Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 444 A life form grows on the limiter

Now Quintessa is confused inside.

You were talking to me nicely just a second ago. Why are you talking and moving your hands now?

These two blows,

The beating caused her to fall directly to the spot, at a loss.

"It's you careerists who I'm beating!"

No matter how philanthropic he was, Optimus Prime couldn't bear it at this moment.

Look around the sacred mountain. The formerly prosperous planet Cybertron is now in dilapidated condition, with no life at all!

These are all the "masterpieces" of ambitious people like Quintessa!

By analogy, it is,

The great Eastern country is in ruins, and one of the culprits is telling you in front of you that "all these sacrifices are worth it." Who can bear this?

Even if I didn't beat him to death, it wouldn't be enough to relieve his anger!

Due to the mission, Optimus Prime cannot directly kill Quintessa.

So he was so angry that when Quintasha fell to the ground, he kicked her a few more times!

These steps are not simple.

Optimus Prime jumped up with anger and kicked continuously in the air!

The iron giant tramples with iron hooves!

After a few blows, Quintasha fell to the ground and kept screaming.


Fist marks and footprints appeared on Quintessa's face at the same time. She roared in embarrassment, and a powerful force burst out from her body.

This force is very ferocious. Looking at its momentum, it can knock Optimus Prime away in an instant!

Quintessa, as the Supreme Being of Life, has no doubt about her own strength, and is not something that Optimus Prime can compete with head-on.

"Dare to humiliate me like this, find..."

With a roar, Quintessa was ready to kill Optimus Prime who dared to humiliate her.

In the end, all the words were on his lips. When he looked up,

In the sky, the flagship where Pang Hai was located, the huge neutron beam muzzle, was already locking on her!

This is a mysterious feeling,

Quintessa is certain,

If she dares to take action, the ferocious and huge muzzle will be activated immediately,

The terrifying attack will instantly turn her into dust, but Optimus Prime, who is standing beside her, will survive and return to where he stood before relying on the time device.

That is to say,

She will be the only one who dies!

The harsh words were stuck in front of her mouth, and the hand she waved out squatted in the air. After careful consideration, Quintasha chose to follow her heart.

after all……

The main gun of the spaceship flagship only gathered energy for a moment,

It made her feel the shadow of real death!

She knows,

Once the opponent decides to attack, there is no way she can run away!

Because the attack will definitely be launched together with that weird space-time weapon!

Then there will really be no place to die!

"...You actually held back."

Optimus Prime was disappointed;

Are you taking action?

Now he just wants the careerist Quintasha to die and be buried with the countless lives that have withered on Cybertron!

"Haha, I'll be back!"

Quintessa didn't talk nonsense to Optimus Prime, she just stared at Optimus Prime with a pair of hateful eyes.

She will come back!

"You will fall into darkness forever and there is no way you can come back!"

With a fierce roar, Optimus Prime raised a spiked vessel high and roared at the careerist in front of him:

"You are now arrested because you wanted to murder the Autobots. I hope you can still be so arrogant for the rest of your life!"

After saying that,

The spiked vessel pierced into Quintasha's lower abdomen.


The mechanical structure on the periphery of the vessel began to change instantly, and all the green solution stored in it was injected into Quintasha's body.

"This...what is this?"

Quintessa felt that her eyes were blurred, and all her energy seemed to be deprived of her.

She couldn't feel the energy in her core.

"This is what makes you fall from a 'god' to a mortal. I, including them, don't like the concept of 'god', so you just fall into the mortal world and accept the judgment from mortal things!"

Quintessa is undoubtedly a dangerous person;

In the original work, she showed a powerful ability to confuse people, and also had the ability to parasitize across species.

A long shot of a human woman is given in the desert after she is "annihilated."

Some people think that

This human woman is Quintasha!

Therefore, in order to deal with this kind of character who can change his body in an instant, this universe also attaches great importance to it and chooses to launch a "containment" plan.


Optimus Prime expressionlessly raised a ferocious steel needle.

The tip of the steel needle is full of barbs.

Using both hands, he fiercely inserted the steel needle into Quintessa's energy core.

At the moment of insertion, the entire steel needle instantly turned into a ball of strange-shaped metal, sealing Quintasha's energy core.

"What's this?"

"This is something to prevent you from playing tricks. It can not only block fire energy, but also bioenergy, various signals, and energy used by all intelligent entities you have come into contact with."

The voice became relaxed, Optimus Prime looked at Quintasha, lowered his head and chuckled:

"Under her control, you can't use any tricks!"

There's one thing Optimus Prime doesn't know about,

This chain has a small safety inside.

If Quintessa really breaks through all the defenses, at the moment when the physical restraints are released,


Shatter the space that was caved in instantly into countless fragments!

The "Creator" of Cybertron, Quintessa, was imprisoned and was frozen in an unmanned self-destruction ship.

As this universe is famous for its "Gou" way,

How is it possible to transport Quintessa directly to Earth?

If she escaped and broke into the space door, it would be the end of the world!


Quintasha enjoyed the "supreme" treatment of being held in solitary confinement on a single ship.

"Where will she be kept?"

In the flagship, the deputy asked Captain Pang Hai.

"We found a good place for her a hundred light-years away. There is an open area within ten light-years nearby."

Pang Hai smiled slightly, waved his hand to draw out the star map, and zoomed in on an unusually empty area in the star map.

"Why is this empty?"

The deputy wondered, in a good place, even if there are no stars, it is impossible that there are no rogue planets?

"This was the battlefield between Cybertron and other civilizations in the past. When the other side was defeated, this place was also bombed. It's a good time to imprison Quintessa."

Pang Hai explained, looking at the open area that was ten light years away, and grinned.


Aren't you quite capable?

I don't believe that when you are sealed, you can still physically travel a distance of ten light years!

"By the way, when you bring her back, remember to remove all the equipment on her body. If she can also become a space bridge, it will be troublesome!"

Thinking of this,

Pang Hai quickly ordered to go down.

Since you have offended someone, you must nail him to death completely and never give him a chance to make a comeback.

"Don't worry, she will definitely be eaten to death. The biological team is implanting super fiber crystals in her body, viruses in her data brain, and disorder viruses in her consciousness..."

"She will never be able to jump!"

Here, the scientist group smiled slightly,


There are over a hundred types of restraints on Quintessa's body, from the inside to the outside.

It was densely packed and more complex than Quintasha's original organs.

It's completely a Quintasha growing on the limiter!

So many,

Even if the true god comes, he still has to kneel!

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