Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 561: Revitalized Confrontation

Beyond Gu Nie’s expectation,

In the fragments of the mimic armor, the energy that maintains immunity from being invaded by the radio waves is actually fire energy!

That is the core of the mimetic armor's deformed metal!

"Quickly, ask the people from the Logistics Department to mobilize the fire source permission for us and enter the Pipeline Materials Station No. 67!"

Gu Nie realized that he had discovered something extraordinary. He acted quickly and immediately asked his assistant to arrange it.

"Holy crap, it's really working!"

"Quick, the building materials department also wants some fragments of the Mimic Armor. We can't let them get the upper hand!"

"The experimental environment is ready, and the oscilloscope and electron microscope bands are ready!"


The moment I saw this result,

Everyone in the entire Materials Institute was excited!

They really got hit by it!

Who would have thought that a group of people engaged in materials science would develop a method to suppress foreign matter in the conscious body? !

"The application has been approved and the energy has arrived."

After hearing this pleasant sound, Gu Nie came to the remote console excitedly, took a deep breath, and held the controller with trembling hands.

If this research is completed,

With their laboratory, it is possible to get more resources and more cutting-edge research projects!

"bring it on!"

He suppressed the tension in his heart, and he was quite experienced.

Carefully manipulate the energy tube and pour the energy from the fire source into this small metal fragment.

under the microscope,

The moment the fire source particle energy entered the inside of the small metal fragment, it quickly spread out like a wave.

The metal fragments are not transformed into Transformers, because they are originally fragments of artificial Transformers "mimicry"!

"Contact, contact!"

Under the gaze of Gu Nie's glaring eyes,

The fire source particles swinging within the fragment structure soon came into contact with the invading radio waves like tarsal maggots.

The moment of contact,

The radio wave shook violently, as if it had encountered a natural enemy, and the "territory" it had firmly occupied suddenly shrank rapidly!

The fire source energy seems to be naturally repellent to intruding radio waves.

If the opponent retreats a little, the fire source energy will immediately chase them.

Seeing this scene, Gu Nie felt suddenly happy.

"This is it! The fire source energy has some resistance to this kind of radio wave. This is what we are looking for!"

Taking advantage of this resistance,

Maybe we can drive out the "invading radio waves" entrenched in Fang Jing's consciousness!

"Assistant, send the research report to Mr. Zhu, and then apply for animal experiments. We need to verify the feasibility immediately!"

Gu Nie’s eyes were bright,

He seemed to see himself approaching the core area of ​​the Project 237 Research Institute!

With this contribution,

That's enough!

He, a second-tier research institute in materials science, may have access to first-tier materials in the parallel world in the future!

"Okay, the application has been submitted and is waiting for review... After the review, the experimental rats and primates have been placed in the designated area, please check!"

9 In the temporary command room in the disinfection room,

Zhu Lao's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the submitted materials.

The fire source energy actually has this effect! !

So far, this is the seventh method that can be effective in dispelling intrusive consciousness!

Project 237, with tens of thousands of people working together, uses the most cutting-edge technology in the universe.

Mr. Zhu doesn't believe it. This can't be solved?

Can you handle my move of saturated scientific research? !

"Can the energy of the fire source dispel that thing?"

A few days later, the news reached Optimus Prime,

He was immediately stunned.

What's going on, the fire source energy still has this effect?

"We now call that thing an erosion body."

Horos nodded somewhat decadently and said rather unwillingly:

"A group of materials scientists got lucky. A blind cat encountered a dead mouse, and accidentally got a few fragments near the energy core of the mimic armor, and accidentally discovered this phenomenon."

"Where are the experimental results?"

Optimus Prime's eyes lit up and he asked quickly.

This is an opportunity to grow up, and it is indeed my Cybertron Technology!

"Many primate experiments have achieved the desired results. I don't know why, but the erosion body seems to be very repulsive to the energy of the fire source."

Horos frowned.

He was very angry at this corrosive body that could make people confused and corrupted.

Because these things are not traceable like normal organisms, but are full of chaos and disorder, which often makes it impossible for him to start.


Optimus Prime's mechanical pupils shining with blue light brightened slightly, and he said with some uncertainty:

"Horos, I have some guesses!"

"Oh? Tell me?"

There was no idea anyway. Horos turned his head, hoping that the other party would bring him different ideas.

"Before I tell you my guess, I want to ask you, where is the source of this erosion body?"

The more Optimus Prime thought about it, the more certain he became, and his smile became more confident when he spoke.

"The eroded body mixed into Fang Jing's consciousness came from the New Territory spacecraft, and the New Territory spacecraft came to life after entering subspace, so looking at its source, the eroded body actually came from subspace. !”

Horos answered smoothly,

He already knows enough about the world on the surface of the black hole. The culprit that currently dares not even open the space door in this universe is the chaotic subspace that exists in it!

"By the way, Horos, my guess is definitely correct. I know why the fire source energy is resistant to erosion!"

Optimus laughed loudly after hearing Horos repeat what happened.


Horos' curiosity was aroused at this time. He looked at Optimus Prime, his heart was scratching like a cat, and he eagerly wanted to hear the answer.

"The key is activation!"

After giving up, Optimus Prime lowered his head, clenched his fists and said excitedly:

"The New Territory was originally just a steel spaceship, but after entering the mixed subspace, it came alive!"

"Come alive!"

After speaking, Optimus Prime pointed at the man-made Transformers that were carrying supplies in the sterilization room, and suddenly raised his voice and said:

"What is he?!"

"I remember that it was a car. After being filled with the energy of the fire source, it came alive...!?"

Horos was still confused when he heard Optimus Prime's words.

I almost thought Optimus Prime was speaking in Cybertronian dialect, until now,

He totally gets it!

This may be the reason why the source of fire is resistant to erosion!

fire source,

It can also activate metal inanimate objects!

Although the "activation" directions of the two are different, it may be precisely because of this difference that the fire source energy is resistant and repulsive to the subspace erosion body!

What's more, the activation of metal objects by fire source energy may also be a kind of "pollution"!

And this,

This is what this universe needs right now! ! !

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