Mr. Zhu’s vision of building an integrated, diverse community,

Fang Jing was very excited after hearing this.

He roughly simulated the future scene in his mind,

The great Eastern countries in various parallel universes united together, exchanged what they had, and ruled their respective universes.

What kind of prosperity and strength will this be?

All are,

Science and technology are highly developed,

People do not need to be troubled by poverty, disease, and resource shortages. They can freely develop themselves and become the people they want to be. Everyone is filled with happiness.

What a world this is.

It was at this moment that Fang Jing seemed to feel the feelings of many seniors,

For this goal,

They dare to give everything without any regrets!

"This is a great goal and we still need to work hard."

Although he still has strands of silver hair, young Mr. Zhu's eyes are full of information. As his life span increases, the energy and drive of his youth seem to have returned with him.

He stood on the high platform and waved his arms fiercely. That sonorous and powerful movement seemed to symbolize his determination!

"Let's work together!"

Representatives from all worlds stood up excitedly and applauded continuously.

Fang Jing was also infected by the warm atmosphere, and his face turned red due to excitement.

The meeting is over,

This was a meeting that Fang Jing could not describe.

It was as if he was a witness to history,

And this meeting was a major turning point in history!

Until he arrived at the canteen of the 237 Project Action Team, Fang Jing couldn't help but feel excited.

"Okay, don't get excited, there are still many difficulties involved."

Zhou Yuan held his chopsticks between his hands and tried to snatch the chicken legs from Fang Jing's plate.

"Hey, let's talk about it, don't snatch my chicken legs!"

Fang Jing's eyes suddenly sharpened. He turned over his hands and suddenly took out the chopsticks, interrupting the desire of "robber" Zhou Yuan.

"Okay, let's eat something to bring you back to your senses. Let's get down to business. After eating, go to the dressing room."

After wiping his nose, Zhou Yuan looked serious.

"Are you allowed to go to the planet Cybertron?"

As soon as his eyes lit up, Fang Jing understood instantly.

"Well, Cybertron has been cleaned up during this period, and the underground 'god' temple has been found."

Zhou Yuan nodded,

"Because we have to take into account the changes in the machine in your consciousness, we made some modifications to the 'Temple'."

"Okay, I'll go after dinner!"

Fang Jing tightened his chopsticks.

Since the beginning of the Transformers world, the machine in his consciousness, which has always been as stable as an old dog, has undergone varying degrees of change.

I don’t know this time,

Are there any abnormalities?


What exactly are those silver forks?

To answer all these doubts, Fang Jing can only keep traveling through the new world.

He believes,

If this continues, there will always be some clues left behind.

No matter what is behind this machine, no matter what is behind these changes,

This universe can only keep moving forward, move forward by any means necessary, and master all the power it can.

Only the strength attributed to oneself can last forever!

planet cybertron,

The remnants of the war on the surface of this planet have now been dealt with.

At the location where Quintasha was captured, the "Sacred Mountain" had changed drastically.

The tall peaks that originally stood between heaven and earth have been razed to the ground.

Not just razed to the ground;

There was even a deep pit dug right into the center of the earth along the five huge steel pillars!

Cybertron is a special planet,

If it were an ordinary planet, digging directly into the center of the earth would have triggered a super mantle plume volcanic eruption. But here, Cybertron's spherical shape is cooled, and there is no high-temperature lava in the inner layer of the planet.

After looking at the structure of the planet Cybertron, scientists exploring planets in this universe even shook their heads and asserted:

Rather than saying this is a planet,

It would be better to say that Cybertron is a planet-shaped battle star made of steel!

And the core of this battle star,

It is the existence that is regarded as a "god" by Transformers, Yuanshi Tianzun!

"Buzz buzz-"

The spaceship carrying Fang Jing arrived at the sacred mountain.

Looking at the dark and bottomless pit, as well as the blue energy shield floating in the pit, and the faint blazing aura that seems to be ready to be activated at any time, like a giant pillar with metallic shine. Pao, Fang Jing's mouth twitched.

Is this the billion-dollar transformation Brother Zhou was talking about?

It’s really a billion points!

Also, what is that giant cannon?

"That is a high-energy cannon that is more powerful than the main gun of the annihilation ship. Compared with the neutron beam, the advantage is that the attack range is smaller and the power is greater; the disadvantage is that it takes a long time to store energy and is large in size."

Beside him, the accompanying expert saw the confusion in Fang Jing's eyes, smiled slightly and immediately introduced him.

At the same time as the introduction, the holographic projection image immediately followed.

In the image, on the planet Cybertron, a pillar reaches the sky. The pillar extends from the ground to a 400-kilometer orbit. On the orbit, the pillar unfolds a huge metal concave fan, which blocks the sky and the sun.

This is truly blocking out the sky and the sun, and it no longer looks smaller than the round surface of Planet Sebotan!

"This is?"

Fang Jing was very shocked.

The whole scene is like a huge umbrella covering the planet Cybertron.

As for this umbrella, the handle is 400 kilometers long, the diameter is 40 kilometers, and the umbrella surface covers a full 160 million square kilometers.

160 million square kilometers, it can directly encompass the earth!

This is truly overwhelming!

"This is the flame shield of the high-energy cannon. The direction outside the umbrella is the solar system. If the high-energy cannon has to be detonated, the flame shield will block the various ray waves generated by the explosion."

"All the radiation, waves, and debris will be caught by the umbrella and stay in place."

This huge umbrella is actually the insurance left by the Earth Explosion Star!

And the object of Earth Explosion Sky Star,

It's the Yuanshi Tianzun who has most of the core of Cybertron broken!

In the original background, after all, he is a big shot in the universe.

For such a character, this universe cannot be too cautious!

"Okay, we're already above the entrance!"

Zhou Yuan checked the spacecraft data, nodded heavily towards Fang Jing, waved his hand and ordered:

"Let's dive down and enter the temple at the core of the planet!"

The scene in front of me was completely black at the moment of diving.

The spaceship officially entered the cave,

Start diving quickly!

"Pay attention to Fang Jing's situation!"

Zhou Yuan reminded King Sun loudly.

"The ship-based medical cabin on the spacecraft is ready. The deformed medical cabin and portable medical equipment are all correct. Fang Jing's physical condition is being monitored at all times. There is nothing abnormal!"

King Sun also looked highly nervous, and various data were densely beating on the glasses he was wearing.


Not just Fang Jing’s health index,

It’s also the DNA and various systems in his body!

It’s Fang Jing’s life data!


Until the spacecraft shook slightly,

Fang Jing, who was sitting there, felt the familiar feeling. He tilted his head and fainted instantly.

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