Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 478 What, it ran away?

Jehol Biological Exploration,

This is a super large scientific research ship built in this universe.

The overall shape of the spacecraft is more like a rugby ball. It is about 20 kilometers long. It is a veritable giant spaceship, also known as "Space County".

The so-called space county,

What I mean is that the space inside this spaceship is roughly equivalent to a small county town!

However, this extra space is not used to accommodate people.

There are only about 10,000 people on board the entire lung spaceship. What really occupies this huge space is various experimental equipment.

Just like the giant gravitational interferometer,

This is really huge!

This instrument alone is as big as an Aegis-class battleship!

"Is this a tower?"

Fang Jing stood in front of a huge building, looked up, and asked uncertainly.

This building, as a whole, has the same style as Lao Mi’s Empire State Building, with its square shape reaching straight into the sky.

But the difference is that this building is obviously not inhabited.

The entire huge tower was filled with dense mechanical structures, and the optical path structure looked extremely precise. Moreover, he also saw a vacuum isolation area, which was used to isolate it from the outside world and prevent it from affecting the accuracy of the equipment.

"This is the gravitational interferometer. It is the largest interferometer in the history of this universe. Its purpose is to tear open the horizon outside the black hole and see if the data can be read!"

Horos stood next to Fang Jing with excitement on his face.


He finally found an opportunity to go out into the field!

No, he definitely didn’t want to run out and relax!

All right,

For long-term high-pressure research, even if there are various sustained-release drugs, it is still difficult to solve the depression!

So, looking at the opportunity, Horos ran out like a thief.


At the base, Horos could of course say that he was tired and wanted to rest.

This leave can definitely be approved.

But Horos wants to save face!

The persona of a mad scientist has already been established, and if he changes his mind now, wouldn’t that be a disgrace to himself? ! !

Looking at the tall tower,

Horos shed strong tears in his heart,

It's all worth it for your goals,

No matter how tired you are, you can still carry it yourself!

"Tearing apart the event horizon of a black hole?"

Fang Jing raised his head and looked at this tall building. Thinking of that scene, he felt an indescribable shock in his heart.

Is this the power of technology?

So great!

"This time our target is HR6819, which is 1,000 light-years away. The mass of this black hole is only the size of a star, so it is very suitable for us to detect."

Horos shook hands,

This black hole has only the mass of an ordinary star, so its tearing force is not very strong.


The technology of this universe is easier to deal with.

You can get closer!

"That's good. I'm really curious about what a black hole looks like!"

Hearing Horos mention it, Fang Jing couldn't help but look forward to it.

In the past, he had only seen pictures of black holes;

And now, he will see a real black hole for himself!

in the universe,

One of the scariest celestial objects!

In the pitch-black universe, a halo that seemed to be eternally stagnant appeared in the distance.

A spacecraft with a length of twenty kilometers is just a drop in the ocean in front of this huge halo vortex, as insignificant as dust.

The spaceship moved forward slowly,

In the observation window,

Fang Jing and other scientists, including Horos, were all present in person.

Looking at the black hole scene that was magnified in front of them, everyone stayed in place.


It is a shocking picture outlined by nature.

A huge vortex spiraling inward,

The outer layer of the vortex is composed of light that cannot escape at all. They are constantly attracted, forming an extremely bright aperture around the black hole's huge gravitational pull, which is the scope of the event horizon!

Facing inward, there is a pitch-black area that is always dark.

That is an area that light can never touch, and it is the eternal boundary between light and darkness.

"This is a black hole, how shocking?!"

Fang Jing slowly opened his mouth, the shock in his heart could not be described in words.

This is the miracle of nature!

A miracle created by the power of nature!

"What do we do next?"

Fang Jing turned his head and looked at Horos.

At the same time, the scientists present also looked sideways at Horos.

Among the people present, only the Horos engineers had experience in detecting black holes!

"Ahem, we must first..."

Horos coughed and said with a serious face:

"We have to have lunch first. It's already past 12 o'clock and everyone is hungry!"


As a result, Horos's answer made everyone present cover their heads with their hands.

Okay, okay,

At this point, you are still thinking about eating, right?

"Horos is right. I know everyone is excited, but you should rest first and don't act blindly!"

As a result, the scientist who led the team, Xu Shiming, waved his hand to persuade everyone.

Everyone then thought about it,

Yes, the black hole is right in front of us anyway, can we still escape? !

Let’s eat first!

So the group of people went to the dining cabin and started a pleasant meal activity.

As this universe enters the interstellar age,

All artificial gravity technologies have become standard equipment, and with the control of gravity,

The most concerned space residents, cooking in space, has also been completed!

The Eastern country is indeed a country of foodies.

Even in space, it cannot be compromised. Take the Jehol Biological Exploration Rover for example. The life robot installed can easily handle the eight major cuisines, street snacks, and exclusive secret recipes.

Not only that, the essence of "moderate" Chinese food has also been mastered by the robot!

Not only can you choose the standard mode, but also the "moderate" mode adjusted according to your own eating habits!

Fang Jing even ate his mother's habits in the hands of the robot.

That is the extra sour taste of the noodles with too much vinegar!

As soon as this feeling came out, Fang Jing felt comfortable in his heart.

See, this is called user experience in subtle places!

"Well, it's delicious!"

Horos also relaxed himself, holding special chopsticks, frantically picking up food and stuffing it into his mouth.

This dish tastes so delicious!

He hasn't eaten a normal meal for a long time. In order to make progress, he drank energy liquid himself!

The universe didn't exploit him, he forced himself.

Just when everyone was eating comfortably,

a researcher from the observatory suddenly ran in anxiously. He held the door and panted and said anxiously:

"Director, everyone, the black hole, the black hole ran away!"


"What did you say!"

Horus and Xu Shiming hadn't even put down their chopsticks yet. When they heard this, they stood up from their seats in shock.

What did they hear?

What the hell?

You said, the black hole ran away? !

It really ran away while we were eating? !

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