Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 434: Here they come, send them away at the speed of light

I never thought about the confinement on my way to the earth.

He would be defeated by such a small robot spider!

In fact, this is simply impossible to guard against.

Superfiber filaments as small as a few nanometers will only reflect Transformers visible light at specific angles!

That is to say,

most of the time,

Transformers simply cannot observe these ultra-fiber threads!

Rugged style Cybertron technology,

Encountering such a sophisticated level of infiltration, there is simply no solution!

Just like that, the confident confinement was on the entire spacecraft, and the neutral mercenaries of the planet Cybertron were directly packed up and captured.

Transformers, Earth.

Under the control of assistant artificial intelligence,

The huge ferocious spaceship slowly landed on the desolate plains in the northwest of the great eastern country.

The earth's sunlight shines into the gaps of the open-top spaceship. At a glance, it is all densely packed with super fiber filaments. The entire spacecraft looks like a spider's nest. The transparent super fibers reflect incandescent light and are connected together, making it look extremely weird. .

"The fleet has moved forward to defend the solar system. The enemy ships have been captured. A total of 49 neutral Transformers have been controlled."

Among the ground troops who had already gathered here, the assistant's mechanical voice slowly sounded.

at the same time,

In the giant spacecraft that landed, a large group of mechanical giants broke through the ultra-fiber filaments with empty eyes and walked from various operating areas to the entrance of the spacecraft.


"The capture is in progress, and a physical connection has been established with the Transformers. The super fiber can be interrupted."

"The confinement location has been determined and is being copied and taken away."

"All abnormal traces on the spacecraft are being cleaned up. Cleaned up!"

"The super fiber has been dissolved and the spacecraft control system has been taken down!"


The moment the Transformers were controlled in the spaceship and walked to the door,

The ground robot troops rushed in immediately.

The armored troops wearing power armor who followed entered after confirming that it was safe.

their tasks,

It is to immediately restore the condition of the spacecraft to its previous state.

This spaceship will become the outpost of this universe's invasion of the planet Cybertron!

And the Panghai fleet that came forward,

One of the tasks

It is to monitor the Alpha Centauri star system to ensure that Cybertron detects no abnormalities.


Fang Jing felt that this step was necessary but the result was certain.

You see,

In the original movie, the Autobots and Decepticons on Earth were all beaten into pieces, and the Leadership Module and the Fire Source came out.

What about Cybertron in the distance?

No reaction at all.

The place has become a desolate place because of the war, and the grasp of the situation outside the star system has been distorted. I am afraid that only the confinement himself knows what happened to the earth!

If you get beaten, stand still and support me?

Don't think about it!

Seeing the confinement and other neutral Transformers being dragged down from the spaceship, they didn't even have time to resist, and were immediately controlled.

The enemy who was being watched said softly:

"It seems that the upgrade of our Transformers' data brain barrier is imperative."

"Otherwise, in the eyes of advanced civilizations, we are simply undefended robot computers, and hacking is as easy as walking!"

On the side, Tianhuo shrugged disapprovingly:

"It's difficult,"

"If you want to prevent computer hacking in this universe, you have to make yourself into a big-headed doll."

"The balance of Fallen King Kong is pretty good, but I don't have to worry about it. I'm engaged in scientific research anyway."

Skyfire doesn't care!

He is engaged in scientific research, why should he go out to fight and kill?


The natural enemy snorted coldly,

He must consider the Autobots who are out in the field!

Transformers world,

In an underground space near the space gate base.

The confinement was restrained in place by the five-flowered tie. At a certain moment, he opened his eyes in horror and struggled for a moment. His blue pupils looked at everything nearby in shock.

He was locked in a huge room,

The whole room was white, and around him, the crew members on the spaceship and his companions were arranged in the same orderly manner as him.

The whole room is like a production workshop,

And they are the "products to be processed" tied to the assembly line in the production workshop.

"Hey, you're awake?"

Suddenly, a faint voice came from behind the confinement.

"Who the hell are you?!"

Zhuge Liang turned his head sharply, but his pupils shrank sharply.

It turns out that behind me,

Humans, Autobots, Decepticons, and humanoid intelligent life forms stood together, looking at him with evil smiles on their faces!

Autobots...Decepticons? ! !

Seeing this combination,

The entire Transformers were stunned by the confinement.

No, you all have the same feelings for each other!

You are together,

Then I, this Neutral Transformer...

Qiu suddenly realized that the neutral faction was so redundant now!

No wonder they want to mess with me!

"What do you want to do?"

There is no need to ask more about who the other party is.

Detention changed the question and asked sternly, what do you guys want to do when you get together.

"Cybertron is in ruins because of too many careerists."

Optimus Prime shook his head, his tone filled with sadness.

The once peaceful and fraternal civilization broke out in war because of the expanding ambitions of too many careerists. Their civilization has been destroyed in the war!

"Your arrival was a mistake, a big mistake."

Tianhuo shook his head,

If you mess with anyone, you mess with this universe.

People who play in the multiverse have almost developed time technology for you, but they still can't beat your mere confinement?

It's just a hornet's nest!

"Tearing down Transformers again, it's still fun to watch Omega and the Shards."

Horos picked his ears. This Transformer was almost stupid. What’s so fun about it!

"Hey hey hey, it's going to be fast. It's confinement, right? Just bear with it and it will pass soon. It won't hurt at all!"

The last person to speak was a human scientist in a white coat.

He said this in his usual coaxing tone, which made the steel armor of confinement shrink with goosebumps.

You say so,

I'm even more scared of him!

Shrinking in fear, the confinement of the body,

Weak, pitiful, and helpless, he asked again:

"What on earth are you doing?"

"Hey, I need you to do something small!"

"Don't worry, it won't hurt. The Transformers-specific anesthetic hasn't worn off yet!"

The human scientist moved his fingers,

In an instant, a mechanical surgical platform appeared next to the confinement.

Looking at the ion saw, high-temperature gun, and detonator for disassembly on the platform, his eyes widened in fear.

You thing,

It doesn’t seem like a trivial matter to him!

"Oh oh oh, let's change the suit. I made a mistake. This is the suit used to dismantle the Death Decepticon."


This sentence made Confinement feel even more nervous. You guys have really dismantled the Decepticons!

Also, your new equipment is even less convincing!

A scientist who has changed into a more sophisticated equipment,

He smiled mysteriously at the confinement and silently picked it up with his robotic hand...

A piece of equipment that was slightly larger than the ion saw just now approached the confinement with a smile on its face.


According to the "Detailed Rules for Coexisting with Intelligent Creatures", a certain degree of kindness must be given to intelligent creatures.

You see, when I was holding the drilling instrument and preparing to implant the crystal element into the opponent's body, I kept smiling.

So friendly!

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