Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 57: From now on, I have the final say on this issue in East Asia!

Karl Thomas could not understand the scene in front of him.

Their great American stealth fighters were flying around like flies in the sky.

And they were decreasing their altitude madly on a large scale.


Until a plane fell from the sky, smashed into the sea, and turned into a ball of fire.

Karl suddenly woke up from his daze.

He turned his head in horror and anger, and asked his deputy loudly, almost roaring:

"What is going on!"

"What happened to our plane!"

The deputy also woke up at this time. He collected the information and ran to Karl in disbelief, with cold sweat on his back.

His face was horrified, his voice trembled, and he responded with fear:

"Captain, it's not just the plane, our ship, our ship..."

At this point, his voice choked, as if he thought of something, and shuddered suddenly.

"What happened to the ship, tell me!"

Karl Thomas grabbed the deputy's collar with both hands and roared.

"Captain, our ship, except for the propulsion system and elastic system, all other systems are destroyed!"

The deputy's eyes showed fear. He turned his head to look out the porthole, looking at the fighter planes falling all over the sky, and suddenly shrugged and smiled:

"Haha, we fell into a trap!"

"Captain, we fell into a trap. This is an ambush by the Chinese."

"The information officer speculated that we were hit by China's electromagnetic pulse weapons."

"Through hand gestures and flags, we got the news that the situation of each ship is similar to ours."

"All equipment containing electronic components on ships, planes, and submarines have been completely destroyed!"

"Our command system, no, even everything, is gone!"

After saying this, the deputy softened, as if he had used up all his strength after saying this.

Karl Thomas, who was holding his collar, also opened his mouth and put him down in astonishment.

He turned his head blankly and looked outside Cambridge, muttering:

"It's over, it's all over now!"

At the same time, on the USS Eisenhower, on the ship island, many soldiers were also panicked.

"What's going on? The computer is completely black and dead!"

"The command system is also disconnected, and the internal circuit of the radio station is burned through!"

"Radar, the radar is also black!"

"My electric toothbrush!!!"

"My MP3, all electronic equipment is destroyed?"

"It's an electromagnetic pulse weapon, we must have been hit by an electromagnetic pulse weapon!"


The news spread quickly among the soldiers.

After all, only the power unit and the catapult device are still alive on the entire aircraft carrier.

Other things with a little bit of electronic components were directly destroyed by one shot.

The flight control and radar of the fighter were destroyed.

The air defense system, firepower system, and even the guidance system of the vertical launch missile of the cruiser and destroyer are gone!

The aircraft carrier has directly become a moving target.

Cruisers and destroyers are now a joke.

As for submarines, the moment the oxygen generator was destroyed, they immediately chose to surface. Those with only electronic pumps became iron coffins!

Almost instantly, the entire US coalition fleet was beaten back to the communication level of World War I.


Not even as good as World War I.

After all, there was telegraph in World War I, and now even their telegraphs have been destroyed!

Their eyes were directly poked out by the Eastern power!

Modern warfare is a systematic confrontation and an information-based confrontation.

Electromagnetic pulse weapons are really a king bomb!

When he appeared.

This conflict has been declared over.

The United States, completely defeated!

In the command room of the Nanjiang, Wu Tong closely followed the changes of the enemy.

"Report to the captain, the kinetic bomb has been triggered, the electromagnetic pulse has been detected, and the strike effect is being judged!"

The information officer's voice was high and excited.

He stared at the information desk in front of him.

The electromagnetic pulse flashed and passed directly through their ship.


After being modified to resist electromagnetic pulses, they were not afraid at all. Instead, they faced the electromagnetic pulse and started to move forward directly!

"Release the drone--"

"Observed the picture, hahahaha!!"

The information officer saw the picture on the information desk in front of him and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Report to the captain, now the US fighter jets are like dumplings, all falling down!"

Without the flight control system, modern fighter jets are just little brothers and can't fly at all!

Now they are covered in electromagnetic pulses.

The US military is probably stupid!

"Hahaha, good!"

Wu Tong was overjoyed.

As the saying goes, take advantage of his illness to kill him!

He immediately gave an order and said decisively: "Order the entire fleet to maintain combat position and move forward!"

"In addition, release the drone to suppress the enemy's remaining firepower at low altitude!"

Wu Tong clenched his fists and looked into the distance, his eyes full of excitement.

The coalition fleet has been destroyed.

The three-service command post is not deceiving me!

This electromagnetic pulse weapon is really outrageous.

The US fighter jets, like they were free, were slamming into the sea.

It made the US fighter jets seem to have diving capabilities.

No, these are not the key points.

The most important thing is!

Wu Tong clearly realized that their chance had come!

If we don’t fight now, when will we fight?

All troops, attack!

“Beep beep!”

The rapid battle alarm sounded throughout the fleet.

The large force hiding behind the eight 055s immediately moved forward at full speed!

This position was actually to make way for the kinetic bombs.

When the electromagnetic pulse bombs were fired, they did not distinguish between friend and foe.

The eight 055s were all urgently modified to resist electromagnetic pulses, and they were responsible for resisting within 300 miles.

The others that were not modified only needed to wait for the opportunity to enter the field.

And now, the time has come!

Now, when the situation of the US fleet was sent to each captain in real time.

Seeing the arrogant US joint fleet become like this.

The entire fleet of the Eastern power, the captains of each ship, were green-eyed.

Oh my God, this is a walking military achievement!

And the loss is small, it is simply a free credit, and it is profitable to win!

So, the ships all rushed forward.

Even the 056 reached a speed of 26 knots.

You know, its maximum speed is only 25 knots.

This rush forced the potential of the ships out!

"Go, go, go!"

The entire Chinese Navy was so excited!

The blood was boiling!

Years of hatred, new hatred and old hatred, burned violently.

The mighty army rushed directly to the coalition fleet.

This time, I must let America see.

Dare to provoke me here?

It was the past, and now is now.

Watch me fight, and you will be finished if I don't crush you!

Are you still here in the joint fleet?

After I beat you up, I will immediately deal with your two bastards and let them know.

This lump in East Asia, this territory.

I have the final say!

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