Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 423: Pump! Keep pumping!

Omega is going crazy!

Since it came to Earth, it has never encountered such a strange thing.

In the past, we fought against human armies;

Even if the mimic army is defeated, as long as it takes Alpha to restart time a few times and figure out the human arrangement, it can immediately turn defeat into victory.


This method is completely ineffective on these weird metal robots!

After being found for the first time and slapped hard,

It's like opening Pandora's box,

In all subsequent tracebacks,

These robot warriors will immediately teleport in front of it every time, and then give it a big mouth that it can't resist at all!

The key is!

The reaction time left for it after backtracking is getting shorter and shorter,

The first few times it was able to call in mimic guards,

Later, the robot guards rushed up and beat him severely!

Beat it until it is stunned,

It was so beaten that it couldn't tell the difference between north, south, east and west!

"Buzz buzz—who are you?"

In the dam, Omega was so angry that he spoke Chinese!

It's not that it can't speak, it's just that it used to hide in the back and didn't have to come into contact with humans at all. However, as the command center of the mimicry, it itself has outstanding intelligence, so it is easy to learn human language.

"It is impossible for the earth to have space technology and such intelligent machine warriors. Who are you!"

The petal-like tentacles open and close, with great fluctuations!


The Transformers Warrior Guard's mechanical face showed nothing but coldness. It just paused slightly, and then laughed in a somewhat calm voice:

"See you next time!"

After saying that,

Without hesitation,

The guard's big iron slap directly hit Omega hard!

Back in time!

Omega angrily started the time regression again,

However, this time, time went back very slowly, so slowly that the guard even made up for it with two kicks!

I don’t know how many times I opened it in a row.

Omega is already a little "weak", and the time-traveling ability has begun to activate slowly, and the "opportunity" is coming!

In fact, Omega also knows this,

That's why it becomes angry, but even if it knows, what can it do?

It's just a command center,

Its only ability is to briefly open the space-time corridor. In addition, it even needs the help of mimicry to move.

This extremely limited ability,

In front of these robots with space jumping technology, there is absolutely no way!

You see,

The time corridor has just ended,

Beside Omega, another shadow appeared in the dam.

The shadow solidified instantly, and the guards came again with the Transformers!

Guard: Hi, we meet again. I’d like to treat you to a big-eared bun!

Omega has lost count. This is the first time the opponent has rushed over.

Although it can open the time corridor,

But it is in the corridor of time, that is, the body of Omega, is an exception!

All kinds of energy consumed will not return to it due to time retrieval.

in short,


There is no energy left now!


The guard, whose footsteps landed on the ground and made a clicking sound, did not notice this.

It fulfilled Fang Jing's order very faithfully and came to Omega who was in a panic.

Looking at the guards getting closer and closer,

Omega was desperate. Its tentacles opened and closed desperately. The original deep blue light at its core had become very dim. No matter how it swung its tentacles, those dim lights had no response.

The time and space corridor failed to activate.

Its originally abundant energy was completely consumed!

After experiencing tens of thousands of repeated tortures,

Omega finally showed his flaws!

Edge of Tomorrow,

Sitting on the command platform where the mimic armor changed, Fang Jing suddenly opened his eyes and waved his hand in surprise.

"The guard reported that it had broken off Omega's tentacles and injected biological inhibitors into Omega's body. The opponent did not reshape it, and the energy pool was finally exhausted!"

With the size of the earth,

The Imperial Guard and Fang Jing Communication maintain a real-time connection, and there is no problem at all.

Through synaesthesia equipment,

Whatever the guards see, Fang Jing can see.

Therefore, he knows Omega's current state very well!

The critical moment mentioned in Plan 2 has arrived!

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh-"

The original command podium instantly turned into a large number of silver-white metal particles, which then covered Fang Jing's body and formed the body of the mimic armor.

The 9-meter-tall silver mecha,

The smooth outer armor is so exquisite that you can tell at a glance that it does not belong to the creation of this world; the art design is bold and bold, and the tall body is frightening to look at; the whole body is so precise that every seam is seamlessly connected,

The silver-white coating reflects a dazzling light under the sunlight.

In addition, with the Skyfire weapons arsenal in full swing on his back, Fang Jing, wearing this suit of armor, stood in front of everyone like the ancient Celestial Lord in Cybertron.

Just standing there, an unparalleled momentum gradually rose up.

"This is?"

Senior General Duan saw everything. Thinking of the contents of Plan 2 that Fang Jing had told him, his expression changed and he hurriedly asked:

"Then Omega is dead?"

"Yes, I'm going to go and end this."

Slowly looking back, the silver-white metal body glowed faintly under the rising sun.

After saying all this, as Fang Jing thought,

Behind the back, the original flying wings of the Skyfire Arsenal were disconnected from the middle, gathered in one direction, and finally formed a huge crescent moon behind the brain of the Mimic War Armor.

The crescent moon is close to closing, pressing behind Fang Jing’s head.

It made him look like a fairy from the ancient Chinese way, with an unparalleled round light behind his head.


A crescent-shaped steel ring, a burst of blue light flashed inside the circle,

In an instant, the space bubble created by the sky bridge enveloped the mimic armor.

Dams along the French coast,

Omega, who was dying and being trampled tightly under his feet, begging for mercy, noticed that the familiar space fluctuations appeared again!

Such movement,

Let it understand instantly that the rightful owner has arrived!

In the originally empty space, a shadow appeared, and the shadow slowly solidified.

Fang Jing, who was wearing a silver mimic armor, stepped out of it and officially walked in front of Omega!

"You, who are you?"

Omega felt very weak, but it still used its only strength to simulate human voices.

Fang Jing didn't answer it,

I just walked up to it quietly,

Then, in Omega's confused perception, he slapped it hard.

How dare you scare me by calling you a bastard!

One more kick,

I was so scared that I didn’t come lightly!

Omega, who was stunned, looked at Fang Jing with some shock and anger. The silver-white robot leader roared in his heart:

No, you robots have something wrong with them, right?

No matter who comes, they will give me a good beating. I am breaking the rules of heaven! !

Why are you just shouting in your heart?

Omega said, maybe I don’t want to die yet!

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