Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 545 Smile, I am the sun!

Fang Jing was lying in the transparent cabin and could clearly see Zhou Yuan, Tianhuo and Horos outside.


He could also hear a clear "buzzing" sound,

The sound was very similar to the sound he had heard of a large amount of current flowing through the device when it was turned on.

The sound of electricity was like the sword of Damocles floating above his head,

The sound was not harsh, but it could make Fang Jing feel nervous involuntarily.

Time seems to be moving very slowly at this moment,

I don’t know how long I’ve been waiting.

Until Tianhuo nodded his head at him,

Then the hatch suddenly opened,


The hatch is open? ? ?

"The conversion has been completed, the process was smooth, and there were no abnormalities."

Tianhuo breathed out, smiled and stretched out his hand towards Fang Jing.

"Wait, the transformation has been completed?"

Fang Jing's eyes widened, and the person holding Tianhuo was pulled out of the cabin directly by him.

No, I haven’t felt anything yet. Is this the end?

This sense of experience,

That’s awesome!

"Oh, this is transformation. Only when you have feelings will you be done with it!"

Tianhuo rolled his eyes, patted Fang Jing's shoulder, pinched his face, and even opened his lips to look at his teeth.

"Okay, don't push yourself too far!"

Fang Jing let him look at him for a long time, and finally the guy wanted to scrape his teeth and collect materials.

Rolling his eyes, Fang Jing waved his hand and opened Tianhuo's hand.

"Hey, let's have a good experience!"

Tianhuo's robot hand was slapped away. He was also a thick-skinned man. When what happened just now didn't happen, he said with a mysterious face:

"Two-in-one, it's not just as simple as turning your body into energy, this process will also bring you many unexpected abilities."

Fang Jing listened to this.

And he felt it deeply.

At this moment, Fang Jing, who had completed the transformation, felt a different kind of energy in his body.

This should be the transformation of Tianhuo, which is induced energy.

As long as this induced energy is activated, Fang Jing can complete the energy transformation in an instant.

"for example?"

Fang Jing raised his eyebrows and looked at Tianhuo with great interest.


Faced with Fang Jing's question, Tianhuo let out a small laugh, then turned his head and glanced at Zhou Yuan.

That look seemed to be beguiling something.

"For example...this!"

Zhou Yuan also understood it instantly, and with a fist, he rushed towards Fang Jing's abdomen.


Fang Jing's eyes widened.


Then, his neural responses enhanced by biotechnology, the intelligent system of the mimic armor in his body, and his biological brain-inserted crystal element immediately formed a circuit. The leader, Fang Jing, took a step back slightly.

He accurately dodged Zhou Yuan's sudden punch.

"Damn it, Brother Zhou, you're doing a sneak attack!"

Fang Jing exclaimed, then waved towards Zhou Yuan,

A strong wind appeared in the laboratory out of thin air,

This wind was extremely powerful in a small area. Zhou Yuan, who failed to make a sneak attack, was able to withstand all the force of the wind. He made a big spin in the air and was slapped against the wall with a confused look on his face!

The whole scene is extremely magical!

"What the hell is going on? This is not scientific anymore. Where did the wind come from?!"

After being slapped on the metal wall, leaving a personal mark, Zhou Yuan, who finally managed to pull himself off, looked back with a look of disbelief on his face.

He or something,

Tianhuo gave him a look, and he thought it was to test Fang Jing's ability.

The result was that he was treated as Fang Jing’s test!

And that wind, where the hell did it come from!

"Holy shit, what the hell is going on?"

Fang Jing was also frightened by himself.

Avoiding Zhou Yuan's surprise attack was due to the various defense systems in his body, but the counterattack...


Fang Jing just had a thought in his mind, it would be great if a gust of wind knocked Brother Zhou's troublesome person against the wall.


A gust of wind really came, and according to the idea, Zhou Yuan was slapped on the wall!

What is this? Getting the Sky Fire has gone so far that it has given me the power of thinking?

"This is actually very simple. It's not unscientific. It can be done in many ways."

Tianhuo shook his head and explained very eruditely:

"Take the mimic armor in your body. As long as it unfolds into a huge perturbator, it can create a wind of the same intensity; or it can release enough instantaneous heat to create a sufficient temperature difference here."

"And you who are able to convert energy rely on directly using energy to affect the flow of gas!"

"A person can energize himself. Under energy conservation, his own energy cannot do this at all. But you are different. You have a mimic armor in your body. There is a star source in the mimic armor, which is energy itself!"

That's right,

Tianhuo just has a BUG, ​​a big BUG!

Who said that only when Fang Jing spends those ten opportunities to energize his body can he experience the feeling of controlling energy?

As long as the transformation is completed, Fang Jing's body will have stellar source energy!

Even if Fang Jing wants to use the original star source energy, he must first use the Mimic Armor to convert it into various equipment. Then the star source will provide energy, convert the thermal energy into electrical energy, and then supply it to instruments or weapons.

But now, the prospect of completing the transformation is closely related to energy.

He can control the star source energy by himself!

Isn't this equivalent to Fang Jing having a sun inside his body? !

What a human-shaped golden crow!

"Ahem, but I have to remind you that your body limits the upper limit of your energy use."

Tianhuo explained a few words with shining eyes, and then reminded solemnly:

"If you encounter a big crisis, you still need to turn it into energy, so that you can fully release your means."

"Wait, that is to say?"

After Fang Jing finished listening, his eyes widened, and suddenly he realized something,

He kept repeating a thought in his mind,

Then, in the shocked eyes of Zhou Yuan who had just run back,

Fang Jing's toes were actually two inches off the ground, and he actually floated up directly like this!

No equipment was borrowed!

"Fuck, it's so cool!"

Zhou Yuan's eyes almost popped out when he saw this scene.

It turns out that it can be done this way!

"Get familiar with it slowly, the most important thing is to learn how to control it, which requires you to practice continuously."

Tianhuo smiled lightly at Fang Jing who had already started the experiment excitedly.

This technique,

actually, is not that amazing.

It all depends on who is transforming.

If it is an ordinary person, it can only be energized, and it is impossible to have the ability to destroy the world, because the total amount of energy of the opponent is very small;

But Fang Jing is completely different.

The energy of the entire star is compressed and directly stuffed into his body!


he can drive it at will!


is the incarnation of the sun,


he who is energized, in a sense, is the sun!

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