Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 426 No one really cares about me, cry!

Fang Jing felt a little strange,

In the 237 plan, there are still people who beat Brother Zhou?


It’s not that no one dares to take action.

For example, if Brother Zhou makes a mistake, there is nothing wrong with him if Mr. Zhu and Brother Zhao teach him a lesson.

Seeing Brother Zhou hesitating and refusing to say why he was hurt, Fang Jing narrowed his eyes?

Could it be that Mr. Zhu really disliked Zhou Yuan and gave him an iron fist?

"Okay, why are you staring at me? Get ready to open the space door!"

Fang Jing's eyes were cut open.

Zhou Yuan yelled a few times in dissatisfaction.

Don't I want to say it? I dare not say it!

He probably guessed what the hell it was that hit me.

Didn't he just yell a few words and have the guts to come back from the future and beat me?

There's something wrong with talking too much. You really came back and beat me up, and you hit me only in the face. You're stupid and don't hurt anyone!

"The situation on the other side is basically under control. I will open the reminder upload assistant in the new world."

Seeing Zhou Yuan's very depressed face, Fang Jing felt happy.

The punch on Zhou Yuan's face was precise and elegant. Just by looking at the punch mark, he could guess the general movement of the punch.

It hits right on the eye socket, this is a prepared move!

After teasing Zhou Yuan a few words, Fang Jing uploaded the machine prompt memory to the expert team, then turned around and came to the center of the sterilization room No. 6, in front of a spatial interferometer.

Once the Edge of Tomorrow world prepares the place to hold the space door, it can be opened!

Duan Lao promised within a quarter of an hour.

"I also suspect that there is something wrong with the machine in my mind!"

Fang Jing chatted with Zhou Yuan, and the topic turned to the green machine he saw.

"It's not your machine's problem."

The corner of Zhou Yuan's mouth twitched, and he suddenly understood the purpose of this severe beating.

"How can you be sure?"

Fang Jing turned to look at Zhou Yuan doubtfully.

"Don't worry blindly, your machine will definitely be fine this time."

Zhou Yuan turned his head and looked at him with determined eyes.

"When the space gate opens, will we transport Omega to this universe?"

Fang Jing stood there and nodded thoughtfully, then turned to question Horos who was recording in the distance.

"No, Omega's ability is too buggy. Time Corridor. Before this universe finds countermeasures, we will never bring it back to this universe. At most, we will conduct sample research."

Horos had stayed in Project 237 for a long time and was also affected by the cautious spirit here.

“The Academy of Sciences’ plan is to research Omega in the world of Edge of Tomorrow.”

Bring the original body of Omega to this universe,

The time involved is a big problem, and it is easy for the other party to take advantage of it.

So Edge of Tomorrow is a good choice.

"Omega's influence on time cannot be that it goes back to the entire universe. It is simply impossible for a small organism like him to do it. The most likely thing is that it brings the future and Alpha's consciousness back to the past. This way it consumes much less energy.”

The scientist from this universe who followed Horos stated the hypothesis of the Academy of Sciences.

This assumption is also very reasonable,

Compared to tracing back the entire surrounding space, it is undoubtedly much simpler to just bring back the consciousness of yourself and Alpha.

“We’ll have to finally confirm this in Edge of Tomorrow.”

Horos's eyes lit up and he rubbed his hands fiercely.

Bring me the Omega quickly, my scientific soul is already burning!

Commonly known as: My hands are itchy!

"How to prove it?"

Fang Jing was a little confused. He had already gone back in time. How could he prove the extent of Omega's backtracking?

"I tell you to play less games and read more books!"

Horos clicked his tongue and said sadly to Fang Jing, who was getting closer to Zhou Yuan, a reckless man:

"Even if Omega can go back in time, we can always observe the designated waveband of the cosmic background radiation. Everything that exists must have traces."

"If the background radiation at all distances in the observable universe is the same before and after going back, then Omega has turned the entire universe back."

"How is that possible!"

Fang Jing shook his head. Omega had this ability to be slapped by him?

"So, the only thing I can do is to bring my consciousness back."

Horos shrugged.

But this ability alone has already involved the field of "time" that they have never touched before!

Everyone has regrets to some extent in their lives.

"Regret medicine" is a very old joke.

Even if you master the time technology, it is impossible to use it for personal use!

Horos thought of this and glanced at Fang Jing, well, except for this guy.

Okay, keep going,

Therefore, time technology, a technology that can interfere with past events, is the most cost-effective method that Horos thought of to use, to change the process of civilization and correct the trajectory of past civilization!

If he, Horos, had a time machine, the first thing he would do would be to go back tens of thousands of years and slap the man who split the Engineer faction in the face!

Thinking of this,

Horos discovered that his ideals were really noble, and the first time he got a time machine was to save his own race.

"Hey, Fang Jing, if you had a time machine, what would you do?"


Seeing Horos' sudden change of topic, Fang Jing was stunned, hesitated for a while, and immediately said:

"There are many things to do. Small things are, go back and slap the junior high school student who stole my comics in the 6th grade, and let him bully the kids; big things are many!"

Which Oriental country doesn't have some historical regrets?

There are too many, Fang Jing can make a list.

"But in the final analysis, those who manipulate time will eventually be manipulated by time."

Fang Jing shook his head, thought for a while and said slowly:

"I think, if it is not a big event that is enough to lead us to destruction, this universe will not easily change the past."

"After all, the future is what we are walking out step by step now!"

"You are right, the past cannot be easily changed."

After listening to Fang Jing's words, Horus shrugged,

as if he really went back and slapped him,

if the engineer population did not split, then could he still encounter this universe?

This is the ultimate question,

the premise of changing the past, if you don't change the present, it will be too difficult.

So changing the past must be to change the present,

and changing the present,

either has difficulties, or there are problems that cannot be solved.

After sorting out this logic, Horus's thinking became clear.


Mr. Zhu, who was standing in the monitoring room, looked at the fist mark on Zhou Yuan's face and muttered thoughtfully:

"Is it difficult to change the past? Difficult, difficult to solve?"

"It seems that the future will be very exciting."

He was not worried about this matter.

After all, if the guess was correct, he would have time to beat Zhou Yuan.

Things would definitely not be so outrageous that they could not be solved!

Zhou Yuan: You think so much, none of you really care about me getting beaten!

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