Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 540 Hey, something weird happened again?

Fang Jing's consciousness appeared in that familiar dark space,

In the distance, on the machine glowing with green light, two veins were clearly displayed.

But this time, unexpectedly,

On that gray-black vein, there was just a gray white spot.


It is in a state that cannot be opened and contacted!

"Can't be turned on?"

Fang Jing frowned, a little confused,

He could feel that the space door to the interstellar world could be opened.

However, the new world on the gray and black main line shows that it cannot be opened?

This is strange!

No, since the main meridians cannot be opened, what about the branch meridians?

Fang Jing seemed to realize something. He turned his head suddenly, his eyes fixed on the silvery-white branch vein.

On the silver branches, the new world is still gray,

Not turned on either?

This scene is really strange!

"Perhaps, the singularity data is the way to crack it!"

Fang Jing thought for a moment, opened his eyes wide, and already had an idea in his mind.

Therefore, without hesitation, he controlled his consciousness and came to the machine. He slowly stretched out his hand and placed it on the machine input device.

No matter what happens to this machine after inputting the singularity data,

It's better than the current situation where there is no new world to open!

"Didi didi——"

So, Fang Jing stretched out his finger without hesitation and started inputting step by step according to the data in his memory.

Just when Fang Jing entered the singular point data,

outside world,

Horos looked at the black hole singularity data read from the mimic armor, frowned, and posed several times. Finally, he took a deep breath of cold air, his eyes widened, and he affirmed:

"This is not just data about the black hole singularity!"


Mr. Zhu raised his eyebrows and said with some doubts:

"What does more than mean?"

"Mr. Zhu, the singularity data will end when it reaches the thousand-digit level. If it really reaches hundreds of billions of digits, Cooper would not be able to finish the original "Interstellar" even if his hands were broken!"

Horos touched his chin, thought seriously for a moment, and twitched the corners of his mouth:

"This is too much data. Can Murphy remember hundreds of billions of data with just a watch?"

If she had a watch that could memorize hundreds of billions of digits of data,

So what if he, Horus, walks upside down from now on and treats him as a strange creature? !

"You mean, there is another reason behind the data?"

Mr. Zhu understood what Horos meant.

"Maybe... it's some kind of activation code for the machine in Fang Jing's consciousness!"

Horos's eyes lit up,

This could be huge!

Because this string of data will eventually be entered into that machine!

"It's possible. Fang Jing is probably inputting that string of data now. Let's just wait for the results!"

Mr. Zhu also thinks this is possible.

This string of hundreds of billions of extra bits of data besides the singularity data is most likely some kind of startup program.

It seems that

That machine will change a lot next.

Maybe, another branch will be opened!

Hundreds of billions of bits of data,

Fang Jing could only say that his hands were almost calloused!

After enduring the boredom and boredom and spending an unknown amount of time, I finally entered all the data into the machine.

"Buzz buzz-"

At the moment the input is completed,

In an instant, a dazzling light occupied Fang Jing's entire sight.

So dazzling!

Blocking the light with his elbow, Fang Jing reluctantly opened his eyes.

at this time,

The light surrounding the miracle towering above the pitch-black space suddenly changed, turning into a dazzling silvery white color, and the faint light green that originally appeared in it was completely swept away.


The silver-white branch vein, which was originally gray, turned silver-white.

This situation is very familiar!

"This is... a new world that has not yet been opened. In other words, after inputting this string of singularity data, the world traveled through has been cut from the main vein to a branch?"

Fang Jing's eyes widened,

He remembered clearly that the silver-white branches were produced by absorbing the energy of the Universe Emperor and Yuanshi Tianzun in the Transformers world.

At that time, many experts and scholars felt that the new world of this branch might be very extraordinary.


The world you travel through will change from the main vein to the branch veins.

Fang Jing suddenly became a little nervous.

If this was some kind of science fiction world, with the equipment he carried, even if he couldn't kill randomly, he could at least save his life.

But that is the world of the main line,

What if the world of the branch is a ghost world?

Let him fight Transformers against Kayako?

This major is not right for you!


At this moment, Fang Jing had to admit that he was a little panicked!

Who knows what kind of new world this silver-white branch will open!


Fang Jing has adapted to the dazzling silver-white light,

After he moved his blocking elbow, the scene on the branch came into view.

Just like when the main line appeared and wandered around the earth world,

A silver-white dot hangs impressively under the silver-white line.

"Let me see what kind of world you are in!"

Fang Jing gritted his teeth.

He didn't hesitate anymore, his consciousness extended directly and touched the silver-white point.

But to Fang Jing’s expectation,

The familiar prompts did not appear around him,

He just stayed quietly in front of the machine and waited for a quarter of an hour!

A flock of crows flew by...

"Really no prompts?"

Fang Jing frowned,

This is too strange, why is today's event so abnormal!


Fang Jing, who was carefully recalling his past experiences, suddenly came to his senses at this moment,

It seems, it seems, probably, when he crossed the first world of the main vein and wandered around the earth, there was no prompt either?

Could this be the reason?

"That should be it!"

Fang Jing figured it out, and suddenly complained in his heart,

Do you have to be so fair?

What about the main vein? Do you need your branch vein to be exactly the same?

If you do this,

I'm scared!

Who knows what will happen in the first world of the branch vein!

Fang Jing stayed in the consciousness space for a long time, poking and touching left and right, but there was still no prompt in the first world of the silver-white branch.

On the contrary, it might be because the singularity data input was completed.

The only clear input area that finally appeared on the blurred machine body became blurred again.

All this,

seemed to go back to the time when Fang Jing first traveled to the Wandering Earth!

"If this goes on, the expert group's hair will fall out again."

After testing left and right, Fang Jing finally confirmed that there was no prompt and accepted his fate.


Anyway, he was not the one who worried the most in the end!

The Fang Jing you thought of: Anxiety, panic, and worry because of the lack of prompts.

The Fang Jing in timing: What, what are you worried about? These things are all under the management of the logistics department! All the troubles are left to his external brain to solve!

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