In the biochemical laboratory,

Mr. Zhu was surprised by Fang Jing's arrival, and even more surprised by what he said.

Not only the fire energy, but also the Transformers series of energy are resistant to erosion? !

This is...the legendary Tianke?

"Test now!"

Anyway, in the laboratory, Mr. Zhu waved his hand and started testing directly!

Project 237 has been studying the energy of the Emperor of the Universe and Yuanshi Tianzun, and the priority is very high.

After all, this is energy that can affect the mysterious machine in Fang Jing's body!

Therefore, the laboratory has a lot of stock. Mr. Zhu just gave an order, and the energy was immediately mobilized.

on the test bench,

Skyfire acted as the operator, carefully introducing Unicron's energy into the container.

In a crystal jar,

As the white and somewhat gray energy poured in, the original fragments in the tank immediately began to vibrate crazily.

Under the microscope and detector,

In the crystal structure representing the fragments, a strange electric wave began to increase, and the original atomic structure was also changing.

"There have been changes! It's just..."

Tianhuo looked at the data desk, a flash of horror flashed in his eyes,

The moment Zhu Lao and others cast their gaze over, in the experimental platform, the vibration frequency of the fragments became louder and faster, reaching the extreme. Even the crystal jar made a "ding, ding, ding" sound. sound.

"not good!"

The incident happened suddenly, and Fang Jing had not yet reacted.

Tianhuo shouted, his face suddenly changed, and his hand was already on the control table.


On the experimental platform, a long-cylinder laser with a blue crystal cooling head was violently excited. The rays, which were hot to tens of millions of degrees, hit the top of the crystal tank ruthlessly and accurately. In an instant, the line was passed back and forth by the thick transparent wall of the crystal tank. Reflected, when they gather into the tank and hit the fragment sealed inside,

The fragments immediately turned into powder!

The miraculous thing is that the temperature of the entire crystal jar wall only maintained a normal temperature of 29 degrees Celsius, and there was no damage at all during the whole process!

There is a temperature difference of tens of millions of degrees between the inside and outside of the wall by just a few centimeters!

"What's going on?"

Mr. Zhu frowned and waited until Tianhuo finished dealing with it before he asked.

"Mr. Zhu, the energy of the Emperor of the Universe not only failed to suppress the corrosive body, but actually made it more active. The number of strange radio waves stimulated by it suddenly increased to a very terrifying level. I had no choice but to destroy it by force."

Tianhuo let out a breath and vacated the laboratory, feeling a little frightened.

Fortunately, he observed quickly enough,

If not, maybe the fragment would just "come alive" on the spot!

"Unicron's energy...well, let's continue the experiment."

Mr. Zhu frowned and moved his ears slightly, confirming a certain message. Then he nodded and waved, letting Tianhuo continue the experiment.

But the next experiment completely shocked everyone.

The energy extracted from the fragments of Yuanshi Tianzun directly completely eliminated the corroding body from the parasitic fragments!

Completely eradicate it!

After the silvery energy was poured into the crystal jar,

The erosion bodies in the fragments are like a mouse meeting a cat. If one cannot avoid it, it will be completely eliminated.

The Great Emperor of the Universe, Yuanshi Tianzun,

The two energies have completely different effects on the erosion body.

One is nourishment for growth, and the other is poison for destruction!

This is so interesting!

"According to the background of the Transformers world, the Emperor of the Universe and Yuanshi Tianzun were both created by the Supreme Emperor. One of them represents the turbid air of the universe, and the other represents the pure air of the universe. The two are mutually exclusive. Now it seems that this is very It might be true."

Seeing the results of the experiment, Mr. Zhu straightened his back and his eyes flashed with thought.

Others present listened thoughtfully.

The Emperor of the Universe was created from the "turbid air" of the universe, so he can become a nutrient for the growth of the corrosive body; and Yuanshi Tianzun was created from the "pure air" of the universe, so he can restrain the corrosive body?

Strictly speaking, Transformers are actually a race created by Yuanshi Tianzun.

The train of thought goes down like this,

It is completely reasonable that the fire source energy can resist corroding bodies!

Yes, that makes perfect sense!

"What do you think?"

Looking at the results of the experiment, Mr. Zhu hesitated for a while, then turned to look at the group of scientists beside him and asked for their opinions.

"Currently, this plan is the most feasible. Only the energy of Yuanshi Tianzun can directly remove the erosion body. I agree to continue the research."

Cyril thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

"no comment!"

Of course Tianhuo applauded with both hands.


In the end, Horos followed and nodded.

"Okay, then let's focus our research on this. I hope we can produce results soon, so as not to cause any trouble in the world on the surface of the black hole."

On Fang Jing's side, the erosion body can be suppressed and the problem will be solved sooner or later, so he is not too worried.

What he is really worried about is,

The world on the surface of a black hole!

Based on Mr. Zhu’s understanding of human beings,

Even if the New Territory fails and is postponed for a few years, it will definitely experiment with faster-than-light travel again.

And I am afraid that some scientists will do something like "get up from where they fell", and then drag their artificial black hole spacecraft to Neptune for experiments.

No doubt, this is inevitable!

Because this is the inertia of scientific experiments,

Repeated experiments verify the rules.

Originally, this is a good thing, but if it is placed on the surface world of the black hole, wouldn’t it be a disaster?

Who knows what you will bring back when you enter the chaotic subspace again!

The New Domain alone is haunting,

what if there is another one? !

"We will verify it quickly."

Tianhuo and others nodded heavily and immediately began busy experiments.


At the same time, on the surface world of the black hole,

Thoma, who was in the Earth Orbital Shipyard Space Station, suddenly sneezed loudly!

"Ah cut!"

He was drinking water, and was choked by this sudden sneeze and coughed. He wiped his mouth and cursed inwardly.

"Damn, the thermostat must have been set too low recently!"

He raised the temperature in the living cabin by a few degrees, put his head to the porthole, and looked at the New Frontier that was being built in the dock. An expectant smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


Just watching quietly, Thomas suddenly heard someone calling his name from behind.

"Letus, it's impolite to enter someone else's room without permission!"

Hearing this faint voice, he frowned and turned back with some displeasure.

Letus was his assistant and had the password to enter his room, but this did not mean that he could come in casually. You know, this is very impolite. He must teach this impolite and impetuous boy a lesson!

Just thinking this,

he turned his head and his pupils shrank suddenly in shock,

because behind him, in the whole room, there was a gap!

In the whole room,

he was the only one!

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