Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 480 He just rolled over like that, catching me off guard

Looking at the strange structure like a small funnel coming out of the detector,

Everyone present showed expressions of confusion and shock.

Such a little thing actually pulled the black hole HR6819 and accelerated its movement ten times!

Ten times as much!

It is enough to show how strong the pulling force of this "funnel" is!

"Based on gravitational curvature calculations, this thing is the source of black hole acceleration, but what exactly is it?"

Xu Shiming frowned and looked at Horos with doubtful eyes.

He thought, with the knowledge of an engineer civilization, he should have seen this thing before, right?

"I don't know either. We engineers have never seen this thing before!"

Horos also wanted to know what it was,

There is really no record of such a sighting in their engineer's database.

"This is definitely not a celestial body. This is the only thing I can be sure of!"

"Our detection light waves have been projected and the results are being analyzed."

Xu Shiming was a little disappointed that he couldn't access the engineer's database, but he was not discouraged. He couldn't rely on parallel worlds for everything, right? !

Since there is no ready-made data, they will analyze it themselves!

"The light waves have been diffracted and the object has no horizon and is recording physical properties."

On the Jehol Biological Exploration Rover, dense light rays shot out and soon reached the huge gravitational source shaped like a "funnel".

Due to the structure of the "funnel", the light is not blocked, but is instead zigzagged like water, entering from the "big mouth" and then thrown out from the "small mouth".

It seems that this is just a foreign source gathered by gravity.

But the data doesn’t lie,

Looking at the data thrown out by the light detected by the detector, Xu Shiming's eyes widened and his voice trembled in disbelief:

"This, this is?!"

"Three-dimensional space is heterogeneously folded!"

Horos also stood up excitedly.

What did they see?

After the light wave comes out through the "funnel", it becomes a "string", a "string" with light. Horos has only seen this kind of situation in dimensionality reduction experiments. He never thought that besides the laboratory, here , this situation can actually occur under natural conditions!

"The reduction is not complete. Some of the light waves still maintain their wave-particle form. The difference can be seen from the speed."

Xu Shiming also quickly added, his tone full of shock,

At the exit of the funnel, the light waves thrown out were clearly divided into two parts.

The speed of one part does not change, and it still maintains its original shape and the speed of light; the other part, as a whole, becomes a "string" of light, and its speed continues to decrease.

The gap between the two soon widened.


The structure of the former has not changed; the latter has been dimensionally reduced to a two-dimensional state.


This state is very unstable. After being thrown away for a long distance, the light "string" slowly returned to its original state.

"It's not very stable, which just shows that it was formed naturally!"

Horos stared at the structure of the "Funnel" with bright eyes.

The phenomenon happening in front of us is simply a short-term dimensionality reduction behavior caused by natural phenomena in the universe. Only a civilization with incredible luck can discover it!

Just when intelligent races think they have conquered nature again and again,

Nature will always tell them,

Its power is unimaginable!

"Quickly, record all the information about this structure, launch the detector immediately, and let's get a closer look!"

Horos and Xu Shiming looked at each other and excitedly issued orders almost at the same time.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,

If the formation of this "funnel" can be studied clearly,

The dimensional technology of this universe will develop in unexpected ways!

"Roger, the detector is being launched!"

"The device is approaching, data reading is being simulated!"

"Cause analysis fiction!"


Here, scientists are going crazy because of new discoveries.

Everyone stared at the data board without blinking, and their voices became more and more excited and excited.

This movement finally alerted Fang Jing and Zhou Yuan who were playing chess in the corner after playing backgammon and poker.

"Is this an important discovery?"

Fang Jing pointed to the position of Horos, signaling Brother Zhou to pay attention, and then moved his horse two spaces with very small movements.

Zhou Yuan turned his head and saw Horos and Xu Shiming hugging each other excitedly. While looking at him, as if there were eyes behind his back, he stretched out his hand to put the horse back, and grinned at the same time:

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Hehe too."

Seeing that the trick was unsuccessful, Fang Jing scratched his head and said,

Can this be seen? !

Regarding Fang Jing's little tricks, Zhou Yuan snorted coldly. He could only say, I can't handle your tricks easily!

You will lose this one!

Fang Jing saw that it was impossible to cheat, so he could only cheat in a higher level!

A lump of deformed metal suddenly appeared behind him, and it quickly converged into a supercomputer, and the internal intelligent system began to operate.


In the next few minutes, Fang Jing made three strikes, five divided by two, and a "general" came out neatly, beating Zhou Yuan to the point where he couldn't even find his way!

"If you don't come, you must be cheating again!"

Zhou Yuan rolled his eyes,

With your skills, you have suddenly been promoted from a young boy to a national player!

Just these two or three minutes of playing chess,

Suddenly, a strange figure "rolled" towards the corner where the two men were squatting!

? ? ?

The two of them jumped up in fright, and the deformed metal behind Fang Jing directly wrapped around Zhou Yuan, anchoring the two of them to the wall.

"What the hell?!"

Fang Jing looked sideways in surprise and immediately opened his mouth.

It turns out that the person who "rolled" over was none other than Horos? !

The engineer seemed to be going crazy now, screaming and rolling on the ground.

Roll to the corner,

"Clang!" With a sound, the chessboard flew away and his head hit the wall.

This clang, the sound was crisp and clear.

Fang Jing felt a phantom pain in his head when he heard this.

"Is this crazy?"

Zhou Yuan narrowed his eyes and couldn't figure out the way out.

"It must be too big, look!"

Fang Jing raised his eyebrows and pointed to the test bench in the distance.

Rolling may not be Horos' unique celebratory quirk, but...

Zhou Yuan looked along Fang Jing's hand,

In the field, many human scientists looked in the direction of Horos with hurried expressions. They all stretched out their hands and paused on the spot.

Especially when they saw Horos crashing into the wall, everyone exclaimed.

Looking at the postures of these people,

Zhou Yuan understood and reached out to cover his head, feeling unbearable to look at it.

It turned out that this scientific discovery was so important that many scientists gathered together to celebrate and threw Horos directly into the air.

There is a saying that it is easy to throw but difficult to catch!

Horos, who was in high spirits, fell to the ground with a bang, and then rolled all the way over...

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