Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 565: Getting used to it

This universe, Mars node island, 9 good disinfection room rest area,

Fang Jing was humming a song and taking a bath.

Suddenly, a bloody hand stretched out from the shower above his head and grabbed his head fiercely.

All this was seen by Fang Jing, but he ignored it at all, rolled his eyes and continued to bathe.

It was also because of this that this strange scene appeared in the entire bathroom.

If an ordinary person had seen a bloody hand sticking out of the shower, he would have been so frightened that he cried to the ground.

But Fang Jing didn't bother to pay attention at all.

No need to guess, it must be Will again!

These days, Will keeps popping up from different places, trying to scare him.

At the beginning, Fang Jing would still be scared. It’s normal to be a little frightened by the strange face.

But over time, he got used to it!

"Hello, hello, you're here again!"

After taking a shower and drying his body, he even extended his right hand expressionlessly and held it with the hand stretched out from the shower, creating a harmonious and friendly meeting of the century and the universe.

After doing this somewhat silly action, Fang Jing put on his clothes and left with an indifferent expression.

Anyway, he can't do anything to me, and I can't do anything to him for the time being.

If that's the case, then let's do it.

He, Fang Jing, is not a person who is afraid of getting into trouble!


Fang Jing experienced the following scenes:

Walking on the corridor, Will rushed out from around the corner, trying to scare him, but Fang Jing's face was expressionless. On the contrary, Will looked embarrassed and kept picking his head.

Playing basketball with Zhou Yuan, Will suddenly appeared from the basketball and tried to scare him, but was swatted away by Fang Jing with an indifferent expression.

When they went to eat, Will suddenly popped out of the chicken leg and tried to scare him, but Fang Jing ate it without any care.

...There are so many scenes like this that Fang Jing is completely used to it!

In the disinfection room, Zhou Yuan was fiddling with a pair of glasses with an excited face. Seeing the expressionless Fang Jing, he waved and said excitedly:

"Fang Jing, look at this!"

"What is this?"

Fang Jing looked at these eyes, with a cold face, and finally became a little curious.

"It was designed by the Academy of Sciences to help us safely see the illusions you come into contact with. Because it blocks our consciousness, it will not affect us!"

After saying that, Zhou Yuan, Li Tianming, and Wu Xi put on the glasses directly.


Before Fang Jing had time to stop it, it had already happened.

Seeing the excitement on several people's faces, he rolled his eyes. What's so good about that idiot Will!

"Hey, why not?"

As a result, several people saw nothing.

"Colonel Fang, Mr. Zhu asked you to go to the laboratory."

At this moment, the assistant's voice sounded on the radio.

Fang Jing didn't care and led Zhou Yuan and others towards the laboratory.

The road to the laboratory is a long corridor. There are forks in the corridor. When the group of people reached the fork,

"Ah, go to hell!"

Will, covered in blood and with a hideous face, suddenly jumped out from the corner.

"Holy shit, what the hell is this!"

"Fang Jing, stand behind me!"

"If you dare to attack, you are seeking death!"

Zhou Yuan, Li Tianming, and Wu Xi were immediately startled and tried to protect Fang Jing.

As a result, Fang Jingli ignored everyone and passed by Will who jumped out to threaten him with an expressionless face.

A bunch of crows flew by "quacking\

,"The atmosphere at the scene was instantly awkward.

Zhou Yuan and the others froze on the spot, and it was very funny that Will remained frozen like that while still attacking.

It wasn't until he walked out of a large area that he turned around, rolled his eyes, opened his mouth and said impatiently:

"Let's go, why are you standing here, playing with that bastard Will?"

"Oh oh oh, let's go!"

Zhou Yuan and the other three looked at each other, took off their glasses decisively, and looked at Fang Jing with eyes filled with admiration.

It turns out that this is what Fang Jing usually sees! !

Fang Jing lay on the transformation table again,

Mr. Zhu came to him just to solve Will's matter.

Upon hearing what he said, Fang Jing excitedly agreed.

I can finally get rid of this damn thing!

Lying on the transformation table,

This time, what was in front of him was a more sophisticated instrument. He could only see the smooth surface of the exciter, and the surface that was so smooth that it could act as a mirror.

There were no restraints or even anesthesia needles. Researchers wearing chemical protective suits and isolation suits around the platform began busy preparations.

If that's all, then Fang Jing thinks it's okay.

But when he saw the researcher closest to him, he suddenly pulled out a 20-centimeter-long, sharp-edged, slender scalpel for vertebrae extraction from the operating panel, reflecting the cold light.

Fang Jing's eyes widened, and there was unsatisfactory sweat on his forehead.

"Hey, hey, is it really possible without anesthesia?"

Did you forget to inject anesthesia? Such a long scalpel!

"Don't worry, Colonel Fang Jing, this is a painless treatment. You only need to close your eyes and take a nap."

The researcher holding a twenty centimeter slender scalpel said something very unconvincing,

Then, Fang Jing looked at him, holding the handle of the knife in his hand, piercing the knife into a sealed silicone bag, and then took out a black particle about the size of a small fingernail.


This thing turned out to be unpacked!

This scene can be regarded as a heavy sigh of relief.

The researcher also carefully picked up the small black particle with tweezers, held up the tray, and slowly walked to Fang Jing.

"Colonel Fang, don't be afraid. This is the excitation particle made by the research team. The Qingyuan energy on it has been neutralized and is harmless to the human body. Please close your eyes and relax your body and mind."

While speaking, the researcher stuffed the black particle into the excitation device on Fang Jing's head, stretched out his hand and pulled it, aiming the excitation device at Fang Jing's forehead, and then he stepped back two steps.

Fang Jing listened, nodded, closed his eyes in cooperation, and slowly emptied his mind.


There was only a sound of electricity coming from his forehead.

Fang Jing, who closed his eyes, didn't know how long it had been, he just felt his body lighten,

There was a feeling of being purified all over his body, this feeling was similar to the original consciousness space, but in terms of degree, it was far less than that.

However, in comparison, this time the feeling is better in lasting!

This feeling of purification is not only physical, but also arises from the depths of the soul, making Fang Jing feel as if his whole body is soaked in mint. It is a kind of...soothing of the soul, and the place of soothing is the depths of the soul that humans have never touched before.

"Hiss, hiss, what is this, ah, what is this, why can it hurt me!"

After the soothing of the soul that made time stop, a terrified roar immediately sounded. This voice was full of exasperation and fear. It was very familiar. Fang Jing was sure that it was the damn "Will".

Strangely, Fang Jing closed his eyes at this time, but he could still see Will clearly.

Watching Will roar, scream, twist his body desperately, twist himself into a bloody piece of meat, and constantly shrink and break,

Until the end,

the flames on "him" that could never hurt him, raged and burned him to ashes completely!

In this way, everything returned to peace.

With the disappearance of Will, the cool and clear feeling in Fang Jing's body reached a peak.

Cool! Very refreshing!

This feeling lasted for a long, long time,

until it slowly disappeared, and then he heard a gentle female voice in his ears.

"Colonel Fang, the treatment is over!"

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