Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 460 Born to fight

The Zerg mothership is different from all the spaceships Fang Jing has seen before.

If you have to look for similarities,

The chilling meridians-like biological structures in the engineer spacecraft are the most similar to these motherships.

Come to the mothership,

With only knowledge,

Fang Jing identified the outer shell of the mothership.

This is a biomass shell similar to the outer armor of engineer organisms. This shell has strong pressure inside it, which can maintain the pressure, moisture and heat inside the organism. Not only that, it also has some synthetic melanin inside.

Don’t underestimate these red synthetic melanins.

It is these things that make it possible for even when exposed to various radiations in the universe,

The biological structure of the Zerg mothership and the internal genetic information chain will not be damaged at all!

Fang Jing still remembers,

It seems to be some kind of radiation synthesis using melanin?

In fact, the discovery of this mechanism is also a very bizarre story.

This stems from the extremely serious nuclear power plant accident.

When people returned to Chernobyl to explore the nuclear reactor buried in a thick sarcophagus, they unexpectedly discovered that the cooling water in the core had turned black.

The shocked scientists took out cooling water samples and observed them.

They were shocked to find that a large number of fungi survived in these black waters.

These fungi, facing endless sources of radiation, just like normal bacteria, continue to multiply and grow. In the most dangerous place in the world, they illustrate the miracle of life!

It was also from that time that scientists discovered a third bioautotrophic metabolism mode in addition to photosynthesis and chemosynthesis—radiosynthesis!

These fungi,

They not only gave a middle finger to nuclear radiation, but also to humans who proudly believed that nuclear weapons could destroy the world.

It turns out that

Even if it is facing nuclear radiation, the fungus can adapt completely without mutating.

No, it's not so much adaptation, but rather - fungi have found the feeling they had when they were first born more than a billion years ago.

At that time, the primitive earth had no ozone layer, and fungi were constantly bombarded by ionizing radiation from the universe.

So, scientists were shocked to discover that,

Radiation synthesis is basically the configuration that most fungi come with when they leave the factory.

It’s just that there’s no place to use it in normal times!

Fungus: There’s so much radiation here, it feels like I’m back home!

Now, the shells of these Zerg motherships should adopt this model.

Directly using radiation to complete, radiation synthesis converts the water and carbon dioxide stored in it into sugars as bioenergy.

However, this can only explain what the mothership eats.

How did he fly?

With Fang Jing's little brain, he could tell there was something wrong.

Fortunately, Fang Jing was not a scientist. He just thought about it with emotion, and then observed the mothership more curiously.

Zerg Mothership,

Like a shark's egg shell, it is generally spiral-shaped, with a hard bone surface. The whole body is red, and it looks very alien.

It fell quietly to the ground,

When Fang Jing got closer, he could still see the transparent film inside the bone object that was constantly opening and closing, which looked weird and full of mystery.

It's like breathing,

He could even feel the slight vibration of the mothership!

"It's really a living organism."

Fang Jing stretched out his right hand and gently touched the mothership's body.

Although his palms were separated by thick deformed metal,

But synaesthesia technology allows him to have the most realistic sense of touch,

The mothership feels thorny and skeletal, as if it were rubbing bones, without any sense of flesh.

"Buzz buzz-"

The moment Fang Jing touched it,

The mothership roared and seemed to be moving.

But they are Zerg after all.

The Insect Queen's order is more important than anything else. Even if the mothership is dissatisfied, she can only hold it in and let Fang Jing touch it.

Feeling the dissatisfaction of the mothership,

Fang Jing did not continue to provoke others.

The mission of contacting the mothership has been completed, now it's time to return to this universe!

The insect queen said goodbye and found a safe place.

Fang Jing disappeared instantly.

In the empty obelisk-shaped palace,

On the throne in the center of the cross pattern, the insect queen held the piece of lightning fragment and was doing it quietly.

On her compound eyes reflecting the faint blue light,

Lightning fragments streaked across a ray of light,

Finally, the sight of zerg workers falling all over the sky, the mothership being destroyed, and the planet being damaged was no longer in front of me.


The whole planet is full of vitality,

The Zerg have changed from a predatory and colonial survival mode to a settled survival mode.

The most important thing is,

The Zerg as a race survived!

"The future is changing, so what do you mean by giving me this fragment?"

The insect queen murmured softly in her own language with a relaxed tone.

After her calculation,

The future has changed,

At least, they, the Zerg race, should be able to survive!

"Order the entire fleet, except for the guards guarding me, to enter a dormant state immediately."

In order to avoid accidents in subsequent contacts,

The insect queen made an immediate decision.

When there are too many insect swarms, sometimes there will be disputes between groups.

Regarding these, if it were normal times, the queen would have plenty of time to take care of them.

But now is a critical period.

If the negotiators from the other side come over, these small groups will become red-eyed because of fighting with each other, and they will attack the humans.

Wouldn't that be a waste?

Therefore, the insect queen sent her to sleep when she should have.

And, while sleeping,

She, the insect queen, made an important decision,

The Zerg fleet must be streamlined.

"It's all about survival!"

In the obelisk palace,

Pheromones and buzzing sounds continued.

I came into contact with the person I was finally waiting for,

The insect queen slashed the sword into the interior of her kingdom.

And wherever the queen orders,

Don’t dare to disobey!

The mothership that receives the dormancy order immediately begins to sleep, and the mothership that receives the death order immediately begins to disintegrate itself. The worker bees that emerge from the interior transport the disintegrated mothership materials to the mother nest before dying.

Then it is integrated into the culture medium along with the debris of the mothership.

This is the zerg,

The hierarchy is as strict as ants,

The queen ant is the king of the race,

The life and death of all the worker bees and the mothership depend on her single thought!

all her commands,

Other members of the group will be like gears on the production line, executing it accurately!

Even death

They are not afraid either!

It is precisely because of this characteristic that

The Zerg are born to be "legionist".

It is simply the holy body of the innate military group!

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