Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 430 Let’s go have fun

The one who slapped Horos in the face was,

The ship that went with the ship to the place of Omega's transformation really discovered something.

According to space physicists, it is a small piece of space debris, and they are trying to find a way to wrap the space bubble and bring it back.

This news,

It not only excited Horos, but also made him...

My face hurts!

Especially Fang Jing and Zhou Yuan, no, Zhou Yuan laughed at them!

Fang Jing laughed at it.

Zhou Yuan scoffed, with that half-panda face, grinning teeth, and this arrogant personality, Horos was simply severely "insulted"!

No, are you fooling around and laughing at me?

Zhou Yuan: Hey, guess what, no matter how bad I guessed, you lost!

"It seems that the research on Omega is progressing well!"

Seeing that Horos was still angry with Zhou Yuan Fangjing, Mr. Zhu smiled slightly and nodded in agreement.

"Omega is just a living thing after all. The main difficulty in studying it is the influence it receives from the abnormal space. As for its own adaptive evolution, as long as it is a living thing, we can generally imitate its structure."

Speaking of creatures, Horos is not sleepy.

Having experienced so many strange biological civilizations,

The biotechnology currently possessed by this universe has long surpassed that of the original engineer civilization. It can be done by researching individual omegas or directly forcibly cloning them for you.


Cloning is OK,

The influence of that space left on Omega's body cannot be cloned in any way.

That is to say,

It is impossible for the cloned Omega to have the ability to go back in time and space.

In this regard, Omega is unique!

"It's unique. This is a bit troublesome. It means that Omega has the leverage to negotiate with us."

Zhao Guangyao's expression was a little solemn,

He was afraid that Omega would rely on his uniqueness, so he would not cooperate in the future.

"Hehe, he's just a prisoner of war. If he dares to scream, he won't be beaten to death!"

Zhou Yuan was not worried, but after being silent for a moment, he still asked a sharp question:

"But why is Omega so...'stupid'?"

"Isn't it a 'command center' that determines time and beacons? Logically speaking, this kind of existence should be a highly rational and intelligent body with huge computing power like an assistant, right?"

This is Zhou Yuan's doubt,

Listening to Fang Jing's description, it was difficult for him to think of Omega as an assistant.

On the contrary, Omega feels a little silly.

"Ahem, regarding this point, before mastering the ability to retrace time and space, Omega was indeed a highly rational intelligent body."

Horos thought of Omega who was still screaming in the experimental cabinet, grinned and said:

"It's a pity that success means going back in time and space, and failure means going back in time and space. To put it simply,"

"It is the structural limitations of Omega's own biological body that make most of its computing power focus on controlling time and space retrieval, so it has to separate the rational part and become more emotional."

To put it bluntly,

It is the ability of time and space retrieval that fills up Omega's CPU.

Its original high ground of wisdom was also forced to be reduced to a small platform.

"Ah, this is exchanging wisdom for ability!"

After Fang Jing listened, the corner of his mouth twitched and he kept complaining.

"Yes, that's it. This became even more obvious after we activated the time and space retrieval center in its body."

Having said this, Horos reached out and covered his head.

It can be said that

The ability to retrace time and space really takes up a lot of Omega's computing and processing capabilities.

When occupancy is highest,

It may even squeeze Omega's cognitive abilities.

Just like...

Near the space gate at Edge of Tomorrow, there is a laboratory specially built for Omega.

In the experimental cabinet,

The ferocious-looking meat ball, the tentacle-like petals, constantly moving back and forth, Omega's appearance is still the same as before. Just looking at this moment, there is nothing wrong with it.

However, wait until the next second,

"Hey hey hey, swallow, swallow, attack attack!"

Some kind of weird and vague audio came from Omega's analog cavity,

This is not human language,

When Omega spoke, he was a little crazy and a little silly, just like some humans with damaged neocortex, whose language was confusing and sometimes accompanied by strange words.

"Ah hahaha, the earth is about to be taken over by me!!!"

"I am a little flower, blooming and blooming?"


Omega spoke two confusing Chinese paragraphs,

The whole thing is as epileptic as it is epileptic.

The biologists just across the wall looked at the crazy Omega with weird expressions, and some even covered their heads without looking.

Pan Wei took a deep breath and complained:

"This is just a 120% stimulation to activate its time-retrospection structure, which directly causes its entire intelligence structure to be completely invaded. This is really an ability that is exchanged for IQ."

There is an upper limit to the organization of an organism!

It can be said that

The original Omega was a very smart individual.

But now, Omega, who has mastered the ability to retrace time, has his wisdom cut to pieces.

"I think if we activate its time-retrospection structure 180%, it will become incontinent..."

The biologist on the side shook his head.

It's really strange.

"Set the upper limit at 150%. The occupation is too serious."

Omega was not driven crazy.

The scientists only activated the structural operation of the space-time corridor, and then, the huge calculation called up Omega's original brain, squeezing it so much that it no longer even had the ability to think about it.

Therefore, as long as the operation of the time and space corridor is released,

It'll be fine.

"The control structure here has been developed, and then we will see the results on the space debris side!"

Omega as a living organism,

In order to adapt to the organ structure of the space-time corridor, it was copied here in minutes.

Moreover, this structure has also been optimized and upgraded.

If you want to master the time and space retrieval ability of the same model as Omega,

Next, you just need to master the structure of that space!


It is precisely this point that is very difficult!

Although I don’t know what is in that piece of space debris,

But judging from Omega's memory,

It must be a fragment of high-dimensional space,

In that fragment of space, time and space have become the only things that can be observed and changed.

It’s the gentle fluctuation of Omega,

The entire group of them retreated a little!

This structure,

It has exceeded the scale that can be observed in this universe now, and is a truly unknown territory!

However, even if there are many difficulties,

For scientists, it is also a hope that excites them beyond measure.

Further hope!


When the spacecraft carrying that strange piece of space debris arrived on Earth,

Omega was immediately re-anesthetized and quickly tossed aside.

Go and play,

Even biologists ran over to observe!

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