Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 530: When it comes to being cool, I’m a professional

Fang Jing knew that he had revealed his flaws.

Looking at Cooper, he coughed lightly.

"Cooper, do you know how long it will take us to reach Jupiter?"

This also allowed the other party to detect his true and false level.

Fang Jing simply stopped pretending.

That's right!

He just... can't drive a spaceship!

"According to Dr. Brand's calculations, if a gravitational slingshot is accelerated on Mars midway, it will take about two years to reach the Jupiter wormhole!"

Cooper glanced at the extremely unreliable scene and gave the answer.

In fact, in the original movie, it took Cooper and the others about this time to reach Jupiter.

"Well, according to your technology, it is indeed the case."

Fang Jing smiled mysteriously, glanced at the cockpit, which was wider than the spacecraft Cooper had flown before, and suddenly changed the subject: "

"What do you think of this spaceship?"

"Big, very big. Compared with all the spaceships I have flown, this is a real spaceship. In the past, it could only be called an aircraft!"

This is Cooper's true feelings,

This cockpit alone is so much bigger than the spaceship he was in before!


Such a big spaceship, what speed?

Cooper was also suddenly startled at this moment and realized something.

How could this spaceship, which was as big as an alien spacecraft, have the same speed as before? !

"Haha, you guessed it right, this is a faster-than-light spacecraft. You will be the first humans in this universe to board a faster-than-light spacecraft!"

Fang Jing curled his lips,

The explanation here is enough.

"What, faster than light speed?"

Cooper's eyes suddenly widened,

This spaceship can actually exceed the speed of light!

How is this possible!


What do you mean by "you are the first in the universe"?

Are you from our universe?

Cooper seemed to have discovered something interesting, and looked at Fang Jing with a strange look in his eyes.

Listen to Fang Jing’s tone,

Cooper had reason to doubt;

Fang Jing is actually an alien!

"Hehehe, you will understand gradually."

Fang Jing smiled lightly and didn't explain much.

Admittedly, he is not very good at flying a spaceship.

But who stipulates that the captain must be able to fly a spaceship?

What era is it?

Are you still flying the spacecraft in the traditional way?

Do you understand intelligence?

Of course, this is what Fang Jingneng can say. If the captains of other universes said this, Mr. Zhu would have asked him to copy the safety regulations tens of thousands of times. After all, the biggest flaw of intelligence is that it will be finished quickly if it is invaded by counterattacks. .

Fang Jing, this is a special situation!

Give Cooper some insight,

Fang Jing stopped pretending.

Instead, he took Cooper around inside the spacecraft.

As for whether the secret will be leaked or something like that?

Fang Jing’s idea is very simple.

Cooper is going to accompany him into the black hole?

Having seen this,

Can we still let him run away?

This person,

From now on, you are a member of Project 237 of this universe!

It's that simple!

Since Interstellar World only needs help assembling the spaceship,

So it's very fast,

It took about a month for the spacecraft to be completed.

The robot and intelligent system have fully passed the inspection, and Fang Jing is ready to go at any time!

"Don't worry, our grain reserves have reached ten years, and we have also stored fast-growing seeds. There is no need to worry here. I am waiting for your triumphant return and will personally thank all members of the 237 Project!"

Qian Lao stood opposite Fang Jing and nodded heavily at him.

"Haha, Mr. Qian and Mr. Zhu must have a lot to talk about. You can have a good chat then!"

Fang Jing felt that Mr. Qian and Mr. Zhu were very similar.

Therefore, he was extremely respectful to him. After glancing at the dark sky, he turned to look at Cooper who was saying goodbye to the little girl who was wearing dark green clothes and had an unhappy face.

"Don't leave, okay?"

Murphy looked at his father with a look of reluctance.

"Don't worry, I'll be back!"

Cooper touched his daughter's head and answered affirmatively:

"wait for me!"

"But Professor Brand said that when you come back, I will be as old as you?"

Murphy pursed her lips. Although she was still young, she could already understand a lot of things.

"Hahaha, little girl, it won't be so long. When is your birthday?"

Fang Jing thought this little girl was very cute, so Lanxess asked with a smile.

"March 24th!"

Murphy looked at the strange uncle next to him. He was not timid, but rather curious.

Why are you asking this?

"If everything goes well, we will definitely be back before your next birthday!"

Fang Jing blinked at the little girl.

"Is what uncle said true?"

There was a hint of surprise on Murphy's face.


Fang Jing's eyes widened and he took a deep breath.

What uncle? You want to call me brother!

Forget it, why are you arguing with this little girl?

He then affirmed:

"Of course!"

"Very good!"

It wasn't until he saw his father nodding that Murphy changed from being skeptical to being happy.

Professor Brand is lying!


Professor Brand, who didn’t know the truth, was confused.

But when he saw the huge spaceship, he probably understood.

"Okay, we're off. Goodbye, everyone!"

After saying that,

Fang Jing turned his head and greeted Cooper.

The other party nodded in response, and finally touched his daughter's head.

The two walked into the spacecraft's gate.

The heavy cabin door slowly closed!

In the cockpit of the spaceship,

Fang Jing stood in the captain's position in a decent manner,

Cooper sat in the vice-captain's seat, and Amelia and other crew members were wearing seat belts and sitting on the side like curious babies, looking around.

This is their first time boarding this spaceship!

"This is the armed scientific research ship Insight of the great Eastern Powers. I am the executive captain of the ship. Everyone obeys the order and fastens their seat belts. The spacecraft is ready to take off!"

After saying that,

A chair appeared behind Fang Jing,

He sat back and fastened his seat belt.

In front of him, a holographically projected star map suddenly appeared in front of him.

Fang Jing, who had a serious look on his face, moved his hands quickly.

The star map kept zooming in and out, and finally the picture was fixed somewhere outside the orbit of Jupiter in the solar system.

After determining the target, Fang Jing stretched out his index finger and tapped it lightly.

A green punctuation point appeared on the star map.

After doing this, Fang Jing checked the safety belts and equipment operation of all ship personnel, and then said solemnly:

"The target position has been determined and the spacecraft is officially launched!"


Cooper, who had always been worried, felt relieved when he saw Fang Jing operating so professionally.

At the same time, he looked at Fang Jing with some trust and admiration in his eyes.

This scene was actually seen by Fang Jing.

He twitched the corner of his mouth as he kept making operations,


He does know how to operate, but not much. He basically does it on the simulator, and there are only a few actual operations.

And the reason why I can see him operating in an orderly manner now,

That's because,

He used the hosting model!

In fact, what is really operating is the intelligent system of the mimic armor in his body!


Why do you think he still calibrates the route, and his actions are so interesting and correct?


Who doesn't know how to draw random holographic projections? !

Just think of playing a holographic projection game, and of course you have to do it in a stylish way!

The actor Fang Jing put his hands on his hips and laughed loudly,

I'm so damn handsome!

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