Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 557 Thomas's Ambition

Fang Jing doesn’t know the situation on the Lewis and Clark spacecraft yet.

At this moment he has sailed away from Neptune and entered outer space,

His target is an asteroid far, far away,

Originally, the Mimic Armor was able to open the space door and send him directly to the earth.

But this is near Neptune, next to the subspace crack!

Although the cracks have been closed,

But who can be sure that the movement of opening the space door will stimulate the crack?

So Fang Jing did not use the space bridge technology directly, but chose to fly honestly,

Fly farther, farther!

Until Neptune behind him turned into a small dot,

Then he took a deep breath.

"It should be safe now, enter the asteroid and prepare to go back!"

Now, he is far enough away from Neptune. According to the calculations of the intelligent system, even if the star-level battleship starts the transition here, the folded space wave will not be able to touch Neptune at all.

In other words, open the space door here, it's safe!

Thinking like this, he drove himself and leaned against the asteroid, which was about the size of Earth's Sichuan Province. He closed his eyes and let his consciousness activate the machine.


In an instant, he disappeared from the spot!

In the disinfection room No. 9 of this universe, Fang Jing's figure immediately appeared,

At this moment when he returned to this universe, Fang Jing rolled his eyes, and a familiar feeling came to his heart.

Then, he tilted his head and fainted on the spot!

The mimic armor wrapped around his body instantly transformed into a medical cabin, wrapping it tightly.

It was also at this moment that Zhou Yuan, wearing a suit of armor, rushed forward with his team.

Among this group of people were Sun Wang, a health worker, and Li Tianming, who was holding a pancake-shaped detector.

"Fang Jing is back, and the data shows that he is in good health."

"Warning, a large number of strange radio waves have been detected, and the radio wave signal is strong!"

"Seal this place with radio wave isolation materials!"


After checking to confirm that Fang Jing was in good health, Zhou Yuan frowned, but felt very uneasy.

In the past, after detecting that he was fine, he could basically be sure that Fang Jing was in good condition.

But now it's completely different,

Just because the body is fine does not mean that the spirit and consciousness are fine!

And what happened was that Fang Jing fainted the moment he came back.

This makes it even more difficult to judge the state of his consciousness!

Moreover, looking at the strange radio signal on Fang Jing's body that was so strong that the detector almost exploded, it didn't look like he was conscious!

"What's going on with the radio wave data now?"

After a few seconds, Zhou Yuan asked again.

"It has changed. It has become more intense. It is speculated that the situation has become serious."

Li Tianming kept his eyes on the detector readings. After Zhou Yuan asked, his tone became a little solemn.

"Is there any risk of leakage?"

Zhou Yuan took a deep breath and continued to ask.

"The No. 9 disinfection room has been completely sealed off after the last abnormal radio wave was detected. This kind of radio wave is very strange and can penetrate the metal layer, but cannot penetrate the space film. There is no risk of leakage for the time being."

Next to him, Horos, who was also wearing protective armor, looked at the many detector data in the sterilization room and answered in the affirmative.

"Well, let's wait for Fang Jing to wake up for now. Anyone who feels abnormal during this period must report it immediately!"

Zhou Yuan nodded and ordered loudly, his eyes becoming more solemn than ever before.


The members of the action team immediately responded loudly.

The members who can join the 237 Project Action Team are all those who are selected from a million and have a strong will.

They obey the orders, stay in their positions loyally, and carry out their mission!


There are also a large number of scholars behind them,

Under multiple guarantees, if there is any problem, the monitoring room will immediately detect the problem!

Just when Fang Jing returned to this universe and fell into a coma,

The surface world of a black hole,

In the geosynchronous orbit, in a large-scale sky dock with a precise structure, several people wearing extravehicular suits and using magnetic structures on their feet to stand firmly on the steel ground were lined up in a row, all with their heads held high. There was a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

In the dock,

A slender spaceship with a simple design and a tapered blade shape is being painted in gray and white. This spacecraft is very large, and its size is much larger than the combat warships currently in service in the military.

"Calculating the time, it has been 57 days since the Lewis and Clark spacecraft set off, right?"

Among this row of people, Wells, standing in the center, wearing a military-painted extravehicular suit, made a somewhat hoarse voice in the radio frequency band.

"It's already here. Dr. Will is on board. He is very familiar with the New Territory. I believe he will bring us back the data on the failed experiment of this spacecraft."

Next to Wells, Thomas, the spacecraft designer wearing a white Academy of Science-painted extravehicular suit, nodded, suddenly laughed as he spoke, and said with some anticipation:

"It would be best for him to bring that spacecraft back so that we can analyze it more clearly and gain experience."

“It would be nice to have data, but you can’t put all your eggs in one basket.”

Wells nodded and looked at the spaceship in the dock in front of him with some excitement.

The New Territory crashed seven years ago. Considering the impact of this incident on public opinion, they had to terminate this type of experiment.

But so long has passed,

Public opinion has long forgotten this matter. For the sake of the huge resources of extraterrestrial star systems, they must restart the experiment!

This New Frontier ship,

It is a super-light spacecraft equipped with an artificial black hole of the same size as the New Territory!

It was named New Frontier because it carries humanity’s expectations for exploring the boundaries of territory and the boundaries of the universe!

"Before the construction of this spaceship is about to be completed, there is also news about the New Territory, which has disappeared for seven years. All this is God's will. We will definitely complete the technology of faster-than-light navigation!"

Thomas echoed Wells twice, and his eyes even brightened when he mentioned super-light speed.

Although the core of this new Frontier spacecraft is based on Weir's previous design,

But the other parts of the spacecraft were all designed by him!

This spaceship also pinned his future in the Academy of Sciences!

No matter what, he must ensure the smooth progress of the experiment.

To this end, he even took the initiative to increase the power of the gravity-driven source instrument. The power of New Frontier even reached five times that of New Territory!

That is to say,

This spaceship can penetrate subspace faster and with a wider range!

Thomas thinks,

The reason why the New Territory failed must be because the power of the gravity drive source instrument was too low and failed to penetrate the boundary wall of the subspace on the other side. Therefore, the spacecraft was lost in the subspace for seven years.

So as long as there is more power, even if the boundary wall cannot be forcibly torn apart, you can still come back along the passage without getting lost in it!

The so-called flying bricks with great strength are like this!

This time, he will rely on greater power to successfully complete the faster-than-light voyage in one fell swoop!

Will: Okay, okay, Thomas, you did a great job!

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