Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 483: Fishing turns into a battle of wits!

This universe and its parallel universes have recently set off a scientific craze.

Just like in the Age of Discovery, various resources, species, and discoveries pushed modern science forward.

The great development of the universe has finally returned to science!

Those who charge at the forefront,

It’s the common people who have a lot of time left,

Working only close to 6 hours a day leaves them with a lot of time,

During these times, not everyone can socialize, play, shop, and hang out every day!

In this way, some people take the initiative to pay attention to the forefront of science and technology and understand the development of science.

This is also the reason why this new cosmic phenomenon has caused such heated discussions.

Society's attention to scientific development has reached an unprecedented level!

Moreover, this is a completely spontaneous behavior,

Even the government only issued a document praising the folk culture of advocating science.

The more people who admire it, the more people will learn it.

If there are more people learning, will there be fewer talents needed in this universe?

With this set of logic, you won’t lose anything!

"I have already issued an article detailing the details of the 'funnel'. Haha, the public's enthusiasm is very high now, and there are more and more students in adult universities."

Mr. Zhu was in a good mood today. Seeing such enthusiasm among the people, his mood was also infected by this enthusiasm.

"This is good news. The technology of the parallel world is our stepping stone. Talents from all walks of life are our internal strength to move forward. Now that we see such a strong response from everyone, we are relieved."

Zhao Guangyao followed Mr. Zhu and smiled happily.

In this adult university, the content taught is not how to use smartphones.

Thanks to synaesthesia technology,

In the adult university, the teachings involve spacecraft driving and maintenance, the operation of special types of work, quantum computer programming...

According to the goal when the university was founded, qualified students who come out of this set of procedures can be used directly in the Kuiper Belt!

This adult university really cultivates talents.

"Haha, the timing is perfect!"

The smile on Mr. Zhu’s face kept coming.

Sure enough, his strategy of putting welfare first was correct.

Directly increasing welfare is not necessarily good for the country's development in the long term, because it will drag down government finances and lead to a reduction in the money that originally flows to infrastructure, industry, and scientific development.

Because the cake is only so big, Welfare cuts a big piece and cuts less of the rest.

However, Mr. Zhu foresaw another point.

For other countries, it is correct that the cake has only one fixed size.

But for this universe, from the beginning of Project 237, it can be foreseen that the cake will continue to expand and expand, and finally it will even expand to an outrageous level larger than all the countries on the earth combined!

The situation is different,

Wait until the cake is this big before doing any welfare. The day lilies will be cold by then!

Therefore, we tackled the welfare issue first despite all difficulties. Now the cake is bigger and the people who are well fed have more time.

Doesn't this work?


Singing songs while enjoying the lake breeze, drinking juice and catching fish.

In this universe, by the big lake on Mars Node Island, Fang Jing and Zhou Yuan built a shed and threw two fishing rods leisurely.

There is no bait on the hook dragged by this fishing rod!

The so-called willing person takes the bait,

Anyway, Fang Jing and Zhou Yuan had nothing to do, hey, they were just fishing for fun!

“Can this trout take the bait like that?”

Zhou Yuan glanced at Fang Jing suspiciously, why didn't he believe what this kid said?

"Hey, there are always stupid trout who will try to bite the hook. Don't worry, let me finish the movie first."

Fang Jing waved his hand,

At this time, in front of him, a holographic projection projected a screen, and a certain movie was playing on the screen.

"Oh, you can't catch it. I want to see how you stand on your head and eat chicken legs!"

Zhou Yuan snorted coldly,

Don’t forget the original bet!


Fang Jing took a breath of air and thought:

That's right, I made a mistake, I forgot the poisonous oath I made in the excitement!

Eating chicken legs while standing upside down?

Don't vomit this! It's a shameful waste!

Fang Jing grinned, rolled his eyes, and then suddenly became happy, he had an idea!

I almost forgot,

He is the permission dog in the base!

So, without hesitation, while Zhou Yuan closed his eyes and listened to the song, Fang Jing quietly brought up a screen and started typing on it furtively with one hand.

Type it and send it, done!

After doing this, he glanced at Zhou Yuan, and Fang Jing hummed twice,

Fight with me?

You are too young... you are old!

You don’t understand the new routine!

At the same time that Fang Jing was sending the message, in Base 237, a tall robot maneuvered at high speed, circled around and came directly to the back of the lake, and then carefully climbed into the water without causing any splash.

When the robot enters the water, it is no different from when it is on the shore. It uses its hands and feet to swim faster than a fish.

I saw an afterimage passing under the water,

In an instant, a huge trout was caught in its hands. After catching the fish, the robot carefully hooked the fish's mouth to Fang Jing's hook, and then pulled hard!

After completing this, the robot quietly left.

On the shore, a violent pull was transmitted to Fang Jing’s pole, triggering a fish signal!

"Hey, Brother Zhou, what did I say? There's a fish!"

Fang Jing grinned wildly, picked up the fishing rod and reeled in the line sharply.

"Hua Hua Hua..."

Soon, a trout as long as an entire arm was pulled up.


Zhou Yuan, who was lying down, initially dismissed it, but when he actually saw the body of the fish being brought up, he took off his sunglasses in disbelief and exclaimed:

"This is so unscientific. Your hooks are all coated with fish-repelling bait, so they can be hooked. Isn't this fish stupid? Is this crazy?!"


Fang Jing is very proud here.

He said how could he secretly hang the bait and no trout take the bait?

It turns out that Zhou Yuan put fish repellent bait on the fishhook! ! !


Then the two started fighting again.


Li Tianming, who witnessed the whole process, rolled his eyes.

These two people are so obsessed with catching a fish that they will use any means!

Looking at the robot scheduling information on the tablet in his hand, Li Tianming said, "I know what you two did, but I just smiled and said nothing. What happened to these two people?" Stay away from it.

Otherwise, it will come to your face.

"You definitely didn't catch this fish by fishing. The repellent bait can even drive away sharks. How could this trout take the bait?"

"I don't care, please give me a handstand and a drink!"

"You have some special fingerprints on this fish. Did you catch it yourself?"

"You just said you didn't take the bait, right?"


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