Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 528 Calling for you

Professor Brand's main research field has come to an end due to the lack of data on black hole singularities.

Although this is already the case,

But we have to keep going, we have to keep going.

Therefore, he is very interested in continuing research,

As for which country to study in?

His daughter, his only family member, works as his assistant in the laboratory!

Wherever the laboratory goes, it is his home!

"Father, that's great!"

Amelia was packing her things nervously and excitedly.

She was happy that her father could continue his research, but at the same time she was nervous about going to a strange country.

"Just take your personal belongings, and someone will help carry the other things!"

Brand looked at his daughter silently and smiled softly.

The scene at this time was like sending her to school for the first time when she was a child and watching her timidly walk into the school gate.

The atmosphere became warm as a result.

However, this warmth did not last long. The guard of the secret base suddenly walked up to Professor Brand and whispered in his ear:

"Professor, we caught two intruders, you must come and see!"


Brand frowned slightly, nodded and greeted his daughter, then followed the guard and left.

an interrogation room,

Cooper hugged his daughter Murphy with a nervous look on his face.

In front of him, there were several guards with strong builds and sunglasses in black suits who looked like men in black from the Matrix, looking at them with dangerous eyes.

"How do you know this place? This is a restricted military area!"

The guard captain's voice was cold and he looked very strict.

"Whether you believe it or not, there is a mysterious force that is guiding us and guiding us here. Do you understand? The sandstorm left the coordinates here."

Cooper protected his daughter, and his explanation was a little confusing because of his concern.

He didn't even expect the other party to understand the meaning of this sentence.

After all, this is too strange to say.

This is equivalent to when Fang Jing was brought back to the interrogation room by the 710 Research Institute on the wandering earth world for the first time. Zhou Weirong asked him how he suddenly appeared in their military restricted area.

Then the scene where Fang Jing replies, "There is a mysterious force that guided me here" is just as nonsense.

Who can believe such an answer?

That’s what Cooper thinks now!

However, the situation actually far exceeded his expectation.

Just after he said these words that were incomprehensible to ordinary people, the door to the interrogation room opened, and Professor Brand walked straight in. He looked sideways at Cooper, nodded and said:

"We probably understand what you said. It seems that you have been guided by 'them'. Come with me."


Cooper's eyes widened;

No, I feel like I'm talking nonsense, can you really understand me? !

Wait, Cooper realized something, squinted his eyes and asked in a confused tone:


"Come with me!"

Brand looked at Cooper quietly,

He hooked up and asked his daughter to take Murphy away.

He had something to say to Cooper alone!

Take Cooper to a conference room,

Professor Brand called up a map, pointed to the star map in front of him, turned back to him and explained:

"This is the guidance 'they' give to us, humans!"

"This is?"

Cooper used to be an astronaut, so he is quite familiar with this kind of pictures.

In front of him was a photo of Jupiter, but in the corner of the photo, a dark spherical object made Cooper's eyes widen.

He was sure that all the aerospace knowledge he had learned before did not include this celestial body!

"This is a wormhole that can travel to more than a dozen different star systems. It suddenly appeared near Jupiter more than ten years ago, and that was when... the blight virus outbreak was at its most severe!"

“At that time, wheat, potatoes, and sweet potatoes were infected and extinct one after another, but there was still no progress in research on the blight virus. Humanity had reached the edge of despair. It was at this time that I realized that this wormhole was definitely not a natural occurrence! "

"So, we started a plan to find a new home for humans in the universe so as to continue our race!"

After Brand finished speaking, he was silent for a long time.

"But it's all settled now isn't it?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little awkward, Cooper immediately took over the topic and said:

"The great Eastern countries have developed fast-growing seeds, which perfectly avoid the attack of the blight virus. The food problem will be solved soon."

"You're right, but you were still led here."

Brand looked at Cooper quietly with deep eyes. His voice seemed to be stuck on a cassette, and he said slowly:

"Moreover, our laboratory will also be moved to the Great Eastern Country. Also, just now, when they were interrogating you, the person from the Great Eastern Country who accepted our project called..."

Speaking of which,

Brand looked at Cooper with a fatalistic and peaceful expression:

"The great Eastern countries want you by name!"

"How is this possible? How do they know about me!"

This answer gave Cooper a chill in his heart and made his scalp numb instantly!

"Cooper, don't you understand?"

Brand took a deep breath, looked at him with eyes as calm as a lake, and said:

"Within five minutes after you were caught, the big country from the East called!"

"This is why 'they' guided you here. The big eastern countries must also have received guidance, so that's why."

"You are the key man!"

"This, this..."

Cooper took a deep breath, feeling surprised and a little doubtful at the same time.

He probably already knows what mission he wants to perform,

Go explore that wormhole!

But he still has his son and daughter on earth. It is impossible for him to abandon everything and go to Jupiter!

"Cooper, you can't escape. The president is already aware of this matter and has personally agreed to cooperate."

Brand looked at Cooper who hesitated, shook his head, and said calmly:

"One of the conditions for the Eastern powers to agree to provide food to the United States is that we must help them unconditionally in exploring wormholes."

"I have no intention of using my country or my carelessness to force you."

"But think about your daughter, think about your son. If the big eastern countries don't provide food, they will be the last generation of our country."

This sentence directly hit Cooper's weakness,

He looked sideways at Murphy who was joking with Emilia outside the door.

Cooper has already made up his mind.

Here he goes,

It's for your family!

"You said so, I'll go!"

Cooper took a deep breath and nodded heavily.

"Don't worry, I will take your family to the great eastern country. It is now the most fertile place for human food. They will live a good life."

Brand exhaled,

He nodded and watched Emilia become silent.

Cooper is undoubtedly a good father, but just like him, their children may not yet be able to understand this heavy, silent love.

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