Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 46 Are you so fearless of death?

After the news that Hua Guo tried to protect Jiang Xu was released.

With the official identification, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s just that everyone is still very sorry to withdraw from ITER.

"It's so abominable. ITER will be built in a few years. Now the United States is trying to burn bridges across rivers!"

"What you said upstairs is right, damn, you can just kick someone, but I cry to death, and he still gives you an excuse."

"You two idiots upstairs, you will just believe the official rumor. I think it was Jiang Xu who stole it. You won't be able to lose face by quitting!"

"Yes, yes, God, please stop wandering around and go back to your trash can."

"Damn it, why are there people from Mangkhut everywhere? Go back to your country of America."

"You American daddy is holding a funeral for an astronaut. If you don't want to pay homage to your daddy's remains, get out of here!"


All netizens were very angry.

There is no other reason. Anyone who knows the ITER project will understand.

This is the current hope for human beings to control nuclear fusion.

If Hua withdraws this time, the research progress will completely fall behind.

Energy is the foundation and foundation of industry.

A strong sense of crisis made them feel very uneasy.

In everyone's heart, there is a sense of crisis that others have worked together to kick out the fourth energy revolution!

China missed the first industrial revolution and the second industrial revolution, resulting in a hundred years of weakness and suffering.

Although the third information revolution has only scratched the surface, we have finally caught up.

Today is a critical time point for the fourth energy revolution.

They were actually kicked out together with others.

How is this not infuriating?

This is simply to bring China back to the era of being bullied by others.

They absolutely agree on this kind of thing!

Zhu Chengcheng returned to the capital overnight. Regardless of the fatigue of the boat and carriage, he immediately met with No. 1.

Number 1 was resting in the study, reading a book on multiverse theory. When he saw Mr. Zhu coming in, he raised his head slightly and said softly:

"Mr. Zhu, are you here because of the incident in France?"


Mr. Zhu snorted softly, with a cold look on his face, suppressing the anger in his chest.

"The other side wants to kill the donkey? With so much money invested, they can kick them if they want. Does he think he is the king of heaven?"

"We must not let them succeed easily!"

No. 1 nodded slightly, put down the book in his hand softly, chuckled, took out a world map, pointed at the Indian Ocean, and said lightly:

"I heard that the structure we provided for ITER has been shipped to the Indian Ocean and is about to arrive in the Red Sea?"

"That's right!"

Mr. Zhu narrowed his eyes slightly and noticed that a small circle was drawn in the area near Yemen.

With a sudden glare, Mr. Zhu called out in his heart what a good guy.

Unexpectedly, No. 1 had already made up his mind.

Look at the countries on both sides of the Red Sea. There are two big circles on them. Isn’t this obvious enough?

Feeling happy, he immediately asked:

"We absolutely cannot let the buildings we build feed the dogs."

"I mean..."

At this time, Mr. Zhu actually knew in his heart that No. 1 would definitely support him.

"I agree, let people do it cleanly."

No. 1 didn’t hesitate.

What a joke, so much money, so much for you?

It’s quite a beautiful thought!

"Okay, I'll do it right away!"

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and Mr. Zhu snorted.

American guy.

You made it to the first grade of junior high school, and I also made it to the fifteenth grade.

If you make it difficult for me, don’t even think about it!

Bab el Mandeb Strait.

At a coastal port in a certain Middle Eastern country, Jibumaititi looked at the many ships sailing out of the port with some confusion.

"With so many armed ships dispatched at once, are they going to attack the United States?"

"And the Chinese warships have also left the port. What are they doing?"

This is their country's armed ship, since warships from the Eastern powers have stopped at their ports from time to time for supplies.

Their country rarely dispatches so many ships!

And this time they were also following Chinese ships.

In his impression, the last time so many ships were dispatched, they were to monitor the US aircraft carrier fleet.

Is it the same this time?

At the entrance of the Bab el Mandeb Strait, a huge merchant ship was sailing slowly.

In the cabin, Sauron was blowing the sea breeze. The cabin was really stuffy, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Looking at the seabirds flying freely in the sky in the distance, he let out a long sigh.

"What's wrong, Sauron, are you thinking about your hometown again?"

Norton walked out of the cabin with his hands behind his back. When he got closer, he took out a bottle of red wine as if in surprise.

"I've been thinking about it for a while, where did you get this thing?!"

Sauron turned around and saw the red wine in front of him, and his face lit up.

"This is produced in my father's manor. It tastes very good. I brought a few extra bottles with me when I came here."

After pouring a glass for Soren elegantly, Norton teased Soren: "At the end of the month, we can arrive in France. This damn mission is finally almost over!"


After taking the wine glass and putting it to his lips, Sauron suddenly regretted it.

"We can't drink. If we encounter pirates, we need to stay awake and protect the safety of the ITER equipment!"

"Don't worry about that damn equipment. Look at the vast sea. There are no other ships at all. Where are the pirates?"

Norton was a little dissatisfied, waved his hand exaggeratedly, and shouted to the sea: "Hey, Mr. Pirate, we are here!"

"Come find us!!"

After shouting, the sea was still vast, without any change.

Norton was very satisfied with this. He pursed his lips, gently raised the goblet, shrugged and said: "Soran, there is the protection of the US military base here. We are a United Nations ship, hanging the joint flag of 17 countries. Which pirate would be blind to target us?"

"You are too sensitive. Maybe you are going home and feel anxious?"

"It is really exciting to meet your family after a long absence."

"Maybe I am really too anxious."

After listening to Norton's words, Soran also felt that he might be too sensitive. He smiled slightly:

"Okay, you have successfully convinced me, let us..."

"What is that???"

Just as he was about to toast with Norton, Norton stayed where he was.

It turned out that a few small black spots suddenly appeared on the sea in the distance!

"Quick, take out the telescope!"

Norton immediately found a telescope after dropping the things in his hand.

After taking a closer look, his face changed drastically.

"Solo, an unknown ship is approaching, black flag, it's a pirate!"

"Quick, notify the guards!"

After seeing the other party clearly through the telescope, Norton's legs went weak.

I never expected that I would actually encounter pirates.

How dare these pirates, this is a joint merchant ship with 17 countries flying on it!

Are they so fearless? ? ?

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