Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 510 What, our Tona civilization is dead? !

The Tona civilization was completely destroyed,

The three planets were first washed by biomass rays, and then bombarded and collapsed by particle weapons.

The power of planetary collapse is unstoppable!

At least...the Toners are unstoppable.

On Earth, Mars, and Yangcheng Planet,

The image of three planets disintegrating was played repeatedly on the news, and all residents of this universe were watching this image.

This is a scene that shocks and scares people.

There is no need to explain the whole process. The only sound on the screen is the sound of instructions to attack the fleet.

When Pang Hai gave the order "Start planetary strike\

,"People are shocked by the pictures before their eyes, and are horrified by the doomsday scenes of planets disintegrating, civilization overturned, and all life being devastated.

At this moment,

Everyone can see clearly,

Volcanoes, lava, ground waves higher than mountain peaks, destruction even more apocalyptic than the end of the world!

Through this scene,

People who were immersed in the beautiful life in the interstellar era suddenly woke up and discovered a fact with horror.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten. This extends to the interstellar era.

That is,

A weak civilization will face destruction at any time!

The Tona are a threat to humanity;

Isn’t human civilization also a threat to other civilizations?

This is true,

It is also a fact that makes people nervous,

And it is this tension that will become the driving force for this universe to move forward!

Mr. Zhu released these pictures to tell everyone clearly that everyone in human civilization,

Are there any eggs under the overturned nest?

Work hard and join the journey of this universe!

"The effect this time is very good, the guidance effect is very good."

On Node Island, Mr. Zhu looked at the report in his hand and nodded with great satisfaction. Then he looked at Zhao Guangyao beside him and asked softly:

"How's the rest of the search going?"

"We actually found the Tona supply ship hidden in the dense cluster of asteroids. They are a group of opportunists. They had previously embezzled supplies to supply Base No. 30, and they hid wherever they were to avoid capture."

Zhao Guangyao shook his head, his tone a little incredulous.

I didn't expect such a coincidence!

The people on this ship are really lucky compared to other Tona people.

At least I can survive for a few more days!

"Haha, we organized a detailed search by the armed fleet to avoid any mistakes or omissions. How are these guys doing?"

Mr. Zhu raised his eyebrow slightly and was very concerned about this matter.

"We have sent warships there. We will not let the other side stage an interstellar version of the 'Orphan of Zhao' drama. We will definitely clean up!"

Zhao Guangyao nodded slightly, his tone a little cold.

"This is best."

Mr. Zhu nodded and agreed with Zhao Guangyao's handling method.

To cut weeds, we must remove the roots;

Lest the wind blows and regenerates!

On the edge of Xingongxu, in the dark and dangerous asteroid dense zone,

On the back of a rather large meteorite, a very familiar O-shaped spacecraft was clinging to the meteorite.

This ship is very stable,

There was no light on the spacecraft, the radio remained silent, and the outer shell was stained with gravel with some kind of gel. If you hadn't looked closely, it would have been difficult to spot this extremely well-camouflaged spacecraft.

in the boat,

Captain Tuona lay leisurely on the seat, smiling and watching the movies and TV series in front of him, including those from Tuona people and those from Totem Card people.

"Hahaha, these totem card scoundrels are pretty good at art!"

I took a leisurely sip of Tona juice,

Tana has never felt so at ease!

Compared with the current life, life on the mother planet is just like an animal!

Not only do they have to work as cattle and horses, but they also have to squeeze out supplies for the conquest fleet.

"What a bunch of idiots, I just took advantage of this supply ship. The supplies on it are enough for our entire ship to die!"

Thinking about my current life,

Tuona suddenly laughed wildly.

"That's right, boss is so smart. If we hide here, they won't be able to find us at all!"

"That's right. If you don't care about the world, you can eat everything until you vomit. That's better than the mud legs on the mother planet!"

"That's right, our ship can only consume most of these supplies until we die. We don't want to let go!"

"Hahaha, good wine. Damn it, I sent some wine to Base No. 30. I've only drank wine twice in my fucking life!"

in the cabin,

A group of isolated Tona people just let themselves go.

However, it is easy to deceive the Tona people with the disguise of appearance, but it is just a dream to deceive the ships of this universe!

Scanning radar scans in all directions,

Oh, why is there a steel donut lying on such a big stone meteorite?

This is so damn obvious!

The captain in charge of the investigation covered his head.

This ostrich-style hiding method is very powerful and invincible!

"Captain, we detected the warning signal sent by the Tona base 29 before the strike!"

At this time, the intelligence adjutant on this spaceship suddenly reminded the captain.

"Signal content!"

The captain frowned. At this distance, interception would be a bit troublesome!

"The content is as follows: It has been detected that the information from Base 10 to Base 21 is interrupted. It is suspected that it has been attacked by a higher civilization. The signal from the home star is missing. It is suspected that it has also been attacked. Ships that receive the signal are asked to hide immediately!"

The intelligence adjutant read it quickly, and his expression was a little strange after reading it.

"Haha, he is a responsible sentry who can react at the moment of attack and send the signal without hesitation. He is very decisive."

The captain nodded to the Tona who sent the signal decisively.

"Are we just going to let the signal be sent?"

The intelligence adjutant was a little worried.

"There is an interception fleet outside Xinggong Xu. This information is impossible to fly out of this star system. Let them die knowingly."

The captain sighed softly,

Let this Tona who is hiding here be a ghost knowingly!

The radio signal propagates very fast in the universe.

After a moment, the Tona spacecraft hidden behind the meteorite received the signal.

And Tona is not stupid. Although most of the power of the ship is turned off, the receiver and detector must be turned on.

"The system received a signal... The signal came from Base 29, and the content is as follows:..."

Tona was drinking juice and watching TV on the ship.

When he heard the intelligent system's report, he pricked up his ears and listened.

After hearing "the mother planet is suspected to have been hit", the food and drink in his hand suddenly fell to the ground, and he shouted in horror:

"What, our civilization is dead?!!"

"The base was also hit, and invaders entered our star field. Fortunately, fortunately we ran away!"

Tona took a deep breath and felt fortunate.

Bad news: their mother planet is dead!

Good news, hey, they escaped in advance!

"Wait, Captain, what do you see there?"

As a result, before Tona felt fortunate for two seconds, the communicator on the ship pointed out the porthole, and the terrified call attracted his attention.

Tona reacted quickly, walked to the porthole, pulled the communicator away, stared, and his pupils shrank instantly.

It turned out that,

outside the porthole, a conical spaceship that was completely different from the Tona people, with a dark wall of rays pointed directly at them.

Tona turned around and whispered to the crew behind him:

"Fuck, the intruder's spaceship!"

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