Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 395 A puzzling civilization

Alien world, OME star system,

This is a strange star system, a chaotic galaxy more complex than the three-body motion constructed by scientists.

This is a star system with five stars,

The level of chaos in the core area is like stars flying around.

It is simply a miracle that this star system can still exist.

The human fleets from the alien world have split up, and the first batch has arrived at the outskirts of this chaotic galaxy.

The spare fleet was already silently ambushing in the eternally dark universe.

In the joint flagship of the fleet,

Captains from various countries gathered together, sitting in the conference room, looking at the holographic projection of the galaxy in the middle, all frowning in deep thought.

"We have arrived at the scheduled location, where is the other party's fleet?"

"Can I contact the other party?"

The Omi Galaxy is completely empty.

At this time, the human coalition forces suspected that they had been let go.

All my people are here,

What about you people? !

"We are unable to locate the Prometheus. Usually the other party contacts us directly through the Prometheus."

Representative Omega was a little annoyed.

"Are we just going to wait like this?"

"Wait, the other party mentioned this meeting, they will definitely show up."

The fleet representatives of the great Eastern countries did not think that the other side would let go of the doves.

Being able to take the initiative to contact already explains a lot, they don’t need to worry too much!

As a result, just as he thought,

Just as the fleet was unfolding its posture outside the star system, another message came from the Prometheus:

"The other side was happy that you were able to do it so quickly so they didn't have to wait any longer, and now that they're here, get ready to meet."

After sending such a message, the Prometheus stopped talking.

"Now, they are here?"

Representatives of fleets from various countries on the earth turned around suddenly and looked at the holographic projection.


Why are you here?

"The Sea Blade reported that strong space fluctuations were discovered on the northwest side of the Omi star system, 0.4 light-years away from the fleet. It is continuing to observe, and the simulation images have been uploaded to the host!"


The scout ship sounded urgently.

The pictures on the holographic projection are also constantly changing.

In the corner of the star system, a spherical space collapse area suddenly appeared. The collapse area continued to concave in, gradually forming a short-lived channel.

"High-energy energy fluctuations have been detected. Graphics are being drawn to determine the target. The opponent has appeared. The ship's shape has been reported to the host!"


The image on the holographic projection changed for a while,

Twelve warships,

Traveling through space, in a form that shocked everyone, he appeared in front of the human fleet in the alien world!

"Sora, space jump?"

"Quick, let all fleets be alert and hide weapon fluctuations. We must hide weapon fluctuations and not allow the enemy to misjudge!"

"The other party, the other party is setting up a posture. Is it a defensive to offensive formation?"

"Send a notification to the other party that they will not attack, and be sure to let the other party reply!"

Such a cool way to appear,

Not only did it shock the human coalition fleet, but it also made everyone sweat on their foreheads.

The opponent's technological strength is definitely stronger than theirs.

Don't mess with it, definitely don't mess with it!

This is the effect this universe wants to achieve and what it wants to achieve.

The person responsible for contacting humans in the alien world is Engineer Horos.

This is also the meaning of this universe,

The ancient and glorious background of the engineer is directly applied to the body, so as not to play the same kind of mutual vigilance trick with the humans on earth in this world.

The C-shaped spaceship gradually flew to the head of the fleet,

The Transformers' spaceship also cuddled up with the Engineer's spacecraft and kept moving forward.

This situation is already obvious. These two spaceships are the main force in the negotiation!

The meeting was held online,

When the engineer spacecraft and the alien world alliance flagship connected the signal,

A scene that surprised the representatives of the Alien World Military Council was projected onto the holographic projection.

In front of me, three individuals appeared,

One is a tall replica of a human being, the other is a huge humanoid steel robot, and the last one looks completely human from the outside!

And this human is an East Asian!

What configuration is this?

Why are there humans on alien spacecraft?

Everyone in the council looked at the representative of the Eastern Power Fleet with doubts, but this person was also confused now.

No, the key is that this person is a human being.

It doesn't matter if I'm an East Asian.

The crux of the matter is...

You are wearing a Space Force uniform similar to mine, with armbands that look the same as mine. What the hell is this?

Seeing this scene,

The people in the council looked at the representatives of the eastern powers with even weirder looks.

Good guy,

You have long been in contact with alien civilizations, right? ! !

Rabbit, I said you don’t know martial arts, why are you still pretending? !

"We are humans from the Earth in the solar system. Who are you?"

The board representative cleared his throat and looked at the Eastern powers' representative who also had a confused expression. He knew that the other party didn't know either, so he immediately started communicating with the other party.

"We are an engineer civilization that spans the galaxy, and we are the spreaders of human genes on Earth!"

Horos raised his tall head and looked at the humans in the picture with arrogant eyes.

Unlike humans in this universe, humans in this world originated from their experiments to trace back to Deacon, so Horus still had a little pride in front of them.

"We are the mechanical intelligent life of Cybertron civilization!"

After Horus spoke, Optimus Prime also straightened his chest and introduced his own civilization.

Cybertron is a civilization that is not inferior to engineers at its peak, and it is the pride of Optimus Prime.

"We are another human civilization, completely different from your origins, and an independently evolved human civilization."

The commander-in-chief spoke at the end, his eyes locked on the person opposite him, who was dressed 90% similar to him and had the same briefs.


As soon as these three representatives spoke,

the alien humans were directly confused.

Why do you have three backgrounds?

The combination of three civilizations?

Also, what did that bald engineer say, they are the sowers of human genes on Earth?

What does this mean? !

Although mechanical intelligent life is strange, there are all kinds of strange things in the world, so it is understandable that they are worthy of admiration.

But what is the last group of humans who evolved independently and have different origins from them?

This strange combination and introduction method

made the alien humans a little confused,

and even made the artificial intelligence on their spacecraft stuck for a while. Although they understood what they meant, they still felt incredible.

Is this possible?

Why do they feel that the other party is fooling them?

Although there is a theory of convergent evolution of organisms,

but in this universe,

there are really humans who can perform convergently and are exactly the same, and the key is that other humans have come to find them.

Why does this sound a bit wrong?

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