Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 490 When I have a problem, it is you who has a problem!

Mecca Cluster, Xinggongxu Star System,

This is a very strange star system, with only one star and six planets in the galaxy.

The reason why it is strange is that these six planets are actually in the "habitable zone"!

This matter is very confusing to explain.

Originally, this star system only had three planets, but due to the periodic influence of the neighboring star system, every few hundred years, under the action of gravity, the other three planets will suddenly jump into the orbit of Xinggongxu.

The Totemka people call this phenomenon "the Great Transfer".

When these three planets appear in Xinggongxu and are fixed by gravity, their world will usher in the most serious "war" in history!

Because, on those three planets, there is another completely different civilization, the Tona people.

That's right,

these two star systems each gave birth to civilization,

and due to the periodic intersection, since entering the space age, the two civilizations have started a protracted war!

And now,

it is exactly the middle of the "Great Transfer" of Xinggongxu, and it is also the most intense moment of the war.

Babumu Fleet,

This is a fleet of the Totemka people, retreating after a defeat on the front line. They are covered in dirt, and some of the ships have hideous cracks on their hulls. Obviously, they have just experienced a disastrous defeat.

"Our front line is over!"

Commander Ibu is in some pain, using his sensory organs to observe the data on the detector.

Behind him, the Tona fleet is still chasing.

Their fleet has been forced into a desperate situation!

"Commander, let's fight the Tona people!"

"Yes, their homeland was in chaos due to the great migration, and we kindly helped them to overcome the difficulties. We didn't expect them to bite us back and launched a long-planned war. Now the front line has collapsed. Behind us is Taino Star. We must not let them land!"


In the cockpit,

the Totemka people were very excited, and their voices kept coming to Commander Ibrahimovic.

Ibrahimovic was emitting a blue light all over his body and checked the situation of the fleet.

Seven warships, three were damaged to the point of sailing, two could barely fight the enemy, and two were intact.

This fleet with missing limbs,

went to fight the Tona people's fleet armed to the teeth!


behind them was their home planet Taino, which was also the fertile land that the Tona people had coveted for a long time. They could no longer retreat!

"We will go to the rear position immediately and fight with the Tona people!"

The blue light on Ibrahimovic's body became more and more urgent, showing that he was in a very angry mood.

The Tona people wanted to seize their homes,

then they could only step over their corpses!

"Send a message to the base, prepare the turrets, the fleet is unable to leave the station, but we can be a guiding beacon, and we must bury the enemy's fleet in this star field even if we die!"

"Commander, the signal has been sent... Wait, our signal was intercepted on the side for unknown reasons, and an unknown detector entered our detection range???!"

Just when the atmosphere was the most serious,

the detector on the Totemka fleet suddenly made an extremely terrified sound.

In the dark space, in the direction of the empty side, something suddenly intercepted their signal? !

Blatant interception!

What is that? ! !


In the Mecca star cluster,

the fleet of this universe conducted a carpet-style detection from 100 light years away around the two star systems of Xinggong Wuxu, and found no traces of any civilization activities.

Therefore, they had to continuously narrow the detection range, 100 light years, 50 light years, 10 light years, 5 light years, and finally within 2 light years, there was still nothing!

When no trace of the other party's activities was found within two light years,

the captain in charge of the search, Wang Shi on the flagship of Xingxiu, considered again and again, and finally made a decision.

Launch a detector into the target star system until the opponent's signal is intercepted!


there is this scene in front of us,

"Captain, our unmanned detector intercepted the opponent's shortwave signal, which has its own computer to decode, and the accompanying scientists are cracking it!"

The intelligence adjutant immediately reported the situation on the front line.

"What is the object that sent the signal?"

Wang Shi frowned and asked seriously.

"It's the fleet, but their situation is not very good, captain, please look!"

The intelligence adjutant immediately called up the images taken by the unmanned detector,

In the dark space, under the reflection of the starlight, seven unique A-shaped spacecraft were sailing alone. These spacecraft were not large, and the blue ion flow at the tail proved that the technology of this civilization had entered the era of radiation propulsion navigation.

Just by looking at this picture,

the shipboard artificial intelligence came to many conclusions.

The first is to speculate based on the shape and kinetic energy of the spacecraft that the speed of the opponent's spacecraft will not exceed 4%~7% of the speed of light.

For this kind of spacecraft,

the assistant's analysis gave the evaluation: no threat!

"It seems that they are under attack?"

Wang Shi's eyes lit up. Is the opponent fighting?

"Yes, the damage is very serious, and our superior detectors also found that there are pursuers behind them!"

The intelligence adjutant nodded.

"Should we take action directly!"

The ordnance adjutant spoke loudly, and the officers and soldiers of the entire fleet were ready!

"No hurry, let the unmanned detector test the opponent's firepower first, and then make a decision!"

The opponent is fighting, so you can observe the opponent's attack methods.

Explore each other’s background!

If their motivation fails and they find another way to attack, they can just act cautiously;

If the opponent's motivation is weak and his attack methods are weak,

This wave,

No matter they are running away or pursuing, we will catch them all immediately!

Members who can fly spaceships are high-quality talents in any civilization.

If he were caught, wouldn't the situation of civilization in Xinggongxu become clear? !

The corner of Wang Shi's mouth curled up slightly,

The plan goes through!

Now let’s see what the opponent’s strength is!

On the other side, the commander of the Totemka people, Ibrahimovic, discovered that the signal on the port side had been intercepted, and everyone became nervous.


What is going on? !

However, before he had time to think about it, the horrified voice of the detector came over:

"Commander, the Tona spacecraft has accelerated and is attacking us!"

"Blank, there's shelling on the broadside!"

In the distance of the A-shaped conical fleet, a group of O-shaped spaceships slowly revealed their ferocious bows from the meteorite belt. The spaceship was like a donut, and ferocious... cannons were exposed on the steel ring. mouth,

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a space iron bucket.

More importantly,

As it got closer, the O-shaped spacecraft's outstretched gun muzzle flashed with a flash of fire.

What was fired from the muzzle was actually... a chemical energy weapon?

In layman's terms,

It's some kind of explosive-powered weapon!

? ? ?

The captain of this universe, Wang Shi, who was watching the whole process, suddenly broke out into a smile. His lips were so raised that they almost reached the back of his head!

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