Arrange the space gate of the black hole surface world,

This is the final decision made by Mr. Zhu after careful consideration.

This is the first world of the branch, and this world must be very critical, just like the Wandering Earth world of the main vein has become the driving force of the rise of this universe. Taking this world will definitely help the future world!

The expert group has already speculated that perhaps the silver-white energy in the prompt of opening a new world is related to the black hole surface world.

This is not a dispute of will, but for the future!

The future of this universe!

Mr. Zhu slowly stood up from his seat, put his hand on the red communicator on the desk, and then pressed it without hesitation.

"Ding Ding Ding——"

The harsh sound rang throughout the underground part of Project 237.

Except for the soldiers on duty, the rest of the combat personnel, no matter what they were doing, immediately responded to the combat bell, stopped what they were doing, and rushed to the assembly preparation room.

In the preparation room, Pang Hai stood on the side of the gangway of a huge warship, grinned at his deputy, and said with a smile:

"I'm almost becoming Mr. Zhu's fire brigade. I'll rush to wherever there's a fire!"

"Old Pang, look at what you said, you are the sharpest weapon in Mr. Zhu's hand Sword!"

The deputy patted the shoulder of his comrade beside him, laughed loudly, and watched the ordnance adjutant and intelligence adjutant come up, and said:

"Everyone is here, get on board!"

"Okay, get on board!"

A trace of expectation flashed across Pang Hai's resolute face.

The members of their fleet were summoned back from the alien world a month ago, and a few days ago, all members completed the upgrade and transformation of the "anti-corrosion body".

It can be said that now they are warriors born to fight against the subspace erosion body on the surface of the black hole!

"Click, click, click!"

As many soldiers rushed into the preparation room,

the headlights that were originally turned off to maintain energy-saving mode instantly illuminated the entire space.

In the huge space, one black spaceship after another was neatly arranged. The spaceship's hull was slender and sharp, as cold as a sword out of its sheath. In the direction pointed by the bow, all enemies will be destroyed and annihilated by them!

The entire combat formation is streamlined, and all ships are for one purpose!

That is high-speed raid!

Raid, raid, and kill!

There are a total of 24 ships in such a combat squadron,

including 18 star-class battleships, a supernova flagship with a length of three kilometers, two streamlined destroyers, two reconnaissance and defense shield ships, and a supply ship.

"This is the rapid delivery force of Project 237. With such a fleet, plus a full set of anti-corrosion suits, we will crush everything!"

Pang Hai stood on the command platform of the spacecraft,

watching the captains of each ship taking their positions one after another, and the huge wall in front of him that was connected to the No. 9 disinfection room slowly opened, and he couldn't help but feel excited.

The deputy said something very well,

he, Pang Hai, is now the sharpest sword in the hands of Project 237,

all enemies will be eliminated by him!


"Isn't this a bit of a big deal?"

Looking at the huge fleet lying quietly behind the giant wall, Fang Jing's mouth twitched.

Wow, two destroyers were stuffed in.

No, the destroyers are still secondary. This supernova flagship is incredible!

As far as Fang Jing knows, the fission phaser alone can directly destroy all the matter in a star system and turn these substances back into chaotic atomic forms. This thing is simply a violent machine!

"I still think it's small. After all, the humans on the surface of the black hole are not simple. They have actually mastered the technology of superluminal speed, and their weapon systems are also very advanced. In addition to humans, the subspace should not be underestimated."

Horos beside him shook his head.

If it weren't for the fact that only the "anti-corrosion suit" could be equipped with so many soldiers during this period,

the members of their expert group would have wanted to stuff ten more fleets in!

"We may not encounter those ghosts in the subspace, right?"

Thinking of the lingering Will, Fang Jing swallowed his saliva and felt a little nervous.

"I think the probability of encountering it is very high. Didn't Will conduct repeated experiments when studying the gravity drive source instrument? Did he make a prototype and directly build a spaceship to match it?"

Holos shook his head, denying Fang Jing's fluke, and said seriously:

"This is impossible!"

"Perhaps, Will was affected by the subspace during a certain experiment, and then a series of things in the movie happened."

"And, Fang Jing, think carefully, will humans give up superluminal speed?"

"Or, did the original universe give up cracking the superluminal engine of the engineer's spaceship?"

"So, the world on the surface of the black hole is very likely..."

After hearing this, Fang Jing's heart skipped a beat, and he thought of a possibility.

"This is the worst case scenario. Will's colleagues are likely to be affected by the erosion body. I hope we are still in time."

Holos shook his head.

The expert group has actually made a prediction.

It is estimated that there are people on the earth of that world who have been bewitched and affected like Will.

Worst case scenario,

they have already built several ships similar to the New Territory!

"So we have to be quick, use lightning speed to clear out all the spacecraft around Neptune, and then go straight to the orbit of earth, fire, wood and earth, capture them first and then explain!"

"After taking it down, slowly check the corrosive body."

"Of course, it's not too late."

After Horos finished speaking, he shrugged.

"What if when we go there, the people there are under the influence of the erosion body and open subspace cracks in Jupiter, and many people on the earth have been bewitched by the erosion body?"

Fang Jing seemed to notice something, his mouth was a little dry, and he swallowed nervously.

"If this is the case, then we can only..."

Horos suddenly smiled at Fang Jing, and then said in a very soft voice:

"Physical exorcism!"

"Moreover, after all, two months have passed. The worst-case scenario predicted by the expert team is that the subspace cracks will open directly outside the earth. When we pass by, the entire earth has degenerated into a devil's cave, and there are no conscious people left. ”

"And by that time, it was obvious."

With a long sigh, Horos pointed at the location of the destroyer and supernova flagship.

Seeing these two types of warships, Fang Jing completely understood.

When it comes to extremely bad situations,

I'm afraid it's these two types of battleships that have brought a big cleansing to the solar system.

The kind where no grass grows.

"Don't worry, no matter it's the best or worst case scenario, we have a plan and our soldiers are ready."

After Horos said this, his eyes were full of confidence.

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