Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 536 I'm waiting for you

The aircraft, like a long shuttle, advances slowly,

In the weak gravitational zone on the edge of the planet and the black hole, the aircraft saw the right opportunity and slammed into the space vortex zone of the black hole.

"Bang bang bang bang!"


The spacecraft shook suddenly, and the whole thing began to tremble and tremble!

The frequency of trembling is very high. If the rigid body of this shuttle is not strong enough, this tremor alone is enough to cause many structures inside the spacecraft to break.

This is because the gravity of the Gargantua black hole is partially weakened by the nearby planets!

If it is other areas,

Fang Jing had doubts in his eyes, even the shuttle would not be able to hold on.

Although it won't be broken directly, the support pillars will definitely be torn!

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!"

Severe vibrations were transmitted from the hull to the cab, and the cab seats used excellent anti-shock design to neutralize a large part of them.

But the sudden acceleration and impact caused Cooper, the co-pilot, to slam forward, and then he was pulled back by the seat belt and fainted on the spot!

In the cab,

Only Fang Jing gritted his teeth and persisted. His eyes gradually became bloodshot and red. The violent shaking did not break his will!

The results of the previous training in the small black hole have taken effect.

By staying awake, he continued to send communication signals that he could still send to the surroundings.

"Quick, quick, quick answer!"

Fang Jing is trying to communicate with "future people" who will open wormholes to help mankind.

His eyes bulged,

Keep asking the assistant artificial intelligence.

"Is there a signal detected?"

"No, there is no signal fluctuation."

The assistant's cold mechanical voice sounded, accompanied by a very weak "click" sound.

"Keep sending until the signal comes back!"

Fang Jing took a deep breath,

The shuttle was still trembling violently, time and space were disrupted here, and the invincible atomic clock also lost its due function under the huge gravity.

Simply put,

It’s just that Fang Jing can’t determine the time anymore!

Electronic clocks, quartz watches, atomic clocks, and even cosmic background diffraction clocks lose their function here.

It seems that there is no concept of time here,

Fang Jing didn't know how much time had passed, or how long the asthma had occurred.

When a strange light shines into the cab through the porthole,

Cooper finally wakes up!

"We, where have we been?"

Cooper covered his head. He felt very bad now, as if his brain was shaken.

"I don't know. We have lost our perception of space and time. The huge gravity makes everything no longer valid. This is unusual. This phenomenon does not happen with ordinary black holes."

Fang Jing's face was grim,

Time and space fail here, which means they are very close to the singularity.

at the same time,

It’s also very close to “them”!

"Assistant, activate the instruments that can be activated and read the gravity data nearby. We should be very close!"

"Assistant...is executing..."

The artificial intelligence assistant responded immediately, but this time, there seemed to be no prompt tone?


Fang Jing's eyes suddenly widened when he noticed something unusual.

"What's wrong, Captain?"

Cooper noticed something strange about Fang Jing and immediately asked in a low voice.

"It's okay, let's continue reading the singularity data!"

Fang Jing took a deep breath and smiled.

When something unexpected happens to artificial intelligence,

He knows,

"They" are really here!

The shuttle was extremely quiet except for the constant vibrations of the instruments and hull.

The assistant's cold mechanical voice kept ringing,

Every time he said a number, the deformed computer in Fang Jing's body accurately recorded a number.

Until a long, long time later,

Fang Jing didn't know how much time had passed. He only knew that the data in the computer had reached the level of hundreds of billions of bits.

"...Singularity gravity data reading is completed."


At a certain moment, the assistant's faint voice sounded,

The data for Singularity is finally complete!

"Who are you and why are you helping us?"

At this time, even Cooper could tell that something was wrong with his assistant.

This artificial intelligence has always been cold, but when it was reading the numbers, there was a clear feeling of impatience in the middle section!


After the incident was over, he could no longer bear the questions in his mind.

Are the people helping them Fang Jing's kindred spirits, or something else?

Hearing Cooper's question,

Fang Jing immediately gave him a thumbs up!

The timing is just right!


After Cooper asked,

The entire space, including the vibrating shuttle, suddenly became quiet, as if the entire space and time had stagnated!

"You don't have to know who they are, you just need to know that 'they' are here to help you."

The assistant's faint voice sounded,

It already acquiesces to the existence of "them".

"Do 'they' have anything to say to us?"

Fang Jing stopped pretending at this time and asked loudly.

He wanted to know,

In the interstellar world, what will happen because of the intervention of this universe!

According to the original movie,

What Cooper heard was that "they" who helped him obtain the singularity data were humans from the future.

But with the arrival of Fang Jing,

What changes will there be?

"Not to you, but I have something to say to you. Get ready. 'They' have already unfolded the four-dimensional space."

After the assistant's voice sounded, it disappeared completely.

And what about Fang Jing and Cooper?

But his eyes went dark.

When he opened his eyes again, he had come to a pitch-black space.

"Where is this?"

"Buzz buzz buzz——"

In the eternal darkness,

a string with dazzling light suddenly appeared. This string, like a dividing line, divided the whole world into two halves.

Then, in the center of the string,

a huge ball of light appeared!

The ball of light continued to expand, and more and more strings were ejected.

So, in front of Fang Jing and Cooper,

strings gathered together to form a densely packed square world full of vertical lines.

Until seeing this scene,

Fang Jing was sure that

he had followed Cooper to the unfolded four-dimensional space!

"Go and have a look. Many answers can be revealed here."

This time the voice was not from an assistant, but from a person.

The voice was very ethereal. It first came from the top of the snowy plateau. And to Fang Jing's surprise, the voice sounded very familiar to him.

There was a hint of calmness and... familiar kindness and love.

Remembering this familiar feeling, Fang Jing didn't have time to think about it. The voice was fleeting and disappeared without a trace. His most urgent task now was to see the so-called "answer"!

Fang Jing activated the nozzle on the mimic armor,

and came to a nearby block world composed of strings.

Through the dense strings,

he saw a picture that made his pupils shrink suddenly!

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