Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 421 Let you experience the feeling of sneak attack

mechanical warrior,

In the eyes of humans on the French coastal front, a large number of mechanical warriors appeared.

These mechanical warriors have no fear of life or death;

A life-and-death struggle began with Mimic on the coast,

Their fighting style is the same as humans, and they also fight hand-to-hand with mimics.

But the bodies made of steel make them completely free of human weakness.



At the forefront of the battlefield, the giant Transformer transformed by H-6 directly turned into a battlefield tank. All Mimics that stood in front of him were crushed into powder.

This whole thing is just like a dump truck.


Mimicry was stunned!

They always have a smooth attack on humans, and sneak attacks are all done in one go.

Why is it the other way around now?

As a result, they were suddenly surprised!

Where did these steel robots come from?

"Hoora ka ka ka -"

A strange roar came from Mimic's mouth. Mimic, which had always been strong, suddenly jumped out of the soil, stretched out its claws and stabbed the giant Transformer who was leading the charge.


The claws pierced the Transformer's body, and fierce sparks immediately burst out.

Although the mimic creature is still a living thing, the strength of its body is indeed not comparable to that of humans.

With this blow, it actually pierced the Transformers armor.

But that’s all!

The giant Transformer codenamed Roadhog, after flattening the two rushing Mimics with a shovel, turned his head and looked at the giant Mimic whose claws were inserted into his armor with a ferocious look on his face, and showed a smile that made the opponent scared.

"This cowardly body cannot be used for anything!"

Roared angrily,

The huge mechanical claws suddenly grasped the giant mimic,

Tear it apart with both hands,

The giant mimic was torn into two pieces! !

On the Mimic side, several Mimics burrowed into the ground and jumped directly towards an ordinary Transformer. Their sharp claws suddenly penetrated into the Transformer's body. Even the steel body was torn apart at this moment. Huge rift.

However, these Transformers are just robot warriors in the form of Cybertron,

So in this case, without any hesitation, I chose directly...



There was an explosion, and several Mimics instantly became burial objects.

How cruel!

Throughout the battle, both sides were fearless and fearless!

The two parties who were fighting thought it was nothing, but the French coastal defense troops watching the show were so frightened that their legs began to shake.

What kind of fight between gods is this? ? ?

Both warring parties are rushing to perish together!

The Iron Warriors roared excitedly,

Engineers like Mimic have no fear at all, they just keep attacking.

Both sides are weapons born for war,

The collision between war machines and war machines, iron-blooded, cruel and crazy!

No matter the cost!

Neither side knows what death is,

This is a way of war that scares humans from the bottom of their hearts.

Because this means that the fighting will not stop until all combatants on both sides die!

"It's crazy."

"Where did those robots come from, the great Eastern country?"

"What I'm more concerned about is that your mimicry has been lurking underground for a long time! Our attack is a joke and a trap for the enemy!"

"Why don't we take the opportunity to help? This is a great opportunity to kill Mimic!"

Pictures of the front line were projected into the barracks.

The scenes of the battle left the soldiers in the barracks in varying states.

Some were frightened, some were excited, and some clenched their fists.


Finally, the order that came was that it was forbidden to leave the barracks.

This disappointed many soldiers.

However, these orders can never suppress a warrior with a righteous heart!

The Transformers who are fighting are divided into two groups.

A group of mimic troops are fighting on the ground.

The other batch continues flying and goes straight to the dam!

The Transformers used by ground troops are actually consumables.

There were not as many of them as the Mimics. Although they killed fiercely, they were quickly targeted by the Mimics who came back to their senses.

There are too many mimics here;

This is a big trap to ambush the main European forces!

In order to eat these humans, Omega mobilized a huge number of mimic troops.

The Roadhog who was charging forward encountered a serious problem.

Dozens of giant mimics rushed forward, their sharp claws digging into its back armor, constantly destroying its huge body.

Just when he was a little unable to cope,

Sporadic gunshots were heard in the distance, and the Mimics on his back were hit, and several were lost in an instant.

"Oh, oh, big guy, keep charging and kill these monsters!"

Several teams of shore defense troops rushed out and shouted excitedly at these mechanical warriors.

An officer's order?

If the officer ordered to stand still in the face of such a good opportunity to counterattack,

Then their orders are bullshit!

Does the other side not distinguish between friend and foe?

Is it because you can’t see the big Eastern country logo on the fuselage, or is it a fun tattoo?

Is it because you don’t want to see it?

This is the tragedy of mankind. Even when fighting aliens, the zero-sum game thinking of Western countries still makes them jealous of the Eastern powers.

But not everyone thinks so!

The spirit that human beings never lack is the spirit of courage and resistance!

Although there are not many people in several teams,

But with the determination to kill the mimic creatures, they disobeyed the officer's order without hesitation!

Follow these robots and rush me!

Kill these alien monsters that destroyed their home!

"Although I'm a robot, I like your personality."

Roadhog grinned and roared,

A shovel hit the ground, crushing several Mimics, roaring and continuing to charge forward.

The addition of humans from several teams just meant that there were at least a few people in the opponent's military camp who understood the "big picture".

However, this cannot change the fact that the Transformers troops are gradually being overwhelmed and attacked by a large number of mimics.


There is no doubt that

The unexpected situation on this front has attracted everyone's attention.

Whether it's a human or a mimic.

Just like Omega,

Through Alpha's perspective, it sees these strange robots and is very concerned.

These powerful mechanical warriors,

Where did it come from?

Omega curiously observed what happened on the battlefield.

It is wondering whether these robots are related to the "human beings" it sees,

If there is a relationship, what does the other party mean?

What does Fang Jing mean?

Why sacrifice Transformers on the ground battlefield?

Yes, this is the obvious consumption,

Fang Jing's meaning is obvious, which is to try to keep Mimic's combat advantage and reduce the possibility of Omega's direct fuse backtracking.

At this stage,

Omega is definitely keeping an eye on these Transformers!

Sitting in the base, watching the progress of another batch of Transformers troops, Fang Jing curled his lips and said with a smile:

"Omega still hasn't responded. It seems that it is curiously observing the frontal battlefield!"

It's good to observe the frontal battlefield.

Doesn't mimicry like sneak attacks?

this time,

It also lets you see what it feels like to be attacked! ! !

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