Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 559 What is coming is thousands of scientific researchers

Fang Jing never expected that,

The first thing you see when you wake up is Will!

At this time, the two of them were almost face to face.

He could even see the severed nerves in Will's empty eye sockets, and smell the strong smell of burnt and blood on his body.

The feeling of waking up and being directly slapped in the face by this ghost is not pleasant!

Fang Jing simply hasn't released the "emotional blockade" mode yet.

At least,

He didn't do anything irrational because he was frightened.

Because he saw it,

This Will is definitely an illusion, an illusion that appears before his eyes!

On the undamaged New Territory, Fang Jing might not be able to detect the abnormality, but this place is already separated from the surface of the black hole by a universe, and this bewitching influence only remains visual.

According to the detection of the brain plug device, there is no one in front of Fang Jing!

"Fang Jing, you're awake. Is there anything unusual? Can you hear me?"

"No, Brother Zhou, the frequency of the strange radio waves on Fang Jing's body is getting higher and higher!"

"I'm going to shout twice to get others to pay attention!"


Just when Fang Jing looked at Will without changing his expression, wanting to see what this illusion was going to do, a series of rapid footsteps came, and Zhou Yuan rushed over.

His arrival seemed to break a certain balance. Phantom Will just glared at Fang Jing fiercely, and then disappeared directly.

"Fang Jing, Fang Jing, how do you feel?"

Zhou Yuan squatted in front of Fang Jing and shined a flashlight into his pupils.

Mydriasis is normal!

"I... have a problem. The space gate and the new world have been opened, but I can still see Will and immediately arrange for people to carry out the next steps!"

Taking a deep breath, Fang Jing could only rely on the technology of this universe to eliminate Will's illusion.

Otherwise, it will be troublesome in the future.

Even if Will is just an illusion and poses no threat to him,

But when he was sleeping, his eyes were half closed and half open, and when he opened them one time, Will suddenly rushed in front of him like an evil ghost.

Hey, don’t tell me, this is more refreshing than coffee or tea!


Zhou Yuan also focused his gaze, and immediately pushed Fang Jing, who was lying in the medical cabin, waved, and rushed directly towards the makeshift operating room in the corner of the No. 9 disinfection room.

On the way, Li Tianming and other members of the action team immediately rushed to help.

In addition, soldiers wearing anti-radio suits immediately rushed forward, holding special instruments to scan and inspect the location where Fang Jing originally stayed.

The atmosphere in the entire disinfection room was extremely serious!

Fang Jing was pushed into the operating room. After several rounds of disinfection,

Seven or eight researchers wearing protective suits came to him.

"First peel off the mimic armor and inspect the armor."

"Medical team, administer anesthesia, reshape Fang Jing's body, psychiatrist, prepare brain insertion equipment..."

According to the plan,

No matter what the situation is at this time,

He will be physically reshaped and scrutinized inside and out.

What's the overall feeling?

Fang Jing, who was anesthetized, didn't feel anything at all.

But when he regained consciousness, he felt like his body was "new"?

That feeling was just like when Fang Jing was synesthetically with the robot and the maintenance staff put some lubricant on the joints.

Got it!

Is brand new with no wear on the body!

Disinfection Room No. 9, a temporary conference room,

Mr. Zhu and others looked at the documents handed over by the psychiatry department with solemn expressions and turned over them several times.

"Fang Jing's body has completed the remodeling inspection. There is nothing abnormal in the body, but in his consciousness, we found some... things."

Horos frowned, and he looked at each other with Cyril and Skyfire.

The three people looked a little confused. This was a strange structure they had never seen before.

Today's universe, through the study of the goddess Aihua, has almost constructed the basic framework data of human consciousness.

When scanning and inspecting the scene,

They discovered a somewhat horrifying fact.

That means there are some more "things" in Fang Jing's consciousness!

That's right,

Compared with ordinary people, there are just a few more things!

If we use computer data to speak of it, Fang Jing's computer's startup system was filled with a string of virus data streams!

"Can you peel it off? Will this affect other people?"

After reading the report, Mr. Zhu's eyes sharpened and he paid special attention.

"With our current technology, we have just built the consciousness framework. It may be difficult to peel it off;"

Horos thought for a few seconds, shook his head, but finally added:

"But what we can be sure of is that it has no impact on other people."

"The strange radio waves on the mimic armor had an impact on others, but we eliminated it. From this, we speculate that the impact on the surface world of the black hole is transmitted through objects in contact with the chaotic subspace."

"People are the next best thing."

"Well, I understand the general situation."

After listening, Mr. Zhu nodded heavily.

After tapping his fingers and closing his eyes for two seconds, he suddenly opened his eyes and said in a low voice:

"The world space door on the surface of the black hole will not be opened for the time being. The other projects of the scientific research team of the 237 Project can be put aside and the priority is to conquer this thing that is intruding Fang Jing!"

Fang Jing is the center of the entire 237 plan.

How can the center of the plan continue to explore with hidden dangers in mind!

So Mr. Zhu had sharp eyes and directly adopted his traditional skills and mastered them all!

The entire 237 plan and other projects were temporarily suspended. Regardless of whether they were professional or not, the special police at the door sneaked in to give me suggestions and solutions.

No matter if this solution works or not,

Just make plans,

As for the verification issue, leave it to others!

What if the blind cat encounters a dead mouse in the big waves outside the profession?

In addition to their majors, all scientists are mobilized to devote themselves to researching key problems.

With such a two-pronged approach both internally and externally, Mr. Zhu still didn’t believe that 237 had all the manpower and material resources in the plan.

This thing can't be solved yet!


Zhao Guangyao from the monitoring room also responded immediately.

The members of the expert team present, including Horos, Skyfire, Optimus Prime and others, did not have any opinions.

The order has been given,

All they have to do is execute!


That’s a square scene!

Strictly speaking, the entire 237 plan revolves around the magical abilities he acquired!

How could Plan 237 allow anything to happen to him?

Therefore, even the scientists who did not know the specific situation in the disinfection room No. 9, heard that it was for Fang Jing's safety, and they agreed very much.

It can be said that

The response from the scientists of the entire 237 Project was as endless as a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

The reason is simple,

Something happened? Fang Jing?

Let’s not talk about Base 2 Ha. They are already very familiar with Fang Jing’s problems.

To be realistic, if something happens to Fang Jing, where will they go to study the weird parallel universe technology in the future?

This alone is enough!

Mr. Zhu stretched out his hand and waved,

Coming soon are tens of thousands of scientific researchers from all walks of life!

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