Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 53 The whistle blows, the motherland is calling

Zhanjiang, the mouth of the sea.

This is one of the permanent ports of the navy, where the main ships of China's South China Sea Fleet are assembled.

Originally, the flagship had just completed the military's experimental modifications, and the officers and soldiers were on rare vacation.

But today, Wu Tong, the captain of the Nanjiang destroyer 055, felt something was wrong.

He was taking the opportunity to call his wife and daughter.

His daughter was 9 years old and very cute. She kept asking him on the phone when she would go back to see him.

In response, Wu Tong could only respond with a smile.

"Okay, okay, I know your stuff is important, so you have to do it well, you know?"

His wife also gently noticed his embarrassment and hurriedly stopped her daughter's questioning.

She just looked at Wu Tong, with deep and burning love in her eyes.

"I know."

Wu Tong's resolute face finally showed a gentle smile.

This is a genuine smile that he will only show when facing something he loves.

"When you change ships, remember to come back when you have time..."

Her wife nodded gently and was about to say a few more words.

In the harbor, a rapid horn sound suddenly sounded.

"Du! Du! Du! Du! Du -"

"Level 1 combat alert!"

His heart tightened, almost subconsciously. The muscle memory generated by his long-term training prompted Wu Tong to put down the phone without any hesitation and ran frantically towards the ship where he was.

What happened? Why did the first-level combat alarm suddenly sound? !

With doubts, Wu Tong quickly returned to his ship.

"Reporting to the captain, all 181 people on the ship are here, requesting instructions!"

The ship's chief mate came to him and immediately reported the ship's situation.

At this time, Wu Tong also clearly saw the document issued by the Naval Combat Command Center.

After reading it, he closed his eyes tightly.

After a breath, he suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes were firm and his face was resolute. He turned his head slightly, looked at the outline of the city behind him, and showed a gentle smile.

After looking back for the last time, Captain Wu stared straight ahead and said loudly:

"After receiving the order from the command center, the enemy is passing through the South China Sea. Pull up the anchor, dispatch the ships, and set sail to rendezvous with the main fleet."

"Attention, this is not a drill, this is not a drill!"

"The specific combat information data link has been issued to each ship."

"Now, all ships are in battle formation!"

"Speed ​​is thirty knots, full speed ahead!"

On the other side, in his home, his wife also heard the familiar voice.

The rapid sound of the whistle brought back her memories.

She also remembered her husband once telling him that it was... the sound of a Level 1 combat alarm.

"If this whistle sounds, I will rush to the battlefield without hesitation, and I may even die in it. Are you still willing to accept me like this?"

At the Naval Academy, young Wu Tong knelt down on one knee in front of her and proposed, and then solemnly said these words.

Recall the memories of the past.

For an instant, she stayed where she was, covering her mouth, and two lines of clear tears flowed from her eyes.

"Mom, what was the sound from Dad's side just now? It was so unpleasant that it hurt my ears!"

The daughter covered her ears, somewhat unhappy.

She was young and didn't understand what the sound meant.

She just felt that the sound of the flute was so unpleasant that it would be best to never play it again.

But why didn't mom move?

The little girl put down her pink hands, blinked and looked at her mother.

"Mom, why are you crying?"

"Mom, don't cry!"

The little girl saw her mother crying and ran to hug her.

She came back to her senses, choked twice, quickly wiped away her tears, put a smile on her face, and hugged her daughter:

"Hey, dear, look, mom isn't crying, she's not crying!"

Wiping away her tears, she turned her head and glanced to the southeast, sighing in her heart.

"Old Wu, you must come back safely!"

"10 meters away from the ground, the reverse thrust engine started successfully!"

"The landing was successful, and the ground search and rescue forces are quickly rushing to their destination to ensure the safety of the astronauts."

Three days later, the landing site at Siwangqi, Inner Mongolia.

With the sound of the reverse thrust engine, the spacecraft carrying the three heroic astronauts who landed on the moon landed successfully!

Within a few minutes, the helicopter appeared on the observation screen.

Then, fix the point, confirm, and open the cabin.

Everything that greets the astronauts, the search and rescue forces have gone through countless trainings, and they are no longer familiar with it.

Three astronauts were carried out.

However, as soon as he came out, astronaut Zhai Gang noticed something was wrong with the atmosphere at the scene.

"Congratulations to the three astronauts for completing China's first moon landing. Now, we will send you back to the support vehicle immediately!"

The search and rescue personnel seemed very anxious.

Moreover, what shocked the three of them the most was.

There are no reporters? !

It's not that Zhai Gang is narcissistic.

They returned this time, but did they successfully land on the moon?

There are actually no professional reporters here, only search and rescue personnel taking photos.


A little too miserable, right?

Zhai Gang, Chen Dong and Nie Zheng looked at each other with worried looks in their eyes.

The normal process is not like this!

Something must have happened to make them the most shameless astronauts in history.


Suddenly, a roar of air waves spread throughout the landing site.

In the distance, there were several fighter jets, fully loaded, flying and cruising at low altitude!

The hum of the fighter engine spread instantly like an earthquake, shocking people.

But why would there be fighter jets patrolling at low altitude at the landing site?

Zhai Gang half-lying on the chair, thinking in his heart.

"The three astronauts have returned successfully, and the first phase of the moon landing plan has been successful. After this incident, we can start the construction of the second phase of the moon plan."

Zhao Guangyao came to Fang Jing who was training.

He told him the good news that had just spread.

"It's good if it succeeded!"

Fang Jing was also a little excited when he heard it.

Maybe it will be his turn to go to the moon soon!

"However, there are more urgent things now, Brother Zhao, how is the matter of the US fleet in the South China Sea? Do they really want to take action?"

Speaking of the US fleet, Fang Jing's face was a little gloomy.

I didn't expect this bastard to do this to them.

Covering up, the more obvious it is, the aircraft carrier fleet was secretly transferred to East Asia, and directly entered the South China Sea.

"It seems that there is no way to escape."

Zhao Guangyao and Fang Jing didn't know the plan of the three armies, so they were full of worries.

They were afraid that the United States was caught off guard this time, and China would easily have problems.

Zhao Guangyao's voice was low and slow, but his voice was a little angry. He said excitedly:

"The United States has assembled five aircraft carriers, as well as the Liben Anti-Submarine Brigade and the South Korean Fleet, and has formed a siege on the South China Sea."

"Just now, US President Fred also sent a telegram to ask Global Mining to hand over its shares according to the judgment."

"Otherwise, we will be in trouble!"

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