United States, White House, Office of the President.


Fred looked at the documents on the table, grabbed them angrily and threw them to the ground.

"FXXK, it was definitely Hua Guo who did it!"

The merchant ship transporting ITER components was attacked by pirates in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, and the components provided by China and India on the ship were directly destroyed.

Especially the first wall of Hua Kingdom was blown to pieces.

That pirate was really deceiving people.


It's the country of China.

He blew up the first wall components several times. Is this because he was afraid that others would not know that it was him who ordered them to do it? !

That is equipment costing more than 5 billion!

Thinking that he had specially grabbed it, even though it was just an accessory, he followed the principle of "whatever he grabbed is mine."

Fred was extremely heartbroken and angry at the same time.

This is their sacred property!

And the most disgusting thing is that a terrorist organization in a certain country in the Middle East claimed responsibility.

Damn it, do you have the ability to locate that merchant ship? Are you responsible for it?


Just as Fred was venting his anger on the things in his office, General Cavin from the Ministry of Defense knocked on the door and opened it to come in.

"Your Excellency, President?"

Kavin felt that he should not open this door.

He was now looking at Fred, very awkwardly.

The embarrassing part was that Fred was holding a white porcelain vase high and wanted to break it in anger.

Fred's face was expressionless and he silently put down the vase in his hand. He said calmly:

"General Cavan, please be polite next time and remember to knock when you enter."

"Also, the last thing you brought me was good news!"

Fred's voice was very suppressed, and he decided in his heart that if this Calvin came to him for something bigger than that, he would not come to him.

He must make the other person look good!

"Yes, Your Excellency."

Kavin responded dryly, then changed the topic, brushed off the topic abruptly, and said seriously:

"When the Chinese warships left the harbor, we took the opportunity to move away from the aircraft carrier fleet!"

"The fleet is now circling the Indian Ocean, and our satellites are covering it. When it reaches Malacca at the latest, the other party will get the news!"


Fred's eyes flashed, and he was almost overjoyed. He raised his brows, and kindly pulled Calvin and asked him to sit across from him.

“How long does it take to get to Malacca?”

Calvin was confused by Fred who suddenly changed his face and became friendly.

Thinking that maybe this was the "chameleon" skill of politicians, he took off his hat and replied seriously:

"It is estimated that at the end of the month, we will be able to rendezvous with the fleet mobilized from the mainland."

"Okay, very good!"

Fred spread out a world map on his desk, looked at the first island chain, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"As long as we block the entrance to the great eastern country, no matter how hard they yell, they will never threaten us again!"

"Then, America will be great again!"

"General Cavan, I must supervise the progress of the fleet and make sure nothing goes wrong."

"This is important!"

Kavin knew this matter was important. He nodded solemnly, with firm eyes, and agreed:

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, leave this matter to us!"

December 21st is a very strange day.

On the one hand, a few days ago, China announced its withdrawal from the ITER international thermonuclear fusion experimental reactor and made every effort to ensure that Jiang Xu returned to China safely.

Jiang Xu and the scientists stationed in France have now boarded the plane and are on their way back to China.

While we were still on the plane, no one expected that revenge would come so quickly.

Breaking news is coming from the Red Sea Strait ports.

"ITER was attacked by pirates when passing through the Bab el-Mandeb Strait. The components provided by China and India for ITER were destroyed. The terrorist organization RS claimed responsibility! 》

This news was released by the state media.

And after it was posted, many self-media people who like to make up random things were so obedient that they only dared to repost it.

After all, those who work in self-media are not stupid.

Just a few days ago, China was forced to withdraw from an international cooperation organization.

As a result, the components provided by Hua were destroyed.

No matter how you think about this, it’s wrong.

It just gives people the feeling that I can tell who did it at a glance, but I just have no evidence.

Based on this feeling, these self-media still dare to talk nonsense?

How dare you talk nonsense and wait to be punished?

But the comment section is very happy.

"Rabbit hid the knife behind his back and asked weakly: 'Why are you looking at me and pinching me?'"

"Hahahaha, if you dare to cross the river and burn the bridge, the equipment will be blown up for you!"

"You don't want to play with me, right? You don't want to play with me either!"

"A certain dark rabbit did a great job. Why, the person who was arrogant a few days ago that we will miss the fourth energy revolution, come out and speak!"

"Go upstairs, these turtle grandsons don't dare to speak anymore. Damn it, just do something evil to relieve their anger!"

"I feel completely relieved when I see Rabbit being such a rogue!"


Regarding the case of Jiang Xu being slandered, the whole country was in a very tense atmosphere.

This time, I really got angry.

Damn it, aren’t you going to burn bridges?

I will cut off the river directly under the bridge for you, so you don’t even want to play!

At Beijing Airport, the silver passenger plane landed slowly.

There were people gathered on both sides, holding flowers and singing songs.

A military vehicle appeared outside the plane's gangway, and Zhu Jincheng got off the military vehicle and waited quietly at the bottom of the stairs.

Next to him, the chief of science and technology, Wu Youde, stood respectfully beside Zhu Lao.

The door of the passenger plane opened, the gangway was connected, and a group of dusty scientists walked out with lonely faces.

The leader was Jiang Xu, who looked tired, unshaven, with some excitement and fear in his eyes.

He was wronged and rescued by the motherland.

Along the way, he was full of gratitude to the motherland, but also full of guilt.

After all, because of himself, China had to withdraw from the ITER project.

Although the project is progressing slowly, China has invested a lot of money in it!

This is not a small amount.

Now, it's all ruined!

Even if the top protects him.

How will his colleagues, his family, and the people of the country look at him?

I thought that as he got closer to his beloved motherland, his mood would ease.

But until he landed, until he stepped out of the cabin door and saw the dense crowd outside, his heart was immediately lifted.

His feet seemed to be tied with lead, and he walked down the stairs step by step.

Zhu Jincheng walked over, followed by Wu Youde.

The two came to Jiang Xu and said nothing, just hugged him gently.

"Welcome back, Professor Jiang!"

Patting Jiang Xu on the shoulder, Zhu Jincheng was old, but his hands were firm.

He looked at Jiang Xu, who was exhausted, and looked into his eyes, and said in a sonorous tone:

"We, our China, will always be your backing."

"Now, you are safe!"

Jiang Xu looked around, the welcoming staff were shouting, the scientists who were traveling with him trusted him all the way, and the old man in front of him came to greet him in person.

Finally, the grief and indignation of being slandered and the attachment to the motherland in his heart made this man cry for the first time.

He cried bitterly.

No longer caring...

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