Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 485 Unexpected Signal

Horos spoke in a righteous tone, as if he was an angel born to save. Even when he spoke, his assistant helped cast a soft light behind him that would not damage the equipment and experiments.

That look,

It's exactly the same as the decency in film and television works.

However, the researchers present did not buy into this scene.


The scene was silent. Many researchers looked at me and I looked at you, but did not speak.

Researcher A glared: Where did the joke come from?

Researcher B: I saw it at the School of Space Physics.

Researcher C, who studied at the School of Space Physics, immediately said in a panic: I don’t know, I don’t know.

"Ahem, anyway, now we are going to run the new model, so everyone should put down what they are doing."

Horos was embarrassed for a few seconds and then reacted.

Hey, as long as he doesn't feel embarrassed, it won't be embarrassing!

Now, the researchers all gathered together,

They are also interested, new model?

There is new progress at the Academy of Sciences!

Very good!

For a long time, their research on microscopic particles has been slowly advancing, but there has not been much progress.

Looking at people in other laboratories making breakthroughs one day at a time, it would be false to say that I am not envious.

Now there is a new model,

They also look forward to making their own contribution to Project 237 and even the great Eastern countries!

When material aspects are satisfied, people will pursue spiritual values.

Now, many researchers in the research laboratory of Project 237 have achieved unprecedented material satisfaction.

Also because of this,

All researchers expect to achieve something,

Make a contribution to this plan and this country.


After Horos explained the specific data of the new model,

The eyes of these researchers immediately brightened up, and they changed from sitting to standing in anticipation.

If it weren't for the inability to fly, these researchers would have been excited to take off on the spot!

"The tasks have been assigned, everyone, let's start taking action!"

It wasn't until he explained the structure of the funnel that Horos relied on his knowledge to conquer the researchers here.

Clap your hands,

The researcher immediately started to move.

Regarding the dimensionality of microscopic particles,

It's time to make a break!

Horos looked at the busy researchers and nodded confidently.

With the unexpected opportunity of funnel,

If it is not possible to complete this technological breakthrough, then it would be too...

Well, I'd better be kind to myself, and I won't make any curses here.

"Okay, the arrangements are here, and the next step is the research I took over!"

Solved the research direction problem here,

Horos thought that he still had more than a dozen projects, one, two, seven, eight, nine, etc., and suddenly felt that he had become slack these days!

These projects,

But they all still require him to dig deeper!

I need to produce results as soon as possible, and I can't be preempted by other parallel research institutes!

Many people worry that having so many research laboratories in Horos will delay research results.

At this point, Mr. Zhu is not worried at all.

How can there be only one research laboratory for a kind of research?

There are many parallel research institutes.

In the field of scientific research, whoever makes results first is the boss, it’s that simple!

So Horos wants to compete for the top spot,

Just do it better and faster than other institutes!

In this universe, the Macca star cluster is 600 light-years away from the solar system.

The Rehe scientific research fleet is slowly swimming in the dark space,

There are five ships in total that make up this fleet.

The flagship is the gorgeous King of Feathers, which is a star-crossing star system. There are also the galaxy cruisers Tail Feather, Beipiao, and Jinzhou, and the galaxy frigate Slender Raptor.

These five ships, in a battle formation, were quietly wandering around the periphery of the Obeya star system. The Slenderraptor hanging at the end was collecting samples from the star system.

"Another lifeless star system. How many are there?"

In the control room of the flagship of the Gorgeous Feather King, Zhang Xu, the chief scientist of the fleet who woke up from the immersion state, sighed and looked at the holographic map with great disappointment.

"We have explored at least a thousand star systems, and everything we see is the same. Barren, desolate and lifeless. Could it be that our galaxy has been bloodbathed by some kind of super civilization?"

The extraterrestrial life scholar sat in his chair very decadently.

Their research has reached a dead end!

"I originally thought that after discovering the prototype of life on Jupiter, there would definitely be alien life within a thousand light years of Noda. However, until now, we have not found even a single hair!"

Zhang Xu also sighed,

There has been no harvest, and the scholars on their ship are a little... homesick.

"If I had known better, I would have stayed on Jupiter. At least I could have studied the prototype of life!"

"that is!"

"Okay, okay, just spit out your frustrated words. Now we are like a ship in the Age of Discovery that cannot find a continent. Alien civilizations are land. Sometimes failure is inevitable!"

Seeing that many scholars were on the verge of mental collapse, Zhang Xu quickly stepped forward to smooth things over.

He has already decided that if he finds nothing more,

It’s time to go home!

"Finally, collect the asteroid fragments outside Obeya and prepare to go back."

After using a detector to confirm that there were no traces of life in the Obeya star system, Zhang Xu breathed out and ordered to prepare to leave.

"Director, we have found some metals with strange textures. They may be undiscovered elements, but the size of the impurities is too large. Do we have to crush them and take them back?"

At this time, the researcher sent confirmation information.

"Crush it and take away the most important half."

Zhang Xu nodded in agreement.


With Zhang Xu's confirmation, on the collection boat flying not far from the fleet, the researcher aimed the sight at a huge meteorite and carefully pressed the trigger button.

The weapon equipped on the collection boat is a high-energy ray.

The ray hit the meteorite and splashed a lot of debris.

The metal samples they wanted to collect were among these rubbles. The researchers saw the right opportunity and immediately operated the metal tube to draw the required samples.

Collection is proceeding smoothly,

Zhang Xu also turned on the equipment and began to write a research report on this voyage.

"With the purpose of exploring extraterrestrial life, the Jehol Fleet conducted a detailed exploration of nearly a thousand star systems within 600 light years. As a result, no traces of life were found. However, our research on samples from various star systems... "

"Didi didi——"

Zhang Xu was writing a report when suddenly, the smart terminal made a rapid beep, which made him frown.

"It's the communication in the bridge, Captain, what's going on?"

"The intelligence adjutant sent word that the Tail Feather spacecraft has intercepted a series of unfamiliar wireless narrowband signals. The signal has been sent to you. I have also asked your people to come back. From now on, the entire fleet will maintain radio silence!"

The captain's voice was unmistakable;

But the information in it left Zhang Xu stunned.

Unfamiliar... wireless narrowband signal? !

"Quick, let the computer track the source of the signal!"

"We are tracking. The high-energy ray waves of the mining samples just strengthen the other party's communication wavelength. This information is very clear and regular, absolutely!"

On the side, the extraterrestrial life scholar jumped up instantly, blushing and excitedly observing the interception signal sent by the captain.

Such regular wireless narrowband signals,

It can only be——

Alien intelligent civilization!

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