The human fleet in the world on the surface of the black hole is not weak in attack capabilities.

The extent far exceeded Pang Hai's estimate. They even had weapons specifically designed to break energy shields.

If it were an ordinary fleet, you would really have to be careful when encountering them.

But unfortunately, the attack hit the supernova ship's defensive shield and didn't even cause a ripple.

What they face is,

The lowest is a star-level fleet of this universe!

However, what also troubles Pang Hai is the subspace crack lying on the outer edge of the earth's orbit!

The human fleet that launched the attack had a strong radio signal in its attack!

"Captain, according to detection, this kind of radio wave signal propagates at nearly the speed of light. When receiving this kind of radio wave, people's consciousness will be disordered!"

The intelligence adjutant quickly reported the battle situation.

In front of Pang Hai is a blue ship perspective, and now, on the energy shield that was hit by the bombardment, there is a long radio signal that has passed through the energy shield and has touched the ship body.

After a slight delay on the outside of the ship, the radio waves quickly bombarded the ship as if there was no one around.

"Didi didi..."

The bow position of the blue ship's perspective view immediately turned red. Pang Hai, who had been keeping an eye on the progress, his breathing became rapid and he ordered loudly:

"Attention all ships, corrosive energy has invaded the ship!"

"Contact warning!"


In just an instant, the radio waves had already rushed into the supernova battleship.

The radio waves spread wantonly, reflected by the inner wall of the ship, and covered the entire spacecraft almost at the same time as they entered the inner side of the ship.

It passed through the bulkhead, through the damage pipe, through the protective layer, and finally...

Directly "passed" through the bodies of the crew members in the synaesthesia cabin!

No, not worn,

From the perspective of the detector, this radio wave seems to be able to penetrate everything, but when it encounters the "lawful armor" on the warriors in the dormant chamber, it is like a mouse meeting a cat, or the stealth fighter fleet's response to radar waves low reflection,

It passed right by!


The "pseudo-clear source" energy that lit up on the lawful armor blocked all these radio waves!

"Captain, the radio wave has passed through Area 6. No comrades have any problems. Take precautions!"

"Report that area 7 is normal!"

"District 8 is normal!"


In the cab, after hearing the continuous news, the tight strings in Pang Hai's heart finally relaxed. He grinned with a hearty smile and looked at the local battleships that began to appear on the detector.

There are already hundreds of red marks!


The large number does not mean any problem. As long as they can withstand the erosion of subspace, these fleets are not a problem!

"Adjutant, always pay attention to the movements of corrosive bodies. Adjutant, the enemies have shown up. We have wasted enough time. Let's end the battle now!"

Captain Pang Hai looked at the subspace cracks depicted in the holographic projection and squinted his eyes.

Before this thing affects the crew and the interior of the earth,

It must be shut down immediately!

With the verification of the lawful armor and the ability of this universe to fight against the subspace suit ended, the war in the outer space of the earth has completely begun.

The 123 spaceships of the human planetary defense drag fleet versus the 24 spaceships of this universe's assault fleet!

War is about to break out!

The strength of both sides is really evenly matched!

Uh, okay, two seconds after the start of the war, the planetary defense drag fleet was directly destroyed 43 battleships,

The attack object is our old friend - space concussion bomb!

In other words, this is no longer a "bomb", but a shuttle that carries a "deflection angle" that is enough to shred any material entity in the universe. This collision angle theory is very simple. It uses a strong energy field to make the collision angle The matter existing in the space in front of the tip is permanently torn in all directions.

Pang Hai calls this weapon with a ramming angle a tearer.

Now, it's time for him to show his power!

"call out--"

A stream of light flashed past, and the light was very dazzling. It looked like an ordinary aurora pillar, but this thing has now become a killing machine in the eyes of the planetary defense patrol fleet.

Its attack method is very simple,

The deflection angle stood up and hit directly!

"What the hell is that!"

The captain of the World, with his eyes dripping with blood, was horrified as he "looked" at the beam of light passing between the ships.

That thing is very fast, close to the speed of light, and its impact method is always rampant.

Any ship hit by it will be strangled into two pieces!

What was even more incomprehensible to him was that while sailing at nearly the speed of light, it could actually turn around on the spot!

Turn around!

Speed ​​of light!


This is a completely unsolvable existence in the outer space battlefield of the earth.

It only needs to rely on its power and its deflection angle to directly hit the target.

The target will be destroyed directly!

How fast does light travel?

Three hundred thousand kilometers per second, the captain of the World possessed by the corrosive body could easily answer this answer, but when his ship was destroyed at this speed,

Even if the corroded body protects the body,

He was completely frightened and woke up!

When the captain of the World regained consciousness, his vision was dark, but he could hear the "di-di" sound that made him uneasy.

This is a special sound that will be heard after friendly forces in the ship's command system are destroyed. During the 15 years of the captain's service, he had almost never heard this sound.

But this time, what frightened him was,

This "didi" sound suddenly sounded like a special telegraph, ringing desperately!



The last beep sounded very long, so long that the captain of the World seemed to be dreaming, but the electronic sound was so clear, and his calm mind made a judgment based on the command system data.

The destruction prompt sounded 123 times!

Exactly 123 sounds!

There are a total of 124 warships in the fleet, which means that it is... his turn next!

"Return, Wells' order, crack, rush in, fight?"

In the mind of the captain of the World, everything that happened before came to mind.

He probably understood what he had done, and he probably knew that he was affected by some kind of positional object.

"Damn it, no matter who you are, you must close that damn crack!"

The captain of the World screamed in pain, reached out and fumbled to open the full-band communication. He struggled to speak a few words into the communicator, and then without any hesitation, he pulled out his beloved revolver from the holster he carried.

A ferocious expression appeared on his face. He opened his mouth to hold the muzzle of the gun, sneered twice, and pressed the trigger without hesitation.


Even if it means death,

The captain of the World must also die awake, instead of being controlled by that ghost.

He died inexplicably!

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