the human world!

Top-secret information often means that they can never leave again to prevent leaks.

Even if I know this vaguely,

The two of them did not hesitate,

Even if you stay in this laboratory all your life, as long as you can explore the truth, it will be worth it!

Enter the laboratory,

Inside, there is a neat row of equipment filled with pipelines of various thicknesses. The equipment is rough and has a mechanical and ferocious beauty, but also has a sense of refinement. Surrounding the equipment are various people wearing white coats holding mobile virtual screens. kind of scientific researchers.

On the far right, in front of a row of computers, a certain model is constantly running on the holographic projection. In the three-dimensional line, a round hole opens, and then suddenly shrinks. This action is repeated continuously.

Everything is so harmonious. Except for the advanced equipment and more powerful researchers, they are no different from ordinary research laboratories on Earth.

Apart from……

On the left, those tall metal machines... Transformers? ? ?

Wait, what did Tenore see?

He or something,

There are Transformers in the lab! ! !

"Sam, tell me, did I see it wrong? Is that a Transformer?"

Tenore rubbed his eyes fiercely and pulled Sam next to him.

"What are Transformers, are they those giant metal men?"

Sam hadn't seen many movies, but he was still surprised.

And Tenore is scary,

Aren't Transformers something from a science fiction movie? How come there is such a thing in a laboratory in a big Eastern country, and it seems that they are actually dismantling a huge metal ring?

Are they also researchers? !

"Look, there's a surprise attack. Two more shocked young men have arrived. It seems we are still very attractive!"

Skyfire dismantled the last part of the main body of the space bridge in its own Skyfire weapons arsenal. Looking at Tenore who could fit an apple into his mouth at the door, he smiled at the surprise attack.

"Yeah, he's probably new again. I hope he's the one we want."

Raid shrugged, took the part, marked it with a number, and put it down carefully.

And the door,

Tenore realized that I am afraid that what the Eastern powers have obtained is far more than just "relics of alien civilization"!

Otherwise, how can we explain this Transformer?

Such a big Transformers,

There's no way he did it on his own, right?

You see, he even smiled at me, with that disgusting look in his eyes so expressive!

Damn it!

The appearance of Transformers made Tenore realize that

Things are far from that simple!

Sure enough, with the introduction of Major Cheng, they learned the truth about Project 237.

Sam and him both stayed in place in shock.

Even though they have the most advanced professional knowledge on Earth, they cannot remain calm under the impact of information about parallel universes!

In other words, no one can remain calm!

"So, this is all true, Transformers are real, and the humanoid aliens we just saw are actually engineers from the alien world!"

Tenore almost lost his voice.

"Things are getting more and more interesting, and it looks like we have a lot of new things to learn and research."

Next to him, Sam accepted the setting of the parallel universe, with a look of excitement on his face.

Tenore also reacted,

He finally understood what Major Cheng meant just now.

Researching Transformers’ space bridge technology,

What’s really special is the research on Transformers’ space bridge technology.

He was just studying with the Transformers, which he never expected.

"Okay, now that you two know the content, let's quickly get familiar with the experiment. Your luggage has been taken away. This is the number of your room."

Major Cheng looked at the two people with a smile, dropped the number tags, handed them over to the scientist leading the team, and left.

The two of them also quickly suppressed their inner shock.

Now, learning and scientific research are the most important!

The two people immediately listened to the explanation of the leading scientist and began to understand their work.


Sam directly asked to take a look at the control mathematical model currently constructed,

He listened to the theoretical explanations given by the scientists leading the team,

A wonderful idea burst out uncontrollably in my mind!

Based on his current mathematics level, he came up with an idea that he thought was good.

Not just him, but also Tenore,

The two of them are indeed geniuses. They are not afraid of tigers as newborn calves. When they come into contact with the new world, their minds are constantly bursting with ideas!

"The foundation of your idea is a bit rudimentary, but considering your current level, it is already very powerful. It is similar to the route proposed by Professor Liang, but the details are slightly different. After you have learned the basic knowledge, you can try to continue the research. "

The basis of the model only uses simple data tools.

In terms of specific content, Sam and Tenore's theoretical foundation is simply not up to standard.

The scientist leading the team probably listened to the explanations of the two men and was surprised that they could build a simple similar model with their backward knowledge, so they became a little interested.

Come, follow me into the accounting room.

Let's discuss it in detail.

"It seems that these two little guys are still geniuses in the human world, geniuses with strange and strange thinking."

Tianhuo couldn't help sighing when he saw this scene from a distance.

"Haha, Senior Tianhuo, who is not a genius? You were the same back then. Your legend spread throughout the entire planet of Cybertron."

Raid chuckled,

Geniuses have all arrived in this laboratory,

Who isn't?

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